- SAY HI: irc.freenode.net #octgn
- REPORT BUGS & Request Features: https://github.com/kellyelton/OCTGN/issues
- Create a github account (https://github.com/signup/free)
- Setup git locally (http://help.github.com/win-set-up-git/)
- Fork the repository (http://help.github.com/fork-a-repo/)
- Make your awesome change! (see HACK.md get a grip on the project)
- Request we pull it in (http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/)
- Get Visual Studio Express C# (http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/products/2010-editions/visual-csharp-express)
- Open the main project file under OCTGN/octgnFX/Octgn/OCTGN.sln with Visual Studio Express C#
- Do the greatness!
Note: This project is not included in the main project, because having it included makes it unable to be opened from express editions, and we want to keep the development process open to all. It requires the main project to be built so it can include the required assemblies.
- Get Visual Web Developer Express (http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/products/2010-editions/visual-web-developer-express)
- Open the subproject file under Webcontent/Webcontent.csproj with the web developer version of Visual Studio Express
- Important This project references two components from the main project, you will have to add them as references
- OCTGN\octgnFX\Skylabs.Lobby\bin\Debug\Skylabs.Lobby.dll
- OCTGN\octgnFX\Octgn\bin\Debug\Skylabs.LobbyServer.exe
- Do the greatness!
Octgn uses IronPython for its in-game scripting engine.
The python definitions go in PythonApi.py. You can call outside code with the following syntax: _api.function_name and it will call the corresponding function in ScriptApi.cs. For example, the following code found in PythonApi.py is the random function:
return _api.Random(min, max)```
It calls Random with a min and max value that is located in [ScriptApi.cs](https://github.com/kellyelton/OCTGN/blob/master/octgnFX/Octgn/Scripting/ScriptAPI.cs).
# octgnFX/CassiniDev
# octgnFX/ConsoleHelper
# octgnFX/Graphics
# octgnFX/Lib
# octgnFX/Octgn
# octgnFX/Octgn.Data
# octgnFX/Octgn.LobbyServer
# octgnFX/Octgn.Server
# octgnFX/Octgn.StandAloneServer
# octgnFX/Skylabs.Lobby
# octgnFX/Skylabs.MultiLogin
# octgnFX/Webcontent