TIR is a Python module used to create test scripts for web interfaces. With it, you are able to easily create and execute test suites and test cases for any supported Totvs' web interface systems, such as Protheus Webapp.
- Protheus Webapp
Our documentation can be found here:
Our MindMap can be found here:
This project has a docs folder with Sphinx files.
Our create_docs.cmd script handles the installation of dependencies and creates the offline documentation on doc_files/build/html folder.
The installation is pretty simple. All you need as a requirement is Python 3.6 and a browser (Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome) installed in your system.
We provide a handy environment setup script named install_environment.cmd inside scripts folder that can install/upgrade Python 3.6, Mozilla Firefox and Visual Studio Code, using the Windows package manager called Chocolatey.
After cloning or downloading this repository and having your environment ready, double click on install_package.cmd.
OBS: Our installation scripts will install our package in the current active Python instance. If you're willing to use Python's virtual environment in your machine, please be sure that the virtual environment is active before installing our package.
The environment must be configured through a config.json file. You can find one to be used as a base in this repo. To select your file, you can either put it in your workspace or pass its path as a parameter of any of our classes' initialization.
Url: The URL that will run the tests.
Browser: Browser that will be used to run the tests.
Environment: Environment used to run the tests.
User: User that will be logged into the environment.
Password: Password to log on to the environment.
Language: Language to be considered in execution. Optional
DebugLog: Defines whether the run log will be displayed during tests. Optional
TimeOut: Time set to expire the test if it is reached. Optional
Headless: Defines whether the test will run with or without interface. Optional
#To use the config file in the same workspace directory
test_helper = Webapp()
#To use a custom path for your config.json
test_helper = Webapp("C:\PATH_HERE\config.json")
After the module is installed, you could just import it on your Test Case. See the following example:
# Import from our package the class you're going to use
from tir import Webapp
test_helper = Webapp()
test_helper.Setup('SIGAGCT','10/08/2017','T1','D MG 01 ','05')
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