3.4.0 (2020-01-17)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Calendar component keyboard support #1157
- Add expandableRowGroups property to DataTable #1148
- Add removableSort property to DataTable #1142
- Enhance Dialog Positioning #1138
Fixed bugs:
- Wrong property name on the propTypes definition of Dropdown #1158
- When the InputMask is focused, the mask disappears #1156
- When the buttons inside the components are clicked, they submit the form #1155
- The icon of the next button has wrong class name on Carousel #1154
- Some DataView lazy and loading types missing #1131
- TreeTable default filter value is not showing in the filter widget #1129
- InputTextarea does not render props like cols and rows #1127
- PanelMenu Icon does not show for entries without sub children #1121
- ContextMenu.d.ts has wrong property name #1118
- Deadlock situation in range slider #1094
- Dropdown cannot open the panel after double clicking an option #1053
- InputMask is not changing the mask at runtime. #1021
3.3.3 (2019-11-29)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add exportable property to Column #1103
- Add exportFunction property to DataTable #1102
- Add repeat functionality to timer buttons on Calendar #1101
- Add reset method to DataTable #1088
- onColReorder in Datatable parameter missing #1080
- Add disabled property to Tree #1078
- Add selectedItemsLabel property to MultiSelect #1075
- Add maxSelectedLabels property to MultiSelect #1074
- Passing of data-* Attributes as Props #1073
Fixed bugs:
- DomHandler functions throw NPE on components #1104
- Growl messages from "bottom*" is not displaying as expected #1095
- Properties of TreeNodes on TreeTable not Working #1085
- className property of Message component not working #1076
- Tree className property not working #1068
- Sidebar dismissable is only updating whenever the visible prop updates #1065
- selectDate() set date to undefined when minDate is set and selected date is <= minDate #1056
- Datatable multisort broken #617
3.3.2 (2019-10-22)
Fixed bugs:
- Table state is not working with columnResizeMode="expand" on DataTable #1061
- Calendar component throws NPE after updating the value #1060
3.3.1 (2019-10-18)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Carousel is not working with 'primereact/carousel' shortcut #1049
3.3.0 (2019-10-16)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add closeOnEscape property to Sidebar #1046
- InputTextarea: Floating Label #1040
- Upgrade QuillJS 1.3.7 #1037
- Add filterInputAutoFocus property to Dropdown #1036
- New Component: Carousel #1030
- Add className support to SelectButtonItems #1019
Fixed bugs:
- AutoComplete mode multiple ignores maxlength property #1045
- The datatable is broken with scrollable and no columns settings #1044
- Calendar Overlay doesnt open with current date after value update #999
3.2.0 (2019-09-12)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add type property to AutoComplete #1010
- Add customUpload property to FileUpload #1008
- Improve columns' editor option on editing mode #1007
- Add keyboard support to DataTable with Checkbox selection #1005
- Add row edit support to DataTable #809
Fixed bugs:
- DataTable with global filter and header checkbox selection select all records #1012
- DataTable column headers not displaying in nested table #1009
- DataTable has null state under certain conditions #1003
- Value doesnt change on Input mask when unmask is enabled #998
3.1.9 (2019-08-28)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Datatable EditRow #935
- Add className option to Tooltip #994
- Add focusOnShow property to Dialog #988
- Add displayValueTemplate property to ProgressBar #978
- Add tabIndex prop to Spinner #976
- Add tabIndex prop to RadioButton #975
Fixed bugs:
- Wrong typings for the property of Spinner #1001
- Export hide() for ContextMenu in type definition file #1000
- Style props doesnt update after re-rendering with Inputmask #996
- Nested originalEvent in DataTable header RowCheckbox event #986
- Typings missing in DataTable: resetColumnOrder #980
- ProgressBar does not show value for 0% #973
- Tooltips appear with old contents after being undefined #972
3.1.8 (2019-07-25)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Resizable columns support with column groups #518
- Update to PrimeIcons 2.0.0 #970
- Datatable rowGroup with rowSpan mode: row separator line style on group break #967
- Growl detail should be placed in <div> not <p> #965
- Add autoFocus attribute to Autocomplete #963
- Add onTargetSelect and onSourceSelect props to Picklist #962
