Locking infrastructure in MDS is (obviously) to protect the state of various metadata. MDS has different locks covering different portions of inode and dentry. Moreover, MDS uses different kinds of locks since different metadata (in inode and dentry) have different behaviour in different situations. The MDS cache is distributed across multiple MDS ranks and across all clients. The locking infrastructure serves to ensure that all ranks and clients are consistent in their view of the file system.
Data managed by the MDS can be very large to practically have the entire data set in the memory of a single metadata server. This also results in a single point of failure. The MDS therefore has a concept of Distributed Subtree Partition. A directory tree can be divided into smaller sub-trees. This is done by recording heat (access frequency) of each node in the directory tree. When a sub-tree heat reaches a configured threshold, the MDS divides the sub-tree by splitting the directory fragment. Each fragment is responsible for a part of the original directory, however, there will be a single authority node for these fragments. Each MDS can bear the read and write requests after fragmentation. If a file is very frequently accessed, the MDS will generate multiple copies distributed across active MDSs to satisfy concurrent I/Os. Typically, there are multiple clients reading and writing to files. The MDS defines locking rules for the associated metadata, e.g., metadata which is rarely modified concurrently such as UID/GID for an inode, a shared read and exclusive write access rule would suffice. However, statistics of a directory may need to be updated by multiple clients at the same time. This large directory may have been divided (fragmented) into multiple shards and different clients could write to different shards. These shards can share the read and also support simultaneous writes.
Therefore, in addition to different lock types that cover different metadata pieces for an inode, the MDS has lock classes that define access rules for a particular lock type. Lock types and classes are explained further in this document.
MDS defines a handful of lock types associated with different metadata for an inode or dentry. Lock type protecting metadata for an inode and dentry are as follows:
CEPH_LOCK_DN - dentry CEPH_LOCK_DVERSION - dentry version CEPH_LOCK_IVERSION - inode version CEPH_LOCK_IAUTH - mode, uid, gid CEPH_LOCK_ILINK - nlink CEPH_LOCK_IDFT - dirfragtree, frags CEPH_LOCK_IFILE - mtime, atime, size, truncate_seq, truncate_size, client_ranges, inline_data CEPH_LOCK_INEST - rstats CEPH_LOCK_IXATTR - xattrs CEPH_LOCK_ISNAP - snaps CEPH_LOCK_IFLOCK - file locks CEPH_LOCK_IPOLICY - layout, quota, export_pin, ephemeral_*
Locking rules when modifying ctime is a bit different - either under versionlock or under no specific lock at all (i.e., it can be modified with other locks held, e.g., when modifying (say) uid/gid under CEPH_LOCK_IAUTH).
Lock classes define locking behaviour for the associated lock type necessary for handling distributed locks. The MDS defines 3 lock classes:
LocalLock - Used for data that does not require distributed locking such as inode or dentry version information. Local locks are versioned locks. SimpleLock - Used for data that requires shared read and mutually exclusive write. This lock class is also the base class for other lock classes and specifies most of the locking behaviour for implementing distributed locks. ScatterLock - Used for data that requires shared read and shared write. Typical use is where an MDS can delegate some authority to other MDS replicas, e.g., replica MDSs can satisfy read capablities for clients.
In addition, MDS defines FileLock which is a special case of ScatterLock used for data that requires shared read and shared write, but also for protecting other peices of metadata that require shared read and mutually exclusive write.
Classification of lock types are as follows:
There are 3 modes in which a lock can be acquired:
rdlock - shared read lock wrlock - shared write lock xlock - exclusive lock
rdlock and xlock are self explanatory.
wrlock is special since it allows concurrent writers and is valid for ScatterLock and FileLock class. From the earlier section it can be seen that INEST and IDFT are of ScatterLock class. wrlock allows multiple writers at the same time, .e.g., when a (large) directory is split into multiple shards (after fragmentation) and each shard is "assigned" to an active MDS. When new files are created under these directories, the recursive stats are independently updated on the active MDSs. Later, to fetch the updated stats, the "scattered" data is aggregated ("gathered") on the auth MDS (of the inode); which typically happens when a rdlock is requested on this lock type.
