To be able to run localisation targets you will need Sphinx 1.2b1 which comes with pip. Sphinx coming with most distro's is just 1.1.3. You will get an error with those.
Best to run the make file in a virtual env ( ):
Move to a directory (~/myvirtualenvs/) and create a virtualenv enabled dir:
virtualenv sphinx # one time action, only to create the environment
cd sphinx
And activate this virtualenv
source bin/activate
# now you will see sphinx before your prompt:
Now always activate your environment before building. To deactivate, you can do:
You can install all tools in on go via the REQUIREMENTS.txt here in root of this repo:
pip install -r REQUIREMENTS.txt
Alternatively do it one by one:
Install sphinx 1.2b1 now in your virtual env:
pip install sphinx==1.2b1
Sphinx bootstrap theme ( ). We use 0.3.0 currently.
pip install sphinx_bootstrap_theme==0.3.0
Sphinx intl extention ( ):
pip install sphinx-intl
Then build:
make html (to build the english languag)
make LANG=nl html (to build the dutch version. Currently available: en, nl, es, zh_CN, de, it)
If you want add the QGIS-Documentation docs into the build, you need to manually copy the sources, resources and po files into the website project
make fullhtml (english)
make LANG=nl fullhtml
To gather new strings in a pot (.po) file for your language, and merge them with excisting translations in the po files (normally to be ran by your language maintainer):
make LANG=xx pretranslate # where xx is your language code
To add a new language (the scripts will need some directory structure):
make createlang
See it in action: (to be moved)
qgis-style.css is based on Less (see )
To make changes to CSS on MacOsx
download / install / open Less app (
in Finder navigate to themes/qgis-theme/static/
drag qgis-style.less file to the Less app
make changes in qgis-style.less
on save it should automatically compile into qgis-style.css
for advance usage read docs on Less CSS:
(if you have any questions ping yulka_plekhanova on Skype)
To make changes on cli Linux
# install node-less and the compressor
sudo apt-get install node-less yui-compressor
# compile the less file to a normal css file:
lessc qgis-style.less qgis-style.css
# or
lessc qgis-style.less > qgis-style.css
# optional: compress the css
yui-compressor -o qgis-style.css qgis-style.css