A Implementation of SpecAugment with Tensorflow & Pytorch, introduced by Google Brain
Extract video features from raw videos using multiple GPUs. We support RAFT flow frames as well as S3D, I3D, R(2+1)D, VGGish, CLIP, and TIMM models.
Inflated i3d network with inception backbone, weights transfered from tensorflow
Generic PyTorch dataset implementation to load and augment VIDEOS for deep learning training loops.
Code for I3D Feature Extraction
Real-world Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos- pytorch Re-implementation
Efficient 3D Backbone Network for Temporal Modeling
I3D features extractor with resnet50 backbone
Extract frames from videos in Python using OpenCV.
[ECCV 2024] ZeroI2V: Zero-Cost Adaptation of Pre-trained Transformers from Image to Video
An instruction to 1) download the Kinetics-400/Kinetics-600, 2) resize the videos, and 3) prepare annotations.
save a video / batch of videos as images