- Add tabIndex prop to ToggleButton #957
- Add required prop to RadioButton #953
- Add required prop to Checkbox #952
- Add shift key selection support to DataTable with multiple mode #934
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar ButtonBar Clear button does not use clearButtonStyleClass prop #968
- Datatable rowGroup with rowSpan mode and pagination fails on page break #961
- DataTable fails to render if columns are mapped and has a static column #959
- Month View shows a redundant week on the calendar #956
- Simple DataScroller does not display items. #955
- The DataTable will sort a column when shrinking it on resize #944
3.1.7 (2019-06-25)
Fixed bugs:
- Charts always redraw when they are updated #946
3.1.6 (2019-06-25)
Fixed bugs:
- The ChartJs API is not imported correctly #945
- Inplace is not working with 'primereact/inplace' shortcut #943
3.1.5 (2019-06-24)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add theme prop to Editor #938
- Add "replace" method in Messages component #930
- Add decimalSeparator and thousandSeparator props to Spinner #925
- Add formatInput prop to Spinner #924
- Add required, pattern and placeholder props to Spinner. #920
- Add ariaCloseIconLabel prop to Dialog #916
Fixed bugs:
- When components are placed placed inside a label element clicking on the component fires the click event twice #940
- The hide method of Dropdown throws an exception on console #937
- The "required" prop is not working on Dropdown #933
- Tooltip in chips does not work properly #932
- Empty array crashes Messages component #928
- The 'showWeek' prop throws an error with TypedScript on Calendar #926
- Close icon is still active on the disabled Chips #918
- onRemove event does not exists on Growl component #914
- Can't resolve 'chart.js/src/chart.js' #913
- Second Sidebar reset blockScroll #910
- ProgressSpinner not visible in IE11 #908
- Wrong type for showWeek in Calendar.d.ts #907
3.1.4 (2019-05-30)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add iconsTemplate to Dialog #905
- Modules property for Editor #904
- The ability to reset columnOrder in DataTable #899
- onFocus and onBlur for Chips #897
- Show week numbers for Calendar #894
- CellEditor should have onSubmit and onCancel method. #891
- Add expandIcon and collapseIcon props to Panel component #888
- Support for disabling dropdown item(s). #874
- Editable Dropdown should support maxLength #844
Fixed bugs:
- Not able to set focus on Dropdown component #903
- Calendar time parsing broken for showSeconds == false #901
- DataTable sortFunction Typescript definition wrong #898
- Data*: alwaysShowPaginator prop not used #896
- DataTable expanded rows collapse when modifying one property of a record #884
- The scroll bar is not moving correctly on the DataTable with resizeMode="expand" #881
- Dropdown showClear not always displayed #875
- Unlogical editor navigation with shift+tab in DataTable #843
- Cannot read property 'show' of undefined at FileUpload.validate #802
- DataTable onValueChange callback one key press behind when using custom InputText filter #777
3.1.3 (2019-05-06)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Multiple target support to OverlayPanel #873
- Improve outside click on OverlayPanel #872
- Calendar panel is not aligned correctly on window resize #870
- Improve outside click on Calendar #869
- The min/max date support is added to Calendar for monthNavigation and yearNavigation #859
- Add ariaLabel and ariaLabelledBy properties to DropDown #855
- Add contentStyle and contentClassName props to Tree #842
Fixed bugs:
- OverlayPanel's icon is in the wrong position after window is resized #871
- Flipped OverlayPanel rendered behind browser #868
- Missing method typings for OverlayPanel #865
- Calendar used in DataTable is unable to switch months #860
- Calendar view="month" does not allow typing #856
- OnHide callback is not called when visibility property is changed #854
- Add stateStorage property to DataTable.d.ts #851
- The tableStyle and tableClassName props have no effect on Scrollable DataTable #849
- Calendar is rendering behind the browser window. #840
- onRowSelect called instead of onRowUnselect #835
- Chart doesn't reload when new data is added to it #834
- Datatable scrollHeight can't be changed #662
3.1.2 (2019-04-03)
Fixed bugs:
- DataTable selection with uncontrolled sorting broken #830
3.1.1 (2019-03-31)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Improve disabled header style on Accordion #828
- Update to FullCalendar 4.0.1 #827
- Remove autoWidth from Dropdown #826
