A proof of concept webapp for Firefox OS based on the RATP Open Data (Paris Public Transports operator) and featuring a full client graph shortest path through the whole transport network (subway and bus).
TL;DR : RATP Open Data (GTFS) -> JSON graph -> Dijkstra with Priority Queue in JS -> Firefox OS webapp
You can try it here : http://www.rombdn.com/fxos-metrobusparis/demo2/
Firefox Market Place link : Metro Bus Paris Route Planning.
Source for the DATA transformation : https://github.com/rombdn/ratp-gtfs-to-json
External libs : Leaflet (map), Firefox OS Building Blocks, JQuery and Bootstrap (for autocompletion, didn't have time to implement my own)
(c) 2013 Romain BEAUDON This code may be freely distributed under the terms of the GPL3 Licence