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Building documentation

Specifying Files

To specify the source files for which to build documentation, modify INPUT and its related fields in docs/source.dox. Note that the INPUT paths are relative to the docs/ directory.

Install Dependencies


Install these dependencies:

  1. Install Doxygen
  2. Download the following zip files from xsltproc (Alternate download:, and extract the bin\ folder contents into any folder in your path.
  • iconv
  • libxml2
  • libxslt
  • zlib
  1. Download Boost
  2. Extract the compressed file contents to your (new) $BOOST_ROOT location.
  3. Open a command prompt or shell in the $BOOST_ROOT.
  4. ./bootstrap.bat
  5. (Optional, if you also plan to build rippled) ./bjam.exe --toolset=msvc-14.0 --build-type=complete variant=debug,release link=static runtime-link=static address-model=64 stage
  6. If it is not already there, add your $BOOST_ROOT to your environment $PATH.


  1. Install doxygen:
  • Use homebrew to install: brew install doxygen. The executable will be installed in /usr/local/bin which is already in your path.
  • Alternatively, install from here: doxygen. You'll then need to make doxygen available to your command line. You can do this by adding a symbolic link from /usr/local/bin to the doxygen executable. For example, $ ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/bin/doxygen
  1. Install Boost
  2. Extract the compressed file contents to your (new) $BOOST_ROOT location.
  3. Open a command prompt or shell in the $BOOST_ROOT.
  4. $ ./bootstrap.bat
  5. (Optional, if you also plan to build rippled) $ ./b2 toolset=clang threading=multi runtime-link=static link=static cxxflags="-stdlib=libc++" linkflags="-stdlib=libc++" adress-model=64
  6. If it is not already there, add your $BOOST_ROOT to your environment $PATH. This makes the b2 command available to the command line.
  7. That should be all that's required. In OS X 10.11, at least, libxml2 and libxslt come pre-installed.


  1. Install Docker
  2. Build Docker image. From the rippled root folder:
sudo docker build -t rippled-docs docs/

Setup project submodules

  1. Open a shell in your rippled root folder.
  2. git submodule init
  3. git submodule update docs/docca

Do it

Windows & MacOS

From the rippled root folder:

cd docs
./ && b2

The output will be in docs/html.


From the rippled root folder:

sudo docker run -v $PWD:/opt/rippled --rm rippled-docs

The output will be in docs/html.