- Improve DataTable VirtualScrolling #825
- Update dialog animations #823
- Close datatable cell editor programmatically #822
- DataTable row selection slow with sortable columns #813
- Add onBlur and onFocus events to multiselect and chips #782
Fixed bugs:
- On Accordion, the disabled head can be focused on #829
- Datatable property 'stateKey' is missing in types file #817
- Datatable row onClick typescript definition does not match the function or documentation #815
- Overlays wrong position on initial/first render #814
- Chart with latest chart.js does not build #812
- FileUpload thows JS exception in Edge #808
- SlideMenu empty after model change #807
- Dropdown duplicated IDs #805
- DataTable crashes with a "Cannot read property 'xxx' of undefined" for nested objects #791
- Syntax error in optional typescript function interface #790
- Using "maxlength" of Spinner causes errors #787
- "propTypes" incorrectly named as "propsTypes" #784
- Changes to prop does not render ProgressBar #783
- Dropdown - TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of null #781
- propTypes error using new iconsTemplate #780
- Datatable does not scroll horizontally when there is no data #635
3.1.0 (2019-02-19)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Filtering for Tree #769
- onClose event for OverlayPanel #763
- Arrow for OverlayPanel #762
- Improve style of p-link component #760
- TableState for DataTable #736
- Filtering for TreeTable #380
Fixed bugs:
- Datatable toggle issue after reordering #774
- Inputtextarea autoresize invalid height issue after render #773
- TreeTableBodyCell.js: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeAttribute' of null #772
- Dropdown with dataKey attribute throws console errors. #768
- Multiple selection in a table without data is selected by default #766
- InputGroup border issue for using with other components #761
- code debugger in production mode "component input calendar" #751
3.0.0 (2019-01-22)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Customizable editorValidatorEvent for IncellEditing #746
Fixed bugs:
- Spinner arrow keys not working #743
- Toolbar of Editor Component with nova-dark theme does not render properly. #740
- Paginator - Uncaught TypeError: this.getOptionLabel(...).toLowerCase is not a function #739
3.0.0-rc.1 (2019-01-10)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Rename defaultLabel to placeholder in MultiSelect #733
- Enhance accessibility for Checkbox with ARIA roles #729
- Ability to use dataKey as the key in Dropdown #727
- Focused editable Dropdown looks different than non-editable #725
- Header and Footer templates for Calendar component #706
- MultiSelect - Support a fixed defaultLabel #674
Fixed bugs:
- InputSwitch focus visuals are missing #735
- DataTable edit throws error on route change #734
- Incorrect column sortable prop type definition #730
- ScrollPanel: Cannot read property 'classList' of null #726
- Editor component cannot refresh it's value when the state change #724
- Editor active item is not highlighted in toolbar #722
- InputMask doesn't update the value according to state #686
- DataTable: hide column after reordering columns throws exception #668
- Form validity is true, even though no Dropdown selection has been made. #665
3.0.0-beta.1 (2018-12-24)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Reimplement Menubar #721
- Reimplement TieredMenu #720
- Keyboard Accessibility for Menu #719
- Reimplement PanelMenu Animation with CSSTransition #718
- Remove certain props from Dialog #717
- Reimplement Dialog Positioning #715
- Reimplement Accordion Animation with CSSTransition #714
- Reimplement Fieldset Animation with CSSTransition #712
- Enhance Dialog Animation #711
- Reimplement Panel Animation with CSSTransition #710
- Unify focus visuals in themes #709
- Keyboard Accessibility for PanelMenu #703
- Keyboard Accessibility for MegaMenu #702
- Keyboard Accessibility for Menubar #701
- Keyboard Accessibility for TieredMenu #700
- Improve Lightbox #699
- Keyboard Accessibility for Inplace #698
- Keyboard accessibility for PickList #697
- Keyboard Accessibility for OrderList #696
- Keyboard Accessibility for InputSwitch #695
- DataTable/TreeTable sort headers should be keyboard accessible #693
- Sidebar close icon should receive focus on open #692
- Keyboard Accessibility for MultiSelect #691
- Improve Listbox Accessibility #690
- Improve ToggleButton Accessibility #689
- Improve SelectButton Accessibility #687
- Keyboard navigation support for Showcsse #684
- Replace anchors without href with buttons #683
