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Guide to CREATE A CICD Pipeline on Jenkins Using Docker & Ansible

Step1 -- Pre-Req

      Create a VM (on any cloud OR Virtual Box) with 1CPU 2GB RAM

      login to the VM Install below tools

Step2 -- Install Java - Jenkins - Maven: follow instruction from link below


Step3 -- Install Docker: follow instruction from link below


Step4 -- Install Ansible: follow instruction from link below


Step5 -- configure Jenkins with Docker

by default Jenkins process runs with Jenkins User, which mean any jenkins Jobs we run from jenkins console will be running jenkins user on Jenkins machine

we need to configure Jenkins user can run the docker commands by adding jenkins user to docker group

sudo usermod -aG docker jenkins

restart the Jenkins Service

sudo service jenkins restart

validate, run docker command with jenkins

	su - jenkins  ## switch to jenkins user
	docker ps     ## to list any containers running
	docker pull nginx  ## pull a docker image 
if the above commands execute without any error then we configured jenkins user properly

Step6 -- Provide Jenkins user sudoers permission

add jenkins user to sudoers, so that we can run jenkins jobs with ansible user to connect to target machines

echo -e 'jenkins  ALL=(ALL)  NOPASSWD:  ALL' > /etc/sudoers.d/jenkins

Step7 -- Setup target Environments & configure ssh keys for ansible user

setup two docker swarm clusters one for QA & one for PROD

       create two VMs for QA, Install Docker on both & create docker swarm cluster, one manager - one node
       create two VMs for PROD, Install Docker on both & create docker swarm cluster, one manager - one node

since we are going to use the same jenkins machine as ansible controller, create user ansible & configure the ssh keys.

Copy the ssh-keys for ansible user from Jenkins machine (acting as ansible controller) to QA Swarm Manager & PROD Swarm Manager so that Jenkins can connect & deploy the containers.


Step8 -- Setup Ansible Inventory on Jenkins machine

   vi /tmp/inv 
   enter your servers in gruops called qa & prod 
   ( look at the sample inventory file under )
   ensure to put only manager IPs in inventory file -- DO NOT PUT NODE IPs

Step9 -- Login to Jenkins UI

	hit `http://IP:8080` in browser ## incase of cloud please use Public IP ensure the Port is allowed to access. 

	enter `initialAdminPassword` the page to login ( cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword )

	click on `Install Suggested Plugins`

	continue next and finish the setup. 

Step10 -- Install reqired Plugins (Install these from Jenkins UI)

install all these from Jenkins UI )
  Manage Jenkins --> manage plugins -- Available -- search & install the below
  	1) PMD
  	2) cobertura
  	3) Junit
  	4) build with parameters
  	5) BuildPipeline
	6) Parameterised Trigger Remote builds

Step11 -- Create Credentials (Setup these from Jenkins UI)

  Jenkins ( main/home page ) ==> Credentials ==> global ==> Add Credentials 
	--> kind: secret text 
	--> scope: Global 
	--> Secret: <enter your docker hub password> 
	--> Description: DOCKER_HUB_PWD

Step12 -- Configure JAVA - MAVEN - Git (Setup these from Jenkins UI)

Java configuration in Jenkins console 
	Manage Jenkins --> Global Tool Configuration --> JDK --> Add JDK
		Name: myjava ( can be any string )
		JAVA_HOME: /path/to/javahome ( ex: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 )

Maven Configuration in Jenkins console
	Manage Jenkins --> Global Tool Configuration --> Maven --> Add Maven
		Name: maven3.6 ( can be any string )
		MAVEN_HOME: /path/to/mavenhome ( ex: /opt/apache-maven-3.6.3 )
Git Configuration in Jenkins console
	Manage Jenkins --> Global Tool Configuration --> Git --> Add Git
		Name: git ( can be any string )
		MAVEN_HOME: /path/to/githome ( ex: /usr/bin/git )

Step 13: Now Let's start creating CICD Pipeline

JOB1 -- Compile

Jenkins ( home page ) ==> New Item ==> job1-compile ==> Freestyle project ==> ok
insdie job parameters as below 

	Source Code Management --> Git --> Repository URL (
	Build Triggers --> Poll SCM --> schedule (* * * * *)
	Build --> (click on drop down) Invoke top-level Maven targets
		Maven Version --> select value from drop down (ex: maven3.6) as confifure in Step12
		Goals: compile
Apply & Save

JOB2 -- code review

Jenkins ( home page ) ==> New Item ==> job2-codereview ==> Freestyle project ==> ok
insdie job parameters as below 

	Source Code Management --> Git --> Repository URL (
	Build Triggers --> Build after other projects are built --> Projects to watch (job1-compile)
	Build --> (click on drop down) Invoke top-level Maven targets
		Maven Version --> select value from drop down (ex: maven3.6) as configured in Step12
		Goals: -P metrics pmd:pmd
	Post-build Actions --> [Depricated] Publish PMD analysis results --> PMD results (**/pmd.xml)
Apply & Save

