TmyDeviceInfo = record
diPlatform: string;
diPlatformT: TOSVersion.TPlatform;
diArchitecture: string;
diArchitecture2: string;
diArchitectureT: TOSVersion.TArchitecture;
diMacAddress: string;
diIPAddress: string;
diPlatformVer: string;
diDevice: string;
diLang: string;
diScreenPhis: string;
diScreenLogic: string;
diScreenWidth: Single;
diScreenHeight: Single;
diScale: Single;
diMobileOperator: string;
diTimeZone: integer;
diIsIntel: Boolean;
- function IsNetConnected: Boolean; - check Internet connection [ANDROID, WINDOWS]
- function IsNetConnectionType: TmyConnectionType; - internet connection type [ANDROID, WINDOWS]
- function IsNetworkType: TmyNetworkType; - mobile network type [ANDROID]
- function IsGPSActive(HIGH_ACCURACY: Boolean = False): Boolean; - GPS enabled? [ANDROID]
- function IsDeviceType: TDeviceInfo.TDeviceClass; - device type (Unknown, Desktop, Phone, Tablet, etc) [ALL PLATFORMS]
- function IsTablet: Boolean; - the application is running on the tablet? [ALL PLATFORMS]
- function IsPortraitOrientation: Boolean; - current orientation is a Portrait? [ALL PLATFORMS]
- function IsLargePhone: Boolean; - Phablet? [ANDROID/IOS]
![Android] (screenshots/android.png) ![Windows] (screenshots/win.png) ![IOS] (screenshots/ios.png) ![MAC OS(VM)] (screenshots/macos.png)