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This folder contains lesson markdown files that make up the JavaScript course. This course exists in the Full Stack JavaScript and the Full Stack Ruby on Rails paths on the Odin Project Website.

Course Outline

The following list represents how the lessons are divided into sections and presented on the website.

Disclaimer: Given the ever updating nature of the curriculum, the outline might be outdated. See the JavaScript course on the website instead.


  1. How this Course Will Work
  2. A quick review

Organizing your JavaScript Code

  1. Organizing your JavaScript Code Introduction
  2. Objects and Object Constructors
  3. Project: Library
  4. Factory Functions and the Module Pattern
  5. Project: Tic Tac Toe
  6. Classes
  7. ES6 Modules
  8. Webpack
  9. Project: Restaurant Page
  10. OOP Principles
  11. Project: Todo List

JavaScript in the Real World

  1. Linting
  2. Dynamic User Interface Interactions
  3. Form Validation with JavaScript
  4. What is ES6?

Asynchronous JavaScript and APIs

  1. JSON
  2. Asynchronous Code
  3. Working with APIs
  4. Async and Await
  5. Project: Weather App

Testing JavaScript

  1. Testing Basics
  2. Project: Testing Practice
  3. More Testing
  4. Project: Battleship

React JS

  1. React Introduction
  2. State and Props
  3. Handle Inputs and Render Lists
  4. Project: CV Application
  5. Lifecycle Methods
  6. Hooks
  7. Project: Memory Card
  8. Router
  9. React Testing Part 1
  10. React Testing Part 2
  11. Project: Shopping Cart
  12. Advanced Concepts

JavaScript and the Backend

  1. Project: Where's Waldo (A Photo Tagging App)

Finishing Up with JavaScript

  1. Project: JavaScript Final Project
  2. Conclusion