- Update to Babel 7 #682
- Improve Radio/Checkbox Accessibility #681
Fixed bugs:
- AutoComplete in multiple mode does not receive focus #713
- OrderList droppoints are not highlighted #708
- TreeTable Pagination Error #685
- Problem TextArea component "Disabled" #679
- Datatable horizontal scroll trigger onVirtualScroll #677
- Spinner does not show the value 0 #675
- KeyFilter uses static instance of the regex #672
- slider.d.ts has wrong import syntax #671
2.0.1 (2018-12-06)
Fixed bugs:
- Align SplitButton Overlay with other overlays #667
- Standalone paginator causes replace is undefined error #666
- onRowCollapse doesn't work on expanded row #664
2.0.0 (2018-12-05)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- More paginator options to DataView #657
- Filtered Dropdown does not close after pressing Enter #649
- Ability to get filtered and/or sorted data in DataTable #643
- Add modal prop to Sidebar #639
- Add currentPageReportTemplate property to Paginator #636
- ProgressBar avoidable re-renders #597
- Feature request: Allow us to choose a different optionLabel to display selected items in MultiSelect #451
Fixed bugs:
- Today cell is not highlighed in Calendar when selected #660
- Header checkbox fails with filtering #659
- Data Table resize: disable rightmost border #656
- DataTable Column sortField is ignored #653
- TreeTable: propagateSelectionUp Defect #650
- cannot read property 'dayNamesShort' of undefined #647
- this.props.onSelectionChange is not a function in DataTable #641
- viewDate.getMonth() is not a function #612
2.0.0-rc.1 (2018-11-12)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Dialog default prop values #638
- Reimplement InputTextarea Resize #629
- Remove Schedule #628
- Replace event.data with event.value at onSelectionChange of DataTable #626
- Reimplement ContextMenu Selection of DataTable #625
- Enter key should select a Tree node #624
- Remove defaultExpanded from TreeNode #623
- renderActiveOnly prop for Tabs #618
- virtualRowHeight attribute in Table component #616
- Remove defaultExpanded from TreeNode API #606
- Keyboard Support for Table Row Selection #605
- Select a tree node with enter key #604
- Improve button focus visuals on Nova and Luna #602
Fixed bugs:
- Dropdown throws error on hide #631
- AccordionTab title with custom HTML gives error #615
- Datatable autoLayout not working #599
- Tooltips not updating #598
- Dialog z-index #596
2.0.0-beta.9 (2018-10-08)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Add disabled property to Slider #593
- Floating label for TextInput with number value fails #588
- Sidebar component not working when visible by default #587
- Presence of step prop will slow down reactivity of the Slider component #586
2.0.0-beta.8 (2018-09-24)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- PrimeReact input events are not compatible with React forms libraries #537
- Aria roles and attributes for Tree #580
- New Luna Free Dark Theme Family #579
- Keyboard navigation for Tree #578
- Enhanced keyboard search for dropdown #577
Fixed bugs:
- DataTable sort issue with sortIcon #585
- AutoComplete does not update input when value prop changes #576
- Typos in Tree.d.ts #573
2.0.0-beta.7 (2018-09-18)
Fixed bugs:
2.0.0-beta.6 (2018-09-17)
Fixed bugs:
- Dialog mask has no index at initial display #571
- New Tree component: duplicate key error when 2 TreeNodes has same label #570
2.0.0-beta.5 (2018-09-11)
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar warning with omission of onChange from InputText #569
2.0.0-beta.4 (2018-09-11)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Keyboard support for Dialog Icons #568
- Pass column props to columnResizeEnd #564
- New Tree Component #559
- Integrate PrimeFlex Grid System #556
- className parameter unsupported by Spinner component #548
Fixed bugs:
- Dialog resize fails #567
- Dialog resizer css is broken #566
- OverlayPanel has no shadow #558
- Border radius missing in panel components #557
- Spinner does not recognize outside changes for value prop #555
- DataTable in IE: TypeError: Object expected #554
- DataTable's onRowUnselect causes exception #552
- Optimize functionality of filtered dropdowns #551
- Dialog blockScroll is undocumented #550
- Body text is selected during Dialog drag #549
- ui-float-label does not work properly for AutoComplete #517
- Float-label does not work properly for InputMask #516
2.0.0-beta.3 (2018-08-26)
2.0.0-beta.2 (2018-08-25)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Reimplement Tooltip #547
- Keyboard support for toggle button #545
