Starred repositories
Machine learning-Stanford University
Contains the Course Material and Assignment Solutions for the Machine Learning Course at Stanford University on Coursera.
This repository contains the source codes for the paper ``Weighted Sum-Rate Maximization for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Wireless Networks'' in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communicat…
This is the code package related to the follow scientific article: Luca Sanguinetti, Alessio Zappone, Merouane Debbah 'Deep-Learning-Power-Allocation-in-Massive-MIMO' presented at the Asilomar Con…
Simulation code for the book “Optimal Resource Allocation in Coordinated Multi-Cell Systems” by Emil Björnson and Eduard Jorswieck, Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory, …
Matlab implementation of particle swarm optimization. Well documented with examples.
Resource allocation for underlay DSA Cognitive Radio networks using reinforcement learning (Q-Learning))
Simulation code for “Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces: Physics, Propagation, and Pathloss Modeling,” by Özgecan Özdogan, Emil Björnson, Erik G. Larsson, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, To appear.
Simulation code for "Enabling Large Intelligent Surfaces with Compressive Sensing and Deep Learning" by Abdelrahman Taha, Muhammad Alrabeiah, and Ahmed Alkhateeb, published in IEEE Access, March 2021.
Simulation code for the best paper award paper of EURASIP JWCN 2022: Y. Mao, B. Clerckx, and V.O.K. Li, "Rate-splitting multiple access for downlink communication systems: bridging, generalizing, a…
This code is for the paper Z. Wang, L. Liu, and S. Cui, "Channel estimation for intelligent reflecting surface assisted multiuser communications: framework, algorithms, and analysis," IEEE Trans. W…
Develop agent-based traffic management system by model-free reinforcement learning
The code for the paper "Simultaneously transmitting and reflecting surface (STARS) for terahertz communications" in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
MATLAB code for generating indoor visible light communication impulse response using ray-tracing algorithm
Implementation of basic reinforcement learning algorithms (Q-learning, SARSA, Policy iteration and Value Iteration) on benchmark RL MDPs (GridWorld, SmallWorld and CliffWorld)
Coursera's Machine Learning from Stanford.
Simulation Codes for Figure 3 in Reconfigurable-Intelligent-Surface Empowered Wireless Communications: Challenges and Opportunities
Matlab codes for paper 'K. -H. Ngo, N. T. Nguyen, T. Q. Dinh, T. -M. Hoang and M. Juntti, "Low-Latency and Secure Computation Offloading Assisted by Hybrid % Relay-Reflecting Intelligent Surface," …
Simulation code for "Achievable Rate Optimization for MIMO Systems with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces" by N. S. Perović, L.-N. Tran, M. Di Renzo, and M. F. Flanagan, IEEE Trans. Wireless Comm…
Used convex optimization to tune millimetre wave based wireless communication parameters. Replicated the IEEE paper "Multi-Beam Power Allocation for mmWave Communications under Random Blockage"
According to considering the delay or not for two scenarios, eMBB and URLLC service, observe the wireless resource allocation distribution
Supervised by Professor C. Patrick Yue, We developed this co-simulation platform for DCO-OFDM visible light communication LiFi transceiver systems with bit and energy allocation algorithm
This is a simple project of Visible Light Communication (VLC) based on Optical Wireless Communication with Matlab Books