Please read the file and look how the Application works now.
Imagine the situation when the Application requirements have been changed and the following must be covered:
- api route must accept max 100 persons
- api request processing must remain synchronous and the processing time must not be more than 5 sec
- add possibility to check person using the following combination of fields:
- only by full_name
- by full_name + birth_date
- by full_name + birth_date + citizenship
- by full_name + birth_date + citizenship + gender (as it is now)
- when searching by full_name, any combination of name, surname and second name must be detected and search must be case insensitive:
- Ex: said jhan, jhan said, Walid hAmid tawfiq, Tawfiq Walid Hamid, hamid walid Hamid
the process of creating/updating of a Sanctionable Entity must be simplified by using Admin pages.
sanctionable entities must be updated once a day, using the official sources:
- UN Sanctions List:
- EU Sanctions List:
Any changes in the structure of the DB and in the Application are accepted in order to achieve everything that was mentioned above.