- Remove font-awesome from Demos #544
- Remove DataGrid and DataList #543
- New styling engine #539
- Property appendTo in menus #535
- Deprecate Free Themes in favor of Nova Free Theme Family #527
Fixed bugs:
- Tooltip does not remove event listeners #542
- Accordion does not work with multiple controlled tabs #540
- Menubar import is not working #531
- ColumnGroup can't be imported #530
- InputTextProps not type correctly #529
- originalEvent in TabView has swapped typing/variable name in TabView.d.ts #528
- Calendar manual input doesn't work with time #526
- Breadcrumb component throws warning #522
2.0.0-beta.1 (2018-07-19)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Improve input overlay animations #514
- Reimplement InputSwitch UI #513
- Common Props for AutoComplete and Spinner #512
- Reimplement Calendar #504
- Update Schedule component to remove jQuery #476
Fixed bugs:
- Slider shorthand import fails #511
- Error importing Column component #509
- Typescript definition for Column's editor property #505
- Path to primereact/components/common/common.css not correct case #500
- InputText class ui-state-filled fails #499
- Calendar: popup translation not updating #478
- InputSwitch doesn't update programmatically #461
- preventDefault() and stopPropagation() appear to be missing from drag and drop of DataTable - Reorder and causes redirect to 'www.b.com' #460
2.0.0-alpha.1 (2018-07-06)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Review/Enhance all documentation #497
- Review all type definition files #496
- Reimplement Chips #494
- Chips should not keep value in state #493
- Controlled/Uncontrolled behavior support for DataTable Features #492
- Reimplement DataTable Lazy Loading #491
- onClick for Fieldset #487
- Refactor Sidebar #486
- Horizontal scroll support to ScrollPanel #485
- Reimplement DataView #484
- Add name prop to Chips #483
- Controlled/Uncontrolled modes for Toggleable Fieldset #480
- Controlled/Uncontrolled modes for Toggleable Panel #479
- Controlled/Uncontrolled modes for TabView #475
- Controlled/Uncontrolled modes for Accordion #474
- New Component: Inplace #471
- Shorter Imports #470
- Rewrite SlideMenu #469
- Rewrite PanelMenu #468
- Rewrite MegaMenu #467
- Rewrite ContextMenu #466
- Rewrite MenuBar #465
- Rewrite TieredMenu #464
- Rewrite Breadcrumb #463
- Rewrite Steps #462
- Controlled/Uncontrolled modes for TabMenu #459
- Rewrite Menu #458
- Maximizable Dialog #453
- Dialog should not derive visible state from props #452
- Add a 'closable' or 'dismissable' property to Sidebar for 'click outside' control. #377
Fixed bugs:
- InputMask can not read property 'bind' of undefined #490
- Dropdown with autoFocus prop throws a JS error #489
- InputMask fail when unmask is true #488
- Toggleable Panel Icon Misaligned #481
- Calendar dateFormat day name or month name gives error #455
- wrong typings for itemTemplate property #454
- optionLabel prop is missing in MultiSelect #450
- Unable to change rows per page (Paginator/DataTable) #449
1.6.2 (2018-06-19)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Refactor Rating to remove usage of state #447
Fixed bugs:
- Accordion onTabOpen-onTabClose does not trigger correctly #448
1.6.1 (2018-06-18)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Migrate to PrimeIcons #446
Fixed bugs:
- DataTable props updating issue #443
- OrganizationChart is not working with React 16.4+ #441
- Sortable TreeTable is not working with React 16.4+ #440
- Calendar Toggle AM/PM is broken #438
- Keyboard navigation is not working on DataTable #425
1.6.0 (2018-06-07)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Improve sort property on DataView #420
Fixed bugs:
- slotChar issue on InputMask #439
- Missing type definition for DropDownProps #436
- Sidebar throws a JS exception on componentWillUnmount hook #435
- Can't set csv export filename in DataTable.js using Internet Explorer, it returns undefined.csv #433
- Missing optionsLabel property in interface ListBoxProps in ListBox.d.ts #431
- Width & Height props of Charts are not working #430
- After a sub node is selected on Tree, its parent node is closing #429
- Rating not being enabled on change from disabled=true to disabled=false #428
- The 'selection' property is not working on Tree #426
- Datatable missing definitions #423
- Improve sort property on DataTable #421
- Remove old overlay events on GMap after map is updated #419
- Growl types Failed to compile. #414
- InputMask is not updated if value property is changed #413
- ColorPicker is not updated if value property is changed #412
