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Documentation for the Idris Language.

This manual has been prepared using ReStructured Text and the Sphinx Documentation Generator for future inclusion on Read The Docs.


To build the manual the following dependencies must be met. We assume that you have standard build automation tools already install i.e. make.


Python should be installed by default on most systems. Sphinx can be installed either through your hosts package manager or using pip/easy_install.

Note ReadTheDocs works with Sphinx v1.2.2. If you install a more recent version of sphinx then 'incorrectly' marked up documentation may get passed the build system of readthedocs and be ignored. In the past we had several code-blocks disappear because of that.

The ReadTheDocs theme can be installed using pip as follows:

pip install sphinx_rtd_theme


LaTeX can be install either using your systems package manager or direct from TeXLive.

Build Instructions

make html
make latexpdf


The documentation for Idris has been published under the Creative Commons CC0 License. As such to the extent possible under law, /The Idris Community/ has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Documentation for Idris.

More information concerning the CC0 can be found online at:

When contributing material to the manual please bear in mind that the work will be licensed as above.