JOB3 -- UnitTest

Jenkins ( home page ) ==> New Item ==> job3-unittest ==> Freestyle project ==> ok
insdie job parameters as below 

	Source Code Management --> Git --> Repository URL (
	Build Triggers --> Build after other projects are built --> Projects to watch (job2-codereview)
	Build --> (click on drop down) Invoke top-level Maven targets
		Maven Version --> select value from drop down (ex: maven3.6) as configured in Step12
		Goals: test
	Post-build Actions --> [Depricated] Publish JUnit test results report --> Test report XMLs (target/surefire-reports/*.xml)
Apply & Save

JOB4 -- package

Jenkins ( home page ) ==> New Item ==> job4-package ==> Freestyle project ==> ok
insdie job parameters as below 

	Source Code Management --> Git --> Repository URL (
	Build Triggers --> Build after other projects are built --> Projects to watch (job3-unittest)
	Build Environment --> Use secret text(s) or file(s) --> Bindings --> (click on dropdown Add) Secret text 
		Variable: DOCKER_HUB_PWD
		Credential: Specific credentials: (click on dropdown) choose credential created in step11 
	Build --> (click on drop down) Invoke top-level Maven targets
		Maven Version --> select value from drop down (ex: maven3.6) as configured in Step12
		Goals: package
	Build --> (click on dropdown) Execute Shell --> command (enter below in box)
		docker build -f Dockerfile -t lerndevops/samplejavaapp:$BUILD_NUMBER .  ## use your docker hub repo
		docker login -u lerndevops -p $DOCKER_HUB_PWD  ## replace lerndevops with your docker hub username
		docker push lerndevops/samplejavaapp:$BUILD_NUMBER

	Post-build Actions --> (click on dropdown) trigger parameterized build on other projects
		Projects to build:
		click on dropdown Add Parameters --> Predefined parameters --> prameters box enter "Package_Build_Number=$BUILD_NUMBER"
Apply & Save

After running this JOB validate the Image is Uploaded to Docker Hub Sucessfully 

JOB5 -- Deploy to QA

Jenkins ( home page ) ==> New Item ==> ==> Freestyle project ==> ok
insdie job parameters as below 

	General --> select "This project is parameterized" --> click on dropdown "Add Parameter" --> select "String parameter"
		Name: Package_Build_Number
	Source Code Management --> Git --> Repository URL (
	Build --> (click on dropdown) Execute Shell --> command (enter below in box)
		cd $WORKSPACE/deploy
		sudo su ansible -c "ansible-playbook -i /tmp/inv deploy.yml -e 'env=qa build=$Package_Build_Number'"

	Post-build Actions --> (click on dropdown) trigger parameterized build on other projects
		Projects to build: job6-Selenium-test
		click on dropdown Add Parameters --> Predefined parameters --> prameters box enter "pbn=$Package_Build_Number"
	Apply & Save

JOB6 -- Run Automation Tests

Jenkins ( home page ) ==> New Item ==> job6--Selenium.test ==> Freestyle project ==> ok
insdie job parameters as below 

	General --> select "This project is parameterized" --> click on dropdown "Add Parameter" --> select "String parameter"
		Name: pbn
	Source Code Management --> Git --> Repository URL (  ## must give automation test suit repository
	Build --> (click on dropdown) Execute Shell --> command (enter below in box)
		echo "Automations Test Cases Executed Successfully"

	Post-build Actions --> (click on dropdown) trigger parameterized build on other projects
		Projects to build:
		click on dropdown Add Parameters --> Predefined parameters --> prameters box enter "prod_release=$pbn"
	Apply & Save

JOB7 -- Deploy to PROD

Jenkins ( home page ) ==> New Item ==> ==> Freestyle project ==> ok
insdie job parameters as below 

	General --> select "This project is parameterized" --> click on dropdown "Add Parameter" --> select "String parameter"
		Name: prod_release
	Source Code Management --> Git --> Repository URL (
	Build --> (click on dropdown) Execute Shell --> command (enter below in box)
		cd $WORKSPACE/deploy
		sudo su ansible -c "ansible-playbook -i /tmp/inv deploy.yml -e 'env=prod build=$prod_release'"
	Apply & Save

Step14 -- Configure Build Pipeline View

Jenkins ( home page ) ==> My Views ==> New View ==> View Name Enter "CICD-View" ==> Select "Build Pipeline View" ==> Click "Ok"
	goto "Pipeline Flow" --> Upstream / downstream config 
		Select Initial Job --> click on dropdown select "job1-compile" --> click "Ok"

you shoud see like below


Step15 -- Run The Pipeline & Validate

validate the containers are deployed to QA & PROD without failure

re run the pipeline after the first successfull ru & validate older Version removed & new Version deployed on QA & PROD