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    Connected components

Loads a directed (or undirected) graph and computes:
  -- weakly connected components: for any pair of nodes there is an 
     undirected path between nodes
  -- strongly connected components: (directed graph) for any pair of nodes in
     the component there is a directed path between them
  -- biconnected components: (undirected graph) any pair of nodes is 
     connected by 2 disjoint paths (removal of any single edge does not 
     disconnect the component
  -- articulation points: (undirected graph) vertices that if removed 
     disconnect the graph
  -- bridge edges: (undirected graph) edges that if removed disconnect the

The code works under Windows with Visual Studio or Cygwin with GCC,
Mac OS X, Linux and other Unix variants with GCC. Make sure that a
C++ compiler is installed on the system. Visual Studio project files
and makefiles are provided. For makefiles, compile the code with
"make all".


   -i:Input graphs (each file is a graph snapshot, or use "DEMO") (default:'graph*.txt')
   -o:Output file name prefix (default:'over-time')


Compute the components of the AS graph:

cncom -i:../as20graph.txt