inTRACKtive is an application for vizualizing cell tracking data in the browser. It is built on React, Zarr.js and Three.js. This project was built to explore light-sheet imaging data from Zebrahub, processed with Ultrack.
Cell tracking data comprises:
- Points are locations of identified cells within a timepoint. They are represented by a point cloud in the canvas.
- Tracks (aka Tracklets) connect points through time, and thus correspond to the lifespan of a single cell, excluding division and/or merging. A track may only contain one point per timepoint.
- Track lineage represents the relationships between tracklets, including ancestors (parents) and descendents (children) of a given track (cell).
In both code and documentation, "tracks" ends up being overloaded to mean both individual tracklets, as well as full track lineage. Likewise "cell" may refer to a point (a cell at one point in time) or a tracklet (a cell for its lifespan, not including splitting or merging). Sorry!