Extreme fast C++ framework for web projects. Designed for low-cost VPS as well as for high-performance, multi-processor servers.
- Git for source download,
- G++ compiler with support for C++11,
- autotools,
- libfcgi
Here is list of packages to install before compile ccFramework
- install some debian packages
apt-get install g++ libpcre3-dev libyaml-cpp-dev libfcgi-dev libboost-dev git
- clone repo:
git clone https://github.com/s2x/ccframework.git
- change dir:
cd ccframework
- run autogen:
- install:
make && make install
Code examples can be found in docs directory.
Version 0.6
- Stabilize the API
- Add some Documentation
Version 0.5
- Forms support - a lot work to do here
Version 0.4
- Add loadable plugins
Version 0.3
- Rewrite routing as tree structure
- Add ACL to routing
Version 0.2
- Simple translation module,
- Rewrite session module - add session providers (memory, file, memcached)
- Add examples of use
- Add config provider for Yaml
Version 0.1
- Support of array in request,
- Add config provider for simple ini
- Switch to ccArray as config provider
- Switch to cmake
- Completly remove yaml-cpp from source - use it as system library,
Cleanup dependencies and fix automake files.