- Canada
- http://roscius.ca
Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
Associate users with roles and permissions
Mobile_Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets). It uses the User-Agent string combined with specific HTTP headers to detect the mobile environment.
Associate files with Eloquent models
The Laravel Boilerplate Project - https://laravel-boilerplate.com
PHP version of Google's phone number handling library
Easily build Eloquent queries from API requests
PHP Compatibility check for PHP_CodeSniffer
The source code of dashboard.spatie.be
This plugin reference elements from wp-admin in an overview with the necessary markup and CSS classes to help you to develop WordPress compliant.
Provides a powerful error response system for Laravel
Still not really a real thing. Also more of a pattern library.
Easily work with the Twitter Streaming API in a Laravel app
A middleware package for Laravel to enable server push for your script, style, and image assets.
Garethp / php-ews
Forked from jamesiarmes/php-ewsPHP Exchange Web Services
PHPUnit skeleton with built-in class autoloading and namespacing for your projects
Vinai / mageres
Forked from aleron75/mageresA list of useful Magento technical resources
Read XSD into PHP (see http://goetas.github.io/xsd-reader/)