- Hangzhou,Zhejiang,China
🎆 A well-designed local image and video selector for Android
An Android library supports badge notification like iOS in Samsung, LG, Sony and HTC launchers.
Source code for the Processing Core and Development Environment (PDE)
Cordova Local-Notification Plugin
card.io provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps
Register and receive push notifications
[DEPRECATED] - This plugin provides functionality to perform automatic updates of the web based content in your application.
The original, highly-optimized C# Target for ANTLR 4
Cordova Plugin For Multiple Image Selection
Phonegap plugin for check or launch other application in android device.
Android Media Picker like Wechat support Cordova ,仿微信视频图片选择器,✨支持cordova调用
A cordova plugin for fingerprint authentication using the hardware fingerprint scanner on devices running Android 6+
Plugin for Cordova (PhoneGap) to enable Android's various full screen modes
Enables debugging of WebViews withing Android for Cordova Apps
Resolve native file paths from content URLs for Cordova platforms
A set of Java classes to use .NET from any JVM enabled language (Java, Kotlin, Scala and others)
sharwell / antlr4cs
Forked from tunnelvisionlabs/antlr4csANTLR 4 C# Target
Cordova plugin to save base64 data as a png image into the device
WebIntent Android Plugin for Cordova 3.X - Accept Files from and sharing files to other apps
This plugin is a Cordova audio recorder plugin which works as API.