Releases: romoxi/BobShop
Releases · romoxi/BobShop
- TOS and REV wikipages are included in the emails
- shop_product_detail.tpl > includes now field wikipageName instead von wikipage
- new function update_tracker_shop_orders_join > joins 2 orders; if a shopper have already a account, but is not logged in;
- with login > put some products in the cart
- some days later or another browser > no login > cart is empty > put some products in the cart > login > the old and new cart will be joined
- new field in order > memoryCode = user can save the order/cart > with this code anyone have access to the cart
- new functions: save_order, load_order_my_memoryCode, get_tracker_shop_order_number_by_memoryCode
- new field in config > memoryOrders = y for saving and loading orders is enabled
- new function get_tracker_shop_product_by_productId
- wikiplugin_bobshop_shop_article_detail.tpl is changed in wikiplugin_bobshop_shop_product_detail.tpl
- add_to_cart_button is only displayed, if the productId is available in the products tracker
- tracker products > wikipageName added
- tracker config > TOS and Revo-fields changed vom wikipage in textfield
- new tracker fields in bobshop_orders> orderBrowser, OrderIp, OrderCreated, OrderModified, noteUser, noteInternal
- bobshop_register.php redirect to alternate page disabled (loop!)
- new wiki setting: feature_alternate_registration_page: bobshop_register.php
- no_pic.gif added to templates wikiplugin_bobshop_shop.tpl and wikiplugin_bobshop_product_detail.tpl
- if shop is closed nothing will be displayed
- new tracker field in bobschop_config > productPicMissingPic
v1_2 (beta)
beta version