深度学习500问,以问答形式对常用的概率知识、线性代数、机器学习、深度学习、计算机视觉等热点问题进行阐述,以帮助自己及有需要的读者。 全书分为18个章节,50余万字。由于水平有限,书中不妥之处恳请广大读者批评指正。 未完待续............ 如有意合作,联系[email protected] 版权所有,违权必究 Tan 2018.06
Visualizer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models
OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,支持 Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google PaLM 2 & Gemini、智谱 ChatGLM、百度文心一言、讯飞星火认知、阿里通义千问、360 智脑以及腾讯混元,可用于二次分发管理 key,仅单可执行文件,已打包好 Docker 镜像,一键部署,开箱即用. OpenAI key management & redistributi…
Label Studio is a multi-type data labeling and annotation tool with standardized output format
GitHub do not ban us from open source world 🇮🇷
The aim for this project is to create the worlds best and hottest interface to interact with aria2. Very simple to use, just download and open index.html in any web browser.
Fay is an open-source digital human framework integrating language models and digital characters. It offers retail, assistant, and agent versions for diverse applications like virtual shopping guid…
Custom nodes that extend the capabilities of Comfyui
gchenfc / sci-hub-now
Forked from 0x01h/sci-hub-nowFree access to academic papers with just a single click! Abolish publishers, long live the open access movement! 🦅
Official implementation of "AnyDressing: Customizable Multi-Garment Virtual Dressing via Latent Diffusion Models"
Track 2: Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval