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Curated list of awesome Magento 2 Extensions, Resources and other Highlights
Smile ElasticSuite - Magento 2 merchandising and search engine built on ElasticSearch
Magento 2 extension which add feature of regenerating a url rewrites of products/categories
Facebook Graph API, OpenGraph, and Connect for CodeIgniter
Helper script to aid upgrading magento 2 websites by detecting overrides. Now supports third party module detections
Magento 2 module which can find potential url related problems in your catalog data
PHPStorm Live template preferences for Magento 2 Projects
This module disables the inventory reservation logic introduced as part of MSI in Magento 2.3.3
List of Magento extensions with known security issues.
Module for integrating Fastly CDN with Magento 2 installations
Magento 2 Extension to cleanup admin menu and Store > Configuration area by arranging third party extension items.
New interceptors approach for Magento 2
This module is a powerful tool for developers who want to process large data sets in a short amount of time.
Magento 2 RabbitMQ message queue retry module
Provide a basic Content Security Policy Allowed List and report blocked resources.
Magento 2 - Login as Customer by KiwiCommerce
Magento 2 - Performance Review Panel
Facebook Graph API, OpenGraph, and Connect for CodeIgniter
GoDataFeed Integration for Magento 2
Facebook Graph API, OpenGraph, and Connect for CodeIgniter
GoDataFeed Integration for Magento 2