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A build system for operating system images, working towards an image build pipeline that's more comprehensible, reproducible, and extendable.


The build process for an image is described by a pipeline. Each stage in a pipeline is a program that, given some configuration, modifies a file system tree. Finally, an assembler takes a filesystem tree, and assembles it into an image. Pipelines are defined as JSON files like this one:

  "name": "Example Image",
  "stages": [
      "name": "org.osbuild.dnf",
      "options": {
        "releasever": "30",
        "basearch": "x86_64",
        "repos": [
            "metalink": "$releasever&arch=$basearch",
            "checksum": "sha256:9f596e18f585bee30ac41c11fb11a83ed6b11d5b341c1cb56ca4015d7717cb97",
            "gpgkey": "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n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\n=BfZ/\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n"
        "packages": [ "@Core", "grub2-pc", "httpd" ]
      "name": "org.osbuild.systemd",
      "options": {
        "enabled_services": [ "httpd" ]
      "name": "org.osbuild.grub2",
      "options": {
        "root_fs_uuid": "76a22bf4-f153-4541-b6c7-0332c0dfaeac"
  "assembler": {
    "name": "org.osbuild.qemu",
    "options": {
      "format": "qcow2",
      "filename": "example.qcow2",
      "ptuuid": "0x7e83a7ba",
      "root_fs_uuid": "76a22bf4-f153-4541-b6c7-0332c0dfaeac",
      "size": 3221225472

osbuild runs each of the stages in turn, isolating them from the host and from each other, with the exception that they all operate on the same filesystem-tree. The assembler is similarly isolated, and given the same tree, in read-only mode and assembles it into an image without altering its contents.

The filesystem tree produced by the final stage of a pipeline, is named and optionally saved to be reused as the base for future pipelines.

Each stage is passed the (appended) options object as JSON over stdin.

The above pipeline has no base and produces a qcow2 image.


usage: [-h] [--build-env ENV] [--store DIRECTORY] [-l DIRECTORY]

Build operating system images

positional arguments:
  PIPELINE              json file containing the pipeline that should be
                        built, or a '-' to read from stdin

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --build-env ENV       json file containing a description of the build
  --store DIRECTORY     the directory where intermediary os trees are stored
                        the directory containing stages, assemblers, and the
                        osbuild library
  --json                output results in JSON format

Running example

You can build basic qcow2 image of Fedora 30 by running a following command:

sudo python3 -m osbuild --libdir . samples/base-qcow2.json
  • Root rights are required because osbuild heavily relies on creating systemd containers and bind mounting.

    It shouldn't interfere with host OS but please be careful! It's still under development!

  • --libdir argument is required because osbuild expects itself to be installed in directories under /usr. Using this argument you can change the expected path.

  • You don't need to use any kind of virtual environment, modern version of Python 3 is enough. osbuild uses only standard library and linux commands.


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  • Python 92.4%
  • Makefile 3.2%
  • Shell 3.1%
  • Roff 1.3%