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RabbitMQ tutorial - "Hello world!"

import TutorialsHelp from '@site/src/components/Tutorials/'; import TutorialsIntro from '@site/src/components/Tutorials/'; import T1DiagramHello from '@site/src/components/Tutorials/'; import T1DiagramSending from '@site/src/components/Tutorials/'; import T1DiagramReceiving from '@site/src/components/Tutorials/';

RabbitMQ tutorial - "Hello world!"


Hello World!

(using the amqp Elixir library)

In this part of the tutorial we'll write two small programs in Elixir; a producer (sender) that sends a single message, and a consumer (receiver) that receives messages and prints them out. It's a "Hello World" of messaging.

In the diagram below, "P" is our producer and "C" is our consumer. The box in the middle is a queue - a message buffer that RabbitMQ keeps on behalf of the consumer.

Our overall design will look like:

RabbitMQ libraries

RabbitMQ speaks multiple protocols. This tutorial uses AMQP 0-9-1, which is an open, general-purpose protocol for messaging. There are a number of clients for RabbitMQ in many different languages. In this tutorial series we're going to use amqp.

To install it you can use the hex package management tool. Let's make a new project.

mix new rabbitmq_tutorials
cd rabbitmq_tutorials

Now let's add the dependency on the amqp library. Please modify the applications and deps sections of your mix.exs file to match below:

def application do
  [applications: [:amqp]]
defp deps() do
    {:amqp, "~> 3.3"},

The application section of mix.exs will ensure that the amqp dependency will be loaded and started when your project runs. The deps section declares which external libraries your project needs. We will now use mix to retrieve and compile the amqp library.

mix deps.get
mix deps.compile

The amqp library will now be loaded and available to your project when executed via mix run.


Our first program send.exs will send a single message to a queue. The first thing we need to do is to establish a connection with RabbitMQ server.

{:ok, connection} =
{:ok, channel} =

We're connected now, to a broker on the local machine. By default, connects to localhost. If we wanted to connect to a broker on a different machine we'd simply specify its name or IP address as the host: option.

Next, before sending we need to make sure the recipient queue exists. If we send a message to non-existing location, RabbitMQ will just trash the message. Let's create a queue to which the message will be delivered, let's name it hello:

AMQP.Queue.declare(channel, "hello")

At that point we're ready to send a message. Our first message will just contain a string Hello World! and we want to send it to our hello queue.

In RabbitMQ a message can never be sent directly to the queue, it always needs to go through an exchange. But let's not get dragged down by the details ‒ you can read more about exchanges in the third part of this tutorial. All we need to know now is how to use a default exchange identified by an empty string. This exchange is special ‒ it allows us to specify exactly to which queue the message should go. The queue name needs to be specified in the routing_key parameter:

AMQP.Basic.publish(channel, "", "hello", "Hello World!")
IO.puts " [x] Sent 'Hello World!'"

Before exiting the program we need to make sure the network buffers were flushed and our message was actually delivered to RabbitMQ. We can do it by gently closing the connection.


Here's the whole send.exs script.

Sending doesn't work!

If this is your first time using RabbitMQ and you don't see the "Sent" message then you may be left scratching your head wondering what could be wrong. Maybe the broker was started without enough free disk space (by default it needs at least 200 MB free) and is therefore refusing to accept messages. Check the broker logfile to confirm and reduce the limit if necessary. The configuration file documentation will show you how to set disk_free_limit.


That's it for our producer. Our consumer listens for messages from RabbitMQ, so unlike the producer which publishes a single message, we'll keep the consumer running to listen for messages and print them out.

Our second program receive.exs will receive messages from the queue and print them on the screen.

Again, first we need to connect to RabbitMQ server. The code responsible for connecting to Rabbit is the same as previously.

The next step, just like before, is to make sure that the queue exists. Creating a queue using AMQP.Queue.declare is idempotent ‒ we can run the command as many times as we like, and only one will be created.

AMQP.Queue.declare(channel, "hello")

You may ask why we declare the queue again ‒ we have already declared it in our previous code. We could avoid that if we were sure that the queue already exists. For example if send.exs program was run before. But we're not yet sure which program to run first. In such cases it's a good practice to repeat declaring the queue in both programs.

Receiving messages from the queue is more complex. It works by sending Elixir messages to an Elixir process. Whenever the client library receives a delivery from RabbitMQ, a {:basic_deliver, payload, metadata} Elixir message is sent to the specified Elixir process. We can then handle the payload and metadata any way we like. In our case we will print on the screen the contents of the message.

defmodule Receive do
  def wait_for_messages do
    receive do
      {:basic_deliver, payload, _meta} ->
        IO.puts " [x] Received #{payload}"

Next, we need to tell RabbitMQ that this particular process should receive messages from our hello queue:

                   nil, # consumer process, defaults to self()
                   no_ack: true)

For that command to succeed we must be sure that a queue which we want to subscribe to exists. Fortunately we're confident about that ‒ we've created a queue above ‒ using AMQP.Queue.declare.

Listing queues

You may wish to see what queues RabbitMQ has and how many messages are in them. You can do it (as a privileged user) using the rabbitmqctl tool:

sudo rabbitmqctl list_queues

On Windows, omit the sudo:

rabbitmqctl.bat list_queues

The no_ack parameter will be described later on.

And finally, we enter a never-ending recursion that waits for data and displays messages whenever necessary.

IO.puts " [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C, CTRL+C"

Putting it all together

Full code for send.exs:

{:ok, connection} =
{:ok, channel} =
AMQP.Queue.declare(channel, "hello")
AMQP.Basic.publish(channel, "", "hello", "Hello World!")
IO.puts " [x] Sent 'Hello World!'"

(send.exs source)

Full receive.exs code:

defmodule Receive do
  def wait_for_messages do
    receive do
      {:basic_deliver, payload, _meta} ->
        IO.puts " [x] Received #{payload}"

{:ok, connection} =
{:ok, channel} =
AMQP.Queue.declare(channel, "hello")
AMQP.Basic.consume(channel, "hello", nil, no_ack: true)
IO.puts " [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C, CTRL+C"


(receive.exs source)

Now we can try out our programs in a terminal. First, let's start a consumer, which will run continuously waiting for deliveries:

mix run receive.exs
# => [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C, CTRL+C
# ...
# => [x] Received Hello World!

Now start the producer. The producer program will stop after every run:

mix run send.exs
# => [x] Sent 'Hello World!'

Hurray! We were able to send our first message through RabbitMQ. As you might have noticed, the receive.exs program doesn't exit. It will stay ready to receive further messages, and may be interrupted with Ctrl-C, Ctrl-C.

Try to run send.exs again in a new terminal.

We've learned how to send and receive a message from a named queue. It's time to move on to part 2 and build a simple work queue.