- Editable Dropdown content does not reflect input value #408
1.6.0-rc.1 (2018-06-04)
1.5.3 (2018-05-22)
Fixed bugs:
- onRowReorder missing from DataTable type definition #411
- Duplicate identifier 'number': DataScroller.d.ts #410
1.5.2 (2018-05-11)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add metaKeySelection property to PickList #404
- Add sorting feature to TreeTable #400
- New mode to keyfilter to validate whole value #391
Fixed bugs:
- BodyCell className using headerClassName prop #407
- Typings missing for colorPicker component #405
- Radio Button default selection throws warnings #403
- Container element has wrong width on Scrollable Datatable #402
- Warning when using Checkbox #399
- itemTemplate is declared as void #397
- FileUpload does not accept multiple files dropped or selected #395
- TabView activeIndex setting programmatically will not work the second time after manually choosing another tab #393
- ReadOnly attribute is not passed to the checkbox input #392
- onColReorder return columns: undefined #389
- onClick event doesn't work on Messages component #387
- Typings missing for messages component #386
- InputMask runtime error #385
- Slider component not always provide the originalEvent #384
- Org chart does not update when value property changes #382
- Bug in DataTable selection and Column #381
- Calendar min date does not work after [email protected] #379
1.5.1 (2018-04-10)
Fixed bugs:
- placeholder not working on Chips component #374
- Tree doesn't update on external change #372
- Slider component does not support real values/step #371
- AutoResize for InputTextarea doesn't work without cols property #370
- Bug: incorrect highlight of dates in range Calendar #367
- TypeDefinitions for Message Control missing #366
- Dropdown autowidth is not working when it used inside the TabView #362
- Calendar as cell editor is not closed after selecting value #358
- Cannot format selection for single-value AutoComplete field #353
- Bug: Type definition for the Column component #350
- DataTable export doesn't respect filters and sorting #349
- sortFunction doesn't work for DataTable #348
1.5.0 (2018-03-15)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Clear icon to Dropdown #345
- Add event onRowDoubleClick for DataTable #341
- Add minX and minY to Dialog #339
- DragDrop based reorder for Table #337
- DataView Component #334
- InputMask required #321
- Improve dialog positioning with Dynamic content #320
- Custom filter for Column of the DataTable #312
Fixed bugs:
- Datatable column reorder may not always work correctly #338
- Ultima theme 1.4.2: icon buttons are cutted #317
- Autocomplete input label is undefined #347
- DataTable TypeScript definition error #346
- Default filters not rendered at DataTable #344
- Dialog selects text during dragging or resizing #343
- TabView activeIndex ignored #342
- Dialog dragging may stuck #336
- ToolTip crashes in IE 11 #332
- Pagination dropdown resets for lazy loading dataTable #331
- DataTable onLazyLoad not called for advanced filter options #330
- Calendar : Enable/Highlight the date of adjacent month when selectOtherMonths is true #329
- Resizable DataTable rowsCountSelector not visible #318
- Dropdown list inside Dialog is only partially visible and creates scroll on dialog #316
- Cannot enter Values into Spinner #314
1.4.1 (2018-02-14)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Filtering for OrderList #311
- autoLayout mode for DataTable #310
- Add baseZIndex to Dialog #309
- Refactor OrderList #308
- Disabled/readonly prop for Checkbox and RadioButton #302
- Checkbox and Radio should mark checked/onChange props as required #287
- DataTable pageLinkSize #276
Fixed bugs:
- Dialog is displayed below topbar in showcase #284
- ResizableColumns fail inside Dialog #281
- File Upload Dialog opens only once if set to Auto #306
- rowsPerPage missing from DataTable d.ts file #304
- Dropdown does not show selected value when editable is true #301
- Calendar d.ts marks all props as required #296
- Dialog: closeOnEscape doesn't work #295
- Calendar yearNavigator fails #294
- Spinner shows weird Values #293
- OrderList error #291
- Duplicate identifier 'any': PickList.d.ts #290
- In Lazy load mode selection highlight doesn't work properly #283
- Type Definitions incomplete for FileUpload #277
- Growl does not clear timeout on unmount #272
- Calender select day in adjacent month #266
1.4.0 (2018-01-04)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Improve DataTable.d.ts RowExpansion config #269
- KeyFilter attribute #265
- Card Component #264
- Migrate to react-transition-group #259
- Calendar should consider props.disabled in shouldComponentUpdate #258
Fixed bugs:
- Spinner does not accept decimal or thousand separator as input #270
- Calendar does not rerender when we change "disabled" prop #263
- Calendar may reset date on update #262
- ExportCSV ignores headers in DataTable #261
- Spinner binds invalid event #260
- Autocomplete dropdown no longer working #254
1.4.0-rc.2 (2018-01-04)
1.4.0-rc.1 (2018-01-04)
1.3.1 (2017-12-22)
1.3.0 (2017-12-13)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- New Component: ScrollPanel #251
- Keyboard accessibility for Panel components #250
- Refactor FileUpload #247
Fixed bugs:
- Missing dependency in primereact npm artifcat: 'react-addons-css-transition-group' #242
- AutoComplete dosn't accept spaces #249
- Calendar title month and year has no margin #248
- Toggleable fieldset resets if parent is updated #246
- Accordion resets if parent is updated #245
- Toggleable panel resets if parent is updated #244
- Growl.d.ts allow GrowlMessage.detail to be Element #241
- Password's 'inputProps' missing in d.ts file #240
- feedback={false} not working for Password #239
- AutoCompleteProps: Missing data object in itemTemplate #237
- Missing param name in d.ts-files #236
- Spinner d.ts missing onChange #235
1.3.0-rc.1 (2017-12-07)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add style/classname props to Radio and Checkbox #233
- New properties to TriStateCheckbox #232
- Keyboard Accessibility for TriStateCheckbox #230
- Keyboard accessibility for Spinner #229
- Refactor Spinner #228
- Animation for FieldSet #223
- Refactor Calendar #222
- Resize support for Scrollable Table #219
- Password does not pass all input parameters #216
- Reimplement ColorPicker #214
- Rewrite Button CSS #213
- appendTo for MultiSelect #212
- Use Portal API in Dropdown appendTo #211
- Use Portal API in AutoComplete appendTo #210
- Use Portal API in Overlay appendTo #209
- Add inputId to Checkbox and Radio #208
- Keyboard accessibility for Checkbox and RadioButton #207
- Floating Labels for Inputs #205
- Add appendTo to Dialog #204
- Reimplement Messages #203
- Reimplement Growl #202
- Screen Reader and Keyboard Accessibility support for Fieldset #201
- Screen Reader support for Panel #200
- Screen Reader support for Dialog #199
- Screen Reader support for TabView #198
- Screen Reader and Keyboard Accessibility for Accordion #197
- Loading status for AutoComplete #193
- Custom content for paginator #189
- Animation for Accordion #182
- Unsortable option for DataTable columns #179
Fixed bugs:
- Radio and Checkbox does pass props to super #231
- Dropdown Filter blocks keyboard navigation of items #227
- Dropdown keyboard navigation does not scroll items #226
- InputTextarea ignores focus, blur, input and keyup #225
- Browser textarea resize breaks autoResize of textarea #224
- DataTable dataKey ignored #221
- AutoComplete does not reflect model binding #220
- Clicking table header throws exception #218
- Resizing last column gives error on DataTable #217
- OverlayPanel: appendTo="body" throws exception #206
- Growl: messages appears again on any change state #196
- InputText: ui-state-filled class is not added, if value chaged in parent component #195
- AutoComplete Dropdown select not hiding #191
- Menu components(menu,menubar...) reload problem #190
- Datatable - not propagate prop filterMatchMode when lazyload is on #187
- datatable- Not Adjusted columns with expander #186
- DataTable: page is not reseted after global filtering #184
- onNodeExpand and onNodeCollapse events are not working on Tree #183
- Panel Header and Dropdown problem #175
1.2.0 (2017-11-01)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Improve typings of some components #172
- Add rowsPerPageOptions to DataTable #171
- Animation for Panel toggle #170
- Disabled tabs for Accordion #169
- New style properties for Accordion Tab #168
- Disabled tabs in TabView #167
- Add style properties to TabView and TabPanel #166
- Disabled prop for TabPanel #164
- Use Dropdown component for Paginator rowsPerPage select #163
- Support any type of object as a select option #162
- Undeterminate ProgressBar #160
- New Message component #159
- New ProgressSpinner Component #143
Fixed bugs:
- DataTable:
does not supportsortMode="multiple"
#157 - Password not trigger onChange event #177
- Virtual Scrolling Flickers #173
- Type definition missing from TabPanel #165
- DataTable: Changing a filter does not trigger
for async tables #158 - Growl throws error #149
- MultiSelect: onClick: event.stopPropagation is not a function #147
