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Sample API proxy and Sharedflow for Performance Benchmarking

This directory contains the sample API proxy and Sharedflow used to performance test Apigee X. This sample proxy has a sample target url configured as ( and we don't recommeded to use our mocktarget for running performance tests. Please use this as reference to develop your own apiproxy with your own target server to run performance tests to understand the system performance.

Prerequisites We assume this you're already familiar with apigee x and have apigee x setup running and able to build, deploy and test api proxies using different policies. More info [here] (

This API proxy sample required users to create API Product, Developer and App. Users can follow this document to create these entities(

Sample use cases

  • Validate an API key
  • Generate an access token using OAuth policy
  • Validate an access token using OAuth policy
  • Response Cache
  • Spikearrest
  • KeyValueMap Operations (GET and POST)
  • Quota Operations
  • Generate JWT token
  • Validate JWT token
  • GenerateJWTAccessToken using OAuth policy
  • VerifyJWTAccessToken using OAuth policy
  • Javascript
  • MonetizationLimitsCheck
  • RaiseFault
  • Graphql parsing
  • AssignMessage
  • Xslt
  • ServiceCallout and Extract Variables
  • FlowCallout using a sharedflow
  • Passthrough
  • NullTarget

Policy used in this perf proxy sample

How to deploy sample api proxy and sharedflow?

  • Create a zip file for sharedflow sample and deploy it using Apigee apis
cd api-platform-samples/perf-proxies/sharedflows/sfassignmessage

zip -r sharedflowbundle
  • Get an access token using Google Cloud credentials for accessing Apigee APIs
gcloud auth login

export TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
  • Import sharedflow to an apigee organization (replace ${org_name} with your apigee org name). The curl call should return 200 Ok response.
curl -v '${org_name}/sharedflows?action=import&name=sfassignmessage' \
    -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
    -F "[email protected]" \
    -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data"
  • Deploy sharedflow to an apigee organization(replace ${org_name} with your apigee org name and ${env_name} with your apigee env name). The curl call should return 200 Ok response.
curl -v '${org_name}/environments/${env_name}/sharedflows/sfassignmessage/revisions/1/deployments' \
    -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
  • Create a zip file for api proxy sample and deploy it using Apigee apis
cd api-platform-samples/perf-proxies/perfproxy

zip -r apiproxy
  • Import api proxy to an apigee organization (replace ${org_name} with your apigee org name). The curl call should return 200 Ok response.
curl -v '${org_name}/apis?action=import&name=perf' \
    -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
    -F "[email protected]" \
    -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data"
  • Deploy api proxy to an apigee organization(replace ${org_name} with your apigee org name and ${env_name} with your apigee env name). The curl call should return 200 Ok response.
curl -v '${org_name}/environments/${env_name}/apis/perf/revisions/1/deployments' \
    -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

Sample API Calls to access the sample use cases

  • Validate an API key

How to get the apikey:

curl -v 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf?test=validkey&apikey=${yourapikey}'
  • Generate an access token using OAuth policy
curl -v -X POST 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf/accesstoken?grant_type=client_credentials' -d "client_id=${yourapikey}&client_secret=${yourapisecret}"
  • Validate an access token using OAuth policy Get "access_token" value from Generate an access token using OAuth policy call and pass access_token value to below call
curl -v -H 'Authorization: Bearer $access_token' 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf?test=oauth'
  • Response Cache
curl -v 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf?test=cache&cache=1'
  • Spikearrest
curl -v 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf?test=spikearrest'
  • KeyValueMap Operations
curl -v 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf?test=get-put-kvm'
  • Quota Operations
curl -v 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf?test=test=distributed-quota&quota=id-1'

curl -v 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf?test=synchronous-distributed-quota&quota=id-1'
  • Generate & Validate JWT token
curl -v 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf?test=gvjwt&subject=abc'
  • GenerateJWTAccessToken using OAuth policy
curl -v -X POST 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf/jwtAccessToken?grant_type=password' -d 'client_id=${yourapikey}&client_secret=${yourapisecret}&username=username_a&password=password_a'
  • VerifyJWTAccessToken using OAuth policy Get "access_token" value from GenerateJWTAccessToken using OAuth policy call and pass access_token value to below call
curl -v -H 'Authorization: Bearer $access_token' https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf/?test=verifyJwtAccessToken'
  • Javascript
curl -v 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf/?test=jsheader'
  • MonetizationLimitsCheck
curl -v 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf/?test=monetizationlimitscheck&apikey=${yourapikey}'
  • RaiseFault
curl -v 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf/?test=raisefault'
  • Graphql parsing
curl -v -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/graphql' 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf/?test=graphql' --data-raw  'query PROJECTS_EDGES($filters_1: FiltersArgument) { projects { hits(filters: $filters_1) { total  }  } }'
  • AssignMessage
curl -v 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf/?test=assignmessage'
  • Xslt
curl -v 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf/?test=xslt'
  • ServiceCallout
curl -v 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf/?test=sc'
  • FlowCallout
curl -v 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf/?test=flowcallout'
  • Passthrough
curl -v 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf/?test=passthrough'
  • NullTarget
curl -v 'https://YOUR_ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/v1/perf/?test=nulltarget'

The Sample API Proxy is available on the basePath /v1/perf