- Main Menu
- Discovery
- Behavioral Analysis
- Sell-side Equity Research
- Fundamental Analysis
- Technical Analysis
- Due Diligence
- Prediction Techniques
- Reports
- Comparison Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Residual Analysis
- Portfolio Analysis
- Brokers
- Portfolio Optimization
- Economy
- Options
- Credit Analysis
- Cryptocurrencies
- Screener
- Forex
- Backtesting
- Resource Collection
- Government
- Top Losers (@didier) - PR #171
- ARK orders (@aia) - PR #140
- Analyse sectors/industry performance, overview and valuation from Finviz (@didier) - PR #315
- Add latest and trending news commands (@hinxx) - PR #347
- Add top ratings updates (@hinxx) - PR #357
- Add dark pool (ATS) data of tickers with growing trades activity (@didier) - PR #372
- Past and future IPOs calendar (@didier) - PR #432
- Short volume and dark pool short information (stockgrid) (@jmaslek) - [PR #496](OpenBB-finance#496
- Combine topdark onto darkshort cmd (@didier) - PR #505
- Add FinBrain sentiment from news (@didier) - PR #223
- Sentiment stats from Finnhub (@didier) - PR #433
- Implement a better Twitter client (@aia)
- Add Stocktwits (@aia)
- Add stockanalysis to research menu - PR #185
- Add logic to Equity pull data from Bank of America, Charles Schwab
- Rearrange FA menu to have AV and FMP as submenus (@didier) - PR #166
- Add Fundamental Analysis score (@didier) - PR #383
- Add Treasury Yield Curve data (@aia) - PR #281
- Add initial implementation of trendline analysis (@aia) - PR #173
- Add technical summary report provided by FinBrain (@didier) - PR #294
- Add recommendation based on technical indicators from Tradingview (@didier) - PR #301
- Add view of stock historical price with trendlines (support, resistance) by Finviz (@didier) - PR #317
- Add auto-recognition of major TA patterns (@didier) - PR #429
- Add dark pools (ATS) vs Non-ATS data over time (@didier) - PR #363
- Add failure to deliver command (@hinxx) - PR #366
- Ratings over time (@didier) - PR #431
- Add short volume from stockgrid (@jmaslek) - PR #496
- Add darkpos command (@didier) - PR #507
- Add several exponential smoothing techniques (@didier) - PR #132
- Allow backtesting (@didier) - PR #169
- Add averaging around multiple predictions (@didier) - PR #252
- CNN 1D (@jmaslek) - PR #436
- Combine Sentiment Analysis with Chart data - IS #240
- Cross-Validation methods (Forward Chaining, K-Fold, Group K-Fold) (@didier)
- Add Economy analysis report (@aia) - PR #205
- Expand Due Diligence report (@aia)
- Add multi-ticker comparison report (@aia)
- Add interest rate analysis to Economy report (@aia)
- Add a report for major business categories - growth vs value, cyclicals, small-cap vs large-caps (@aia)
- Add multi-ticker historical data comparison (@didier) - PR #141
- Add multi-ticker financials comparison (@didier) - PR #237
- Add multi-ticker sentiment comparison (@didier) - PR #250
- Get similar companies from Finviz based on Industry and Sector (and possibly country) from Finviz (@didier) - PR #323
- Output brief screen (overview, performance, financial, valuation) across similar companies (@didier) - PR #323
- Add command to take tickers to portfolio optimization (@jmaslek) - PR #329
- Summary statistics, cdf, histogram, box-whiskers, cusum, decompose (@didier) - PR #289
- Residuals analysis menu with histogram, qqplot, acf, hypothesis tests (e.g. Kurtosis, Jarques-Bera, ARCH, ADF) (@didier) - PR #292
- Add alpaca (@jmaslek) - PR #259
- Add robinhood (@jmaslek) - PR #229
- Add Ally Invest (@jmaslek) - PR #267
- Degiro support (@deel) - PR #381
- Degiro improvement (@Chavithra) - PR #445
- Brokers to be the old portfolio menu (@didier) - PR #505
