- Requirements
- Reproducing the results in the paper
- 2.1. Finetuning NetGPT for Traffic Understanding Tasks
- 2.2. Finetuning NetGPT for Traffic Generation Tasks
- Data Preprocessing
- 3.1. Data Preprocessing for Model Pre-training
- 3.1.1. Converting traffic into a corpus
- 3.1.2. Processing the pre-trained corpus
- 3.2. Data Preprocessing for Traffic Understanding Tasks
- 3.3. Data Preprocessing for Traffic Generation Tasks
- Model Pre-training
- Citation
Python >= 3.6
CUDA: 11.4
torch >= 1.1
six >= 1.12.0
scapy == 2.4.4
numpy == 1.19.2
shutil, random, json, pickle, binascii, flowcontainer, argparse, packaging, tshark
You can fine-tune the model using pre-trained NetGPT model and processed dataset we provide (we will give the corresponding files below). In addition, we will give the details of data preprocessing and model pretraining later.
Note: this code is built upon UER-py. We sincerely appreciate the authors’ contributions.
You can reproduce the results of the understanding tasks using the provided processed dataset for understanding task.
python3 finetune/run_understanding.py --pretrained_model_path pretrained_model.bin \
--output_model_path models/finetuned_model.bin \
--vocab_path models/encryptd_vocab.txt \
--config_path models/gpt2/config.json \
--train_path finetune_dataset/train_dataset.tsv \
--dev_path finetune_dataset/valid_dataset.tsv \
--test_path finetune_dataset/test_dataset.tsv \
--epochs_num 10 \
--batch_size 32 \
--labels_num 2 \
--pooling mean
You can reproduce the results of the generation tasks using the provided processed dataset for generation task, note that don't need to set "labels_num".
python3 finetune/run_generation.py --pretrained_model_path pretrained_model.bin \
--output_model_path models/finetuned_model.bin \
--vocab_path models/encryptd_vocab.txt \
--config_path models/gpt2/config.json \
--train_path datasets/train_dataset.tsv \
--dev_path datasets/valid_dataset.tsv \
--test_path datasets/test_dataset.tsv \
--learning_rate 1e-5 \
--epochs_num 10 \
--batch_size 16 \
--pooling mean \
--seq_length 256 \
--tgt_seq_length 4
In order to pre-train the model, we first need to convert the traffic data into a corpus. Note you'll need to change the file paths and some configures at the top of the "main.py" file. Specifically, you need to
- set the variable pcap_path as the directory of PCAP data to be processed.
- set the variable word_dir and word_name as the storage directory of pre-training daraset.
- set the variable output_split_path and pcap_output_path. The pcap_output_path indicates the storage directory where the pcapng format of PCAP data is converted to pcap format. The output_split_path represents the storage directory for PCAP data slicing into session format.
Finally, you can gnerate pre-training corpus by following the completion of PCAP data processing.
python3 pre-process/main.py
python3 preprocess.py --corpus_path corpora/traffic.txt \
--vocab_path models/encryptd_vocab.txt \
--dataset_path distributed/dataset.pt \
--processes_num 8 \
--data_processor lm
python3 pre-process/input_generation_understanding.py --pcap_path "data/pcap/" \
--dataset_dir "data/understanding/datasets/" \
--class_num 17 \
--middle_save_path "data/understanding/result/" \
--random_seed 01
python3 pre-process/input_generation_generation.py --pcap_path "data/pcap/" \
--dataset_dir "data/generation/datasets/" \
--class_num 17 \
--middle_save_path "data/generation/result/" \
--random_seed 01
You can use NetGPT directly by downloading the pre-trained NetGPT model, or pre-training NetGPT on your own corpus.
python3 pretrain.py --dataset_path distributed/dataset.pt \
--vocab_path models/encryptd_vocab.txt \
--config_path models/gpt2/config.json \
--output_model_path pretrained_model.bin \
--world_size 8 \
--gpu_ranks 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 \
--learning_rate 1e-4 \
--data_processor lm \
--embedding word pos \
--remove_embedding_layernorm \
--encoder transformer \
--mask causal \
--layernorm_positioning pre \
--target lm \
title={Netgpt: Generative pretrained transformer for network traffic},
author={Meng, Xuying and Lin, Chungang and Wang, Yequan and Zhang, Yujun},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.09513},