Enable your Golang applications to self update. Inspired by Chrome based on Heroku's hk.
- Tested on Mac, Linux, Arm, and Windows
- Creates binary diffs with bsdiff allowing small incremental updates
- Falls back to full binary update if diff fails to match SHA
go install github.com/sanbornm/go-selfupdate/cmd/go-selfupdate@latest
go get -u github.com/sanbornm/go-selfupdate/...
var updater = &selfupdate.Updater{
CurrentVersion: version, // the current version of your app used to determine if an update is necessary
// these endpoints can be the same if everything is hosted in the same place
ApiURL: "http://updates.yourdomain.com/", // endpoint to get update manifest
BinURL: "http://updates.yourdomain.com/", // endpoint to get full binaries
DiffURL: "http://updates.yourdomain.com/", // endpoint to get binary diff/patches
Dir: "update/", // directory to store temporary state files related to go-selfupdate
CmdName: "myapp", // your app's name (must correspond to app name hosting the updates)
// app name allows you to serve updates for multiple apps on the same server/endpoint
// go look for an update when your app starts up
if updater != nil {
go updater.BackgroundRun()
// your app continues to run...
go-selfupdate path-to-your-app the-version
go-selfupdate myapp 1.2
By default this will create a folder in your project called public. You can then rsync or transfer this to your webserver or S3. To change the output directory use -o
If you are cross compiling you can specify a directory:
go-selfupdate /tmp/mybinares/ 1.2
The directory should contain files with the name, $GOOS-$ARCH. Example:
If you are using goxc you can output the files with this naming format by specifying this config:
"OutPath": "{{.Dest}}{{.PS}}{{.Version}}{{.PS}}{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}",
GET yourserver.com/appname/linux-amd64.json
200 ok
"Version": "2",
"Sha256": "..." // base64
GET patches.yourserver.com/appname/1.1/1.2/linux-amd64
200 ok
[bsdiff data]
GET fullbins.yourserver.com/appname/1.0/linux-amd64.gz
200 ok
[gzipped executable data]
The only required files are <appname>/<os>-<arch>.json
and <appname>/<latest>/<os>-<arch>.gz
everything else is optional. If you wanted to you could skip using go-selfupdate CLI tool and generate these two files manually or with another tool.