- Refactor degiro menu onto a folder (@didier) - PR #505
- Merge data from different brokers
- Add more options around merged portfolios
- Add Brokers (td, webull, etc)
- Allow to go directly onto Portfolo Analysis
- Port to new Broker Menu
- Refactoring
- Summaries / tear sheets (potentially QuantStats)
- Add plots for
functions - Add more functionality for custom portfolio viewing (suggested XRay)
- Basic Optimization through PyPortFolioOpt(@jmaslek) - PR #329
- Add command to maximise the quadratic utility(@didier) - PR #349
- Allow to remove ticker from list (@didier) - PR #505
- Allow for more custom optimization constrains
- Implement Economic data (gpd, unemployment rate, ...) (@jmaslek) - PR #167
- Refactor FRED to ECON menu and add VIX view (@jmaslek) - PR #405
- Output economic impact events calendar (@didier) - PR #430
- Add CNN Fear and Greed Index (@didier) - PR #509
- Add Volume graph (@lolrenx) - PR #209
- Add Open Interest graph (@lolrenx) - PR #209
- Add options information data (IV rank, etc) (@jmaslek) - PR #375
- Add max pain graph (@lolrenx)
- Moodies data
- Add Coingecko (@jmaslek) - PR #283
- Add top coins from CG (@jmaslek) PR #428
- view top coins from coinmarketcap (@jmaslek) - PR #378
- Add binance (@jmaslek) PR #428
- Add crypto ta (@jmaslek) PR #452
- Add Coinpaprika
- Add top altcoin lists
- Add Screener menu with overview, valuation, financial, ownership, performance, technical commands based on filter presets from Finviz (@didier) - PR #314
- Add README with explanation of how presets are stored and can be added by experienced users. (@didier) - PR #314
- Add screener signals (e.g. top gainers, new highs, most volatile, oversold, major news, ...) from Finviz (@didier) - PR #314
- Plot screener historical using Yahoo Finance data (@didier) - PR #319
- Add command to take tickers to portfolio optimization (@didier) - PR #349
- Add flags to save screeners and run papermill on returned tickers (@alokan) - PR #414
- Add several new screener presets (@Traceabl3) - PR #447
- Add entire forex menu through Oanda (@alokan) - PR #360
- Add EDA menu, Behavioural Analysis menu, Due Diligence from other users in Reddit, and latest news regarding currency provided. (@alokan) - PR #387
- Add hfletters and learn commands to resource collection (@didier) - PR #427
- Add arxiv, finra, edgar, fred (@didier) - PR #438
- Add simple backtest menu with simple strategies and benchmarks (@jmaslek) PR #415
- Add congress data (@didier) PR #438
- Add senate and house data (@didier) PR #446
- Add government contracts (@didier) PR #453
- Add ETF data (@jmaslek) PR #454
- Logging (@aia)
- Secure storage of credentials (@aia)
- Add caching
- APIs
- GraphQL
- Add terminal flair (@aia) - PR #131
- Prompt-toolkit (@ricleal) - PR #142
- Add thought of the day (@aia) - PR #233
- Add Windows CI (@aia) - PR #151
- Add Feature Flags (@aia) - PR #158
- Add ad-hoc builds (@aia) - PR #192
- Add test generators and test parametrization helpers (@aia) - PR #264
- Sphinx documentation https://gamestonk-terminal.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html (@piiq) - PR #413
- Re-write main menu terminal to have same class struct as remaining modules (@didier) - PR #507
- Write a developer guide
- Add a docker CI
- Reorganize tests to separate Unit and Integration
- Versioning
- Add reset command to allow update API keys (@didier) - PR #440
- Add update command to automatically update terminal (@didier) - PR #441
- Publish Docker
- Most commands to have export flag to save output into csv/txt file
- Most commands to have save flag to save image into png/jpg file
- Add a WHL installation