- utc parameter is not working when keying in the date #146
- Click on input filter causes sort #133
1.1.0 (2017-10-18)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Sidebar component #122
- Expose show(),hide() and toggle() in props of ContextMenu #113
- Reimplement AutoComplete #141
- Specific styles for header, body and footer #140
- Sticky mode for Growl #139
- Add onClick to Growl #138
- rowClassName for DataTable #137
- Typescript Support #131
- New Component: GMap #130
- Keyboard support for SelectButton #129
- Reimplement SelectButton #128
- license file #117
- Frozen Columns support for Column Groups #107
- Loading status for DataTable #94
- Editable Cells for DataTable #80
- Virtual Scrolling For DataTable #79
- Percentage support for DataTable ScrollWidth and ScrollHeight #77
Fixed bugs:
- Dropdown Menu in DataTable with resizableColumns #123
- Sorting does not work when you are using Column Group feature #115
- TimeOnly calendar fails #144
- DataTable: OnLazyLoad repeatedly calling function / infinite loop #132
- Dropdown menu sits behind grid #126
- SelectButton cannot have initial State #121
- Calendar minDate and maxDate property does not reload dynamically #119
- Growl doesn't call onClear method #112
- AutoComplete completeMethod triggered twice / delay does not work as expected #111
- Calendar is not updated according when props.value is changed #110
1.0.1 (2017-09-21)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- appendTo for OverlayPanel #96
- Update demo to Router v4 #93
- Refactor InputText filled state implementation #91
- Missing event for components #90
- Customizable Paginator using Templating #88
- Column Reordering for DataTable #81
Fixed bugs:
- Wrong documentation for BreadCrumb component #100
- Relative Position calculation is wrong #109
- Dropdown options does not update when props is changed #108
- Dynamic and Static Columns cause error #106
- Broken css in Version 1.0 #105
- Dropdown selected option not updated after value property changes #103
- Chart is not updated when data changes #102
- The value of AutoComplete is not reset after changing state #101
- FileUpload does not allow multiple files #99
- Dialog contentStyle doesn't work #92
- InputText disabled behavior missing readonly functionality #89
1.0.0 (2017-09-10)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Reimplement Listbox #87
- Reimplement PickList #86
- Reimplement Rating #84
- Reimplement Calendar #83
- Disabled Dates for Calendar #82
1.0.0-rc.3 (2017-09-09)
1.0.0-rc.2 (2017-09-08)
1.0.0-rc.1 (2017-08-31)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- PickList callbacks reference error #74
- The state of user is not updated after closing dialog #72
- The onClick event of Choose button is fired twice on FileUpload #71
1.0.0-beta.6 (2017-08-21)
1.0.0-beta.5 (2017-08-21)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add id attribute to all components #70
- Inconsistent API to add CSS class with certain of your component #68
Fixed bugs:
- InputText and InputTextarea components aren't re-rendered when props are updated #69
1.0.0-beta.4 (2017-08-16)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Text Editor #66
1.0.0-beta.3 (2017-08-10)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2017-08-10)
1.0.0-beta.1 (2017-08-09)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- DataTable Crud #63
- MegaMenu component #62
- Steps component #61
- PanelMenu component #59
- ContextMenu component #58
- Menubar component #57
- TieredMenu component #56
- Breadcrumb component #54
- Add tabmenu component #53
- Add menu component #51
- Add lightbox component #46
- Add toolbar component #44
- Add password component #43
- Add keyboard support to dropdown #39
- Implemented DataScroller component #37
- Implemented Rating component #36
- Implemented ColorPicker component #35
1.0.0-alpha.2 (2017-05-25)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- TreeTable Component #34
- Mobile Touch support to Slider Component #33
- Implemented Captcha Component #32
- Tree Component #31
Fixed bugs:
- Accordion activeIndex doesn't work #30
- Dropdown onChange invoked on same item selection #28
- activeIndex property on TabView doesn't work #26
- Dropdown is missing input focus #21
- Spinner controls are not user friendly #20
- MultiSelect Input focus is missing #19
- Accordion Tab Caret icons are not toggleable #18
- Radio button label toggle state is missing #14
- Chips need input focus #13
- Checkbox label toggle state is not working #12
- Autocomplete Multiple feature missing input focus #10