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Installing and Using

  1. Install tpope's pathogen into ~/.vim/autoload/ and add the following line to your ~/.vimrc:

     call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()

    Be aware that it must be added before any filetype plugin indent on lines according to the install page:

    Note that you need to invoke the pathogen functions before invoking "filetype plugin indent on" if you want it to load ftdetect files. On Debian (and probably other distros), the system vimrc does this early on, so you actually need to "filetype off" before "filetype plugin indent on" to force reloading.

  1. Create, and change into, the ~/.vim/bundle/ directory:

     $ mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle
     $ cd ~/.vim/bundle
  2. Make a clone of the vim-coco repository:

     $ git clone git://
     $ ls

That's it. Pathogen should handle the rest. Opening a file with a .co extension or a Cokefile will load everything.


  1. Change into the ~/.vim/bundle/vim-coco/ directory:

     $ cd ~/.vim/bundle/vim-coco
  2. Pull in the latest changes:

     $ git pull

Everything will then be brought up to date.

Compiling the Current File and Autocompiling

The CocoMake command compiles the current file and parses any errors.

By default, CocoMake shows all compiler output and jumps to the line reported as an error by coco:


Compiler output can be hidden with silent:

:silent CocoMake

Line-jumping can be turned off by adding a bang:


Options given to CocoMake are passed along to coco:

:CocoMake --bare

The command can be bound to a key like:

nmap KEY :CocoMake<CR>


To get autocompiling when a file is written, add an autocmd like this to your ~/.vimrc:

autocmd BufWritePost *.co silent CocoMake!

All of the customizations above can be used, too. This one compiles silently with the -b option, but shows any errors:

autocmd BufWritePost *.co silent CocoMake! -b | cwindow

Passing options on-the-fly

The CocoMake command passes any options in the coco_make_options variable along to the compiler. This can be used to set options on-the-fly:

:let coco_make_options = "-n"

Compiling a Coco Snippet

The CocoCompile command shows how the current file or a snippet of Coco would be compiled to JavaScript. Calling CocoCompile without a range compiles the entire file.

Calling CocoCompile with a range, like in visual mode, compiles the selected snippet of Coco.

The command can also be mapped to a visual mode key for convenience:

vmap KEY :CocoCompile<CR>


These customizations can be enabled or disabled by adding the relevant let statement to your ~/.vimrc.

Fold by indentation

Folding is automatically setup as indent-based. It's disabled by default, but can be enabled with:

let coco_folding = 1

Otherwise, it can be quickly toggled per-file with the zi command.

Disable trailing whitespace error

Trailing whitespace is highlighted as an error by default. This can be disabled with:

let coco_no_trailing_space_error = 1

Disable trailing semicolon error

Trailing semicolons are also considered an error. This can be disabled with:

let coco_no_trailing_semicolon_error = 1

Disable reserved words error

Reserved words such as var and static are highlighted as error in contexts disallowed by Coco. This can be disabled with:

let coco_no_reserved_words_error = 1


Coco support for vim







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