PLT @ Indiana University
- Bloomington, IN
(UTC -05:00) - http://samth.github.io
- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1302-6499
- Pro
jeapostrophe / pict3d
Forked from ntoronto/pict3d3-dimensional picts
BowenFu / racket-vim
Forked from soegaard/remacsVim style editor written in Racket
sliminality / sublime-racket
Forked from follesoe/sublime-racketSupport for Racket Language
SuzanneSoy / scribble-math
Forked from soegaard/bracketIntegration of MathJax, KaTeX and Asymptote with scribble, to typeset math in Racket documentation
ispras / llv8
Forked from v8/v8LLV8 is an experimental top-tier compiler for V8 JavaScript Engine. LLV8 leverages the power of LLVM MCJIT to produce highly optimized code.
philnguyen / z3-rkt
Forked from sunshowers/z3.rktRacket bindings for Z3
rmculpepper / iracket
Forked from ppaml-op3/iracketJupyter kernel for Racket
aptmcl / p2r
Forked from hfcorreia/p2rImplementation of Processing in Racket
jarcane / try-racket
Forked from voila/try-racketA web-based Racket REPL and tutorial
betainverse / dis
Forked from suchow/DissertateA LaTeX template for a Harvard PhD thesis
takikawa / rudybot
Forked from offby1/rudybotJust what the world needs: another IRC bot
samth / hello-world-1
Forked from leachim6/hello-worldHello world in every programming language. If I can't automatically merge your changes on github, I'm not merging them :)
samth / nationality.rkt
Forked from dherman/nationality.rktRacket library for converting country names to different parts of speech.
samth / array.rkt
Forked from dherman/array.rktEfficient functional arrays for Racket
samth / task.js
Forked from mozilla/task.jsBeautiful concurrency for JavaScript
samth / rudybot
Forked from offby1/rudybotJust what the world needs: another IRC bot