SIFT (Sorting Intolerant From Tolerant) For Genomes (
- g++ (4.8+)
- GNU Make
- nvcc (2.*+) (optional)
*note: It was only tested on Linux (Ubuntu 14.04).
To build SIFT4G run the following commands from your terminal:
git clone --recursive sift4g
cd sift4g/
Running the 'make' command will create the bin folder which contains the sift4g executable.
If you do not have a CUDA enabled graphichs card (and the nvcc compiler) run 'make cpu' instead.
If you left out '--recursive' from git clone, run the following commands before running 'make':
git submodule init
git submodule update
To run the default version of SIFT4G run the following command:
./bin/sift4g -q <query file> -d <database file>
To see all available parameters run the command bellow:
./bin/sift4g -h