MDS also defines remote_wrlock which is primarly used during rename operation when the destination dentry is on another (active) MDS than the source MDS.
MDS defines various lock states (defined in src/mds/locks.h source). Not all lock states are valid for a given lock class. Each lock class defines its own lock transition rules and are organized as Lock State Machines. The lock states (LOCK_*) are not locks themselves, but control if a lock is allowed to be taken. Each state follows LOCK_<STATE> or LOCK_<FROM_STATE>_<TO_STATE> naming terminology and can be summed up as:
LOCK_SYNC - anybody (ANY) can read lock, no one can write lock and exclusive lock LOCK_LOCK - no one can read lock, only primary (AUTH) mds can write lock or exclusive lock LOCK_MIX - anybody (ANY) can write lock, no one can read lock or exclusive lock LOCK_XLOCK - someone (client) is holding a exclusive lock
The Lock Transition table (section) use the following notions:
ANY - Auth or Replica MDS AUTH - Auth MDS XCL - Auth MDS or Exclusive client
Other lock states (such as LOCK_XSYN, LOCK_TSYN, etc..) are additional states that are defined as an optimization for certain client behaviour (LOCK_XSYN allows clients to keep the buffered writes and not flush it to the OSDs and temporarily pausing writes).
Intermediate lock states (LOCK_<FROM_STATE>_<TO_STATE>) denote transition of a lock from one state (<FROM_STATE>) to another (<TO_STATE>).
Each lock class defines its own Lock State Machine and can be found in src/mds/locks.c source. The state machines are explained when discussing Lock Transition in the section below.
Transition of lock from one state to another is mostly prompted by a (client) request or a change that the MDS is undergoing, such as tree migration. Let's consider a simple case of two clients: One client does a stat() (getattr() or lookup()) to fetch UID/GID of a inode, and the other client does a setattr() to change the UID/GID of the same inode. The first client (most likely) has As (iauth shared) caps issued to it by the MDS. Now, when the other client does a setattr() call to the MDS, the MDS adds a xlock to the inodes' authlock (CEPH_LOCK_IAUTH):
Server::handle_client_setattr() if (mask & (CEPH_SETATTR_MODE|CEPH_SETATTR_UID|CEPH_SETATTR_GID|CEPH_SETATTR_BTIME|CEPH_SETATTR_KILL_SGUID)) lov.add_xlock(&cur->authlock);
Note that the MDS adds a bunch of other locks for this inode, but for now let's only work on IAUTH. Now, CEPH_LOCK_IAUTH is a SimpleLock class, and its lock transition state machine is:
// stable loner rep state r rp rd wr fwr l x caps,other [LOCK_SYNC] = { 0, false, LOCK_SYNC, ANY, 0, ANY, 0, 0, ANY, 0, CEPH_CAP_GSHARED,0,0,CEPH_CAP_GSHARED }, [LOCK_LOCK_SYNC] = { LOCK_SYNC, false, LOCK_LOCK, AUTH, XCL, XCL, 0, 0, XCL, 0, 0,0,0,0 }, [LOCK_EXCL_SYNC] = { LOCK_SYNC, true, LOCK_LOCK, 0, 0, 0, 0, XCL, 0, 0, 0,CEPH_CAP_GSHARED,0,0 }, [LOCK_SNAP_SYNC] = { LOCK_SYNC, false, LOCK_LOCK, 0, 0, 0, 0, AUTH,0, 0, 0,0,0,0 }, [LOCK_LOCK] = { 0, false, LOCK_LOCK, AUTH, 0, REQ, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0,0 }, [LOCK_SYNC_LOCK] = { LOCK_LOCK, false, LOCK_LOCK, ANY, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0,0 }, [LOCK_EXCL_LOCK] = { LOCK_LOCK, false, LOCK_LOCK, 0, 0, 0, 0, XCL, 0, 0, 0,0,0,0 }, [LOCK_PREXLOCK] = { LOCK_LOCK, false, LOCK_LOCK, 0, XCL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ANY, 0,0,0,0 }, [LOCK_XLOCK] = { LOCK_SYNC, false, LOCK_LOCK, 0, XCL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0,0 }, [LOCK_XLOCKDONE] = { LOCK_SYNC, false, LOCK_LOCK, XCL, XCL, XCL, 0, 0, XCL, 0, 0,0,CEPH_CAP_GSHARED,0 }, [LOCK_LOCK_XLOCK]= { LOCK_PREXLOCK,false,LOCK_LOCK,0, XCL, 0, 0, 0, 0, XCL, 0,0,0,0 }, [LOCK_EXCL] = { 0, true, LOCK_LOCK, 0, 0, REQ, XCL, 0, 0, 0, 0,CEPH_CAP_GEXCL|CEPH_CAP_GSHARED,0,0 }, [LOCK_SYNC_EXCL] = { LOCK_EXCL, true, LOCK_LOCK, ANY, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,CEPH_CAP_GSHARED,0,0 }, [LOCK_LOCK_EXCL] = { LOCK_EXCL, false, LOCK_LOCK, AUTH, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, CEPH_CAP_GSHARED,0,0,0 }, [LOCK_REMOTEXLOCK]={ LOCK_LOCK, false, LOCK_LOCK, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0,0 },
The state transition entries are of type sm_state_t from src/mds/locks.h source. TODO: Describe these in detail.
We reach a point where the MDS fills in LockOpVec and invokes Locker::acquire_locks(), which according to the lock type and the mode (rdlock, etc..) tries to acquire that particular lock. Starting state for the lock is LOCK_SYNC (this may not always be the case, but consider this for simplicity). To acquire xlock for iauth, the MDS refers to the state transition table. If the current state allows the lock to be acquired, the MDS grabs the lock (which is just incrementing a counter). The current state (LOCK_SYNC) does not allow xlock to be acquired (column x in LOCK_SYNC state), thereby requiring a lock state switch. At this point, the MDS switches to an intermediate state LOCK_SYNC_LOCK - signifying transitioning from LOCK_SYNC to LOCK_LOCK state. The intermediate state has a couple of purposes - a. The intermediate state defines what caps are allowed to be held by cilents thereby revoking caps that are not allowed be held in this state, and b. preventing new locks to be acquired. At this point the MDS sends cap revoke messages to clients:
2021-11-22T07:18:20.040-0500 7fa66a3bd700 7 mds.0.locker: issue_caps allowed=pLsXsFscrl, xlocker allowed=pLsXsFscrl on [inode 0x10000000003 [2,head] /testfile auth v142 ap=1 DIRTYPARENT s=0 n(v0 rc2021-11-22T06:21:45.015746-0500 1=1+0) (iauth sync->lock) (iversion lock) caps={94134=pAsLsXsFscr/-@1,94138=pLsXsFscr/-@1} | request=1 lock=1 caps=1 dirtyparent=1 dirty=1 authpin=1 0x5633ffdac000] 2021-11-22T07:18:20.040-0500 7fa66a3bd700 20 mds.0.locker: client.94134 pending pAsLsXsFscr allowed pLsXsFscrl wanted - 2021-11-22T07:18:20.040-0500 7fa66a3bd700 7 mds.0.locker: sending MClientCaps to client.94134 seq 2 new pending pLsXsFscr was pAsLsXsFscr
As seen above, client.94134 has As caps, which is getting revoked by the MDS. After the caps have been revoked, the MDS can continue to transition to further states: LOCK_SYNC_LOCK to LOCK_LOCK. Since the goal is to acquire xlock, the state transition conitnues (as per the lock transition state machine):
finally, acquiring xlock on iauth.
TODO: Explain locking order and path traversal locking.