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🚧 Rune 🚧

A runtime for cross-language, cross-platform game development. A chassis without an engine.

🚧 Rune is not production ready.

Get Started

A quick install script is available on the website.

What is Rune?

Rune provides a host environment for guest WebAssembly applications (ie. your game.)

Guest applications have access to the Rune Runtime API, which includes access to features like GPU, audio, storage, input, networking, UI, window management and more. Think of it like SDL for WebAssembly. Rune is not a web environment - method invocations from your application are executed against "native" APIs.

Rune models much of its APIs heavily on the Web platform because of its familiarity and foundational design principles; for example the GPU API is basically WebGPU and the audio API is basically WebAudio.

How does it work

Guest applications implement the simple Rune Guest protocol, which includes init, update, render methods to be implemented. The protocol is provided as a collection of .wit files, which can be compiled to a library in the language of your choice. (We may release official packages for various languges in the future.) Once you've implemented the protocol, you build your application targetting WebAssembly, with WASI support. You can then run your application in the Rune CLI. When you're ready to publish your game, Rune CLI can bundle your application into various platform outputs such as .app for Mac, .msi for Windows, etc.

What platforms are supported?

Rune is built on Wasmtime with Rust, and will be able to theoretically support any platform and any language in the future. For now we're limiting the scope of our support to Windows, Mac, and Linux, with support for iOS and Android coming later.

Example Guest Application (Javascript)

import { log } from 'rune:runtime/debug'
import {
} from 'rune:runtime/gpu'
import { requestAdapter } from 'rune:runtime/gpu'

export const guest = {
  init() {
    let adapter = requestAdapter();
    let device = adapter.requestDevice();
    let shader = device.createShaderModule({
      label: null,
      code: `
          fn vs_main(@builtin(vertex_index) in_vertex_index: u32) -> @builtin(position) vec4<f32> {
              let x = f32(i32(in_vertex_index) - 1);
              let y = f32(i32(in_vertex_index & 1u) * 2 - 1);
              return vec4<f32>(x, y, 0.0, 1.0);

          fn fs_main() -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
              return vec4<f32>(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
      hints: []

    let pipelineLayout = device.createPipelineLayout({
      bindGroupLayouts: []

    renderPipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({
      layout: { tag: 'pipeline', val: pipelineLayout },
      vertex: {
        module: shader,
        entryPoint: 'vs_main',
        constants: [],
        buffers: null
      fragment: {
        module: shader,
        entryPoint: 'fs_main',
        constants: [],
        targets: [{
          format: GpuTextureFormat.Bgra8unormsrgb,
          blend: {
            color: {
              srcFactor: GpuBlendFactor.One,
              dstFactor: GpuBlendFactor.Zero,
              operation: GpuBlendOperation.Add,
            alpha: {
              srcFactor: GpuBlendFactor.One,
              dstFactor: GpuBlendFactor.Zero,
              operation: GpuBlendOperation.Add,
          writeMask: GpuColorWrite.ALL,
      primitive: {
        topology: GpuPrimitiveTopology.TriangleList,
        stripIndexFormat: null,
        frontFace: GpuFrontFace.Ccw,
        cullMode: GpuCullMode.None,
        unclippedDepth: false  
      depthStencil: null,
      multisample: null
  update(time, deltaTime) {
  render(view, device, queue) {
    let encoder = device.createCommandEncoder({
      label: null

    let renderPass = encoder.beginRenderPass({
      colorAttachments: [{
        resolveTarget: null,
        loadOp: GpuLoadOp.Load,
        storeOp: GpuStoreOp.Store,
        clearValue: null
      depthStencilAttachment: null,
      occlusionQuerySet: null,
      timestampWrites: null,
      maxDrawCount: null

    renderPass.draw(3, 1, 0, 0);


Future Plans

Rune is a commercial endeavour, as such commercial features are planned to be integrated into the Runtime API. The core runtime will remain free and will be continually improved. You will always be able to publish games on the Rune runtime without a licensing fee. Some future functionality will be incorporated into the Rune commercial platform. More information will be made available later on the commercial platform and its features, but our intent is to provide fair pricing that scales with your game's success.

Libraries in use

Rune would not be possible without the dedicated efforts of the people behind these incredible projects. Please consider supporting them if you're enjoying Rune.