Peek into corpora annotated using brat rapid annotation tool (brat).
Framework for working with .ann files and collections.
import peek corpus = peek.AnnCorpus('dummy_data/') # Access a random document... doc = corpus.get_random_doc() # ...or get one by its name doc = corpus.get_doc_by_name('PMID-1590827') # Or maybe just get those you're interested in docs = [doc for doc in if 'Organism' in doc.count['entities']] # Print document name and path print(, doc.path) # See the individual annotations in a document print(doc.anns.items())
See the annotations in a corpus at a glance with stats and graphs.
print('Corpus stats:', corpus.count) print('Entity labels found in corpus: ', corpus.text_labels) print('Document 42 annotations:',[41].anns) # Create a plot peek.stats.plot_tags(corpus) # Generate .tsv with statistics peek.stats.generate_corpus_stats_tsv(corpus, include_txt=True)
Check out the most common annotated text spans.
print(corpus.text_freq) print(corpus.text_freq['Organism'].most_common(5)) print(corpus.text_freq_lower)
Print a corpus's content to a .tsv file.
# Create .tsv file from corpus (to_ignore is an optional argument) peek.rwsl.print_tsv_from_corpus(corpus, 'output_folder/', to_ignore=['Organism']) # Create .tsv with text frequencies peek.rwsl.print_tsv_from_text_freq(corpus, 'output_folder/', to_ignore=['Organism'], lower=False) # Create .tsv with codes column for normalization with a code reference file. peek.rwsl.print_tsv_for_norm(corpus, 'output_folder/', 'reference.tsv', to_ignore=['Organism'])
Calculate metrics for different corpora.
# Calculate IAA and print .tsv file with disagreements [code based on] peek.metrics.show_iaa([corpus1, corpus2], ['filename', 'label', 'offset'], ['Organism'], tsv=True) # You can use specific labels, as shown above, or use the text_labels attribute to use all the labels in the corpus at once. peek.metrics.show_iaa([corpus1, corpus2], ['filename', 'label', 'offset'], corpus1.text_labels) # Calculate precision, recall and F-score between a Gold Standard and a set of predictions [code based on] peek.metrics.show_fscore(gs, pred, gs.text_labels)
Extract sentences from documents to create customizable annotation files.
# Set txt to True when creating an AnnCorpus object to also read .txt files corpus = peek.AnnCorpus('dummy_data/', txt=True) # Separate document into individual sentences, adjusting annotation spans in the way. sentences = [peek.txt.doc2sent(doc) for doc in] # Create a new document only with sentences that have organisms annotated. new_doc = peek.txt.sent2doc([sent for sent in sentences if any(ann.tag == 'Organism' for ann in frase_med.anns['entities'])])
Save corpora as pickle objects to load them later (useful for big corpora).
# Save peek.rwsl.save_corpus(corpus, 'temp/') # Load corpus = peek.rwsl.load_corpus('temp/dummy_data.pckl')
Suggest annotations to speed up your annotation process (on the works - mostly untested)
peek.txt.generate_suggestions_from_tsv(temp, tsv)
Brat Peek is a personal project, which means that currently new features are added as I personally need them. That being said, if you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact me at the following address:
- Salvador Lima: [email protected]