This example demonstrates how to run 2 stage inference on DepthAI using Gen2 Pipeline Builder. First, a license plate is detected on the image and then the cropped license frame is sent to text detection network, which tries to decode the license plates texts
⚠️ This demo is uses an object detector that is trained to detect and recognize chinese license plates! It may not work with other license plates. See roboflow's tutorial on training for other regions' plates, here:
Take a look at How to Train and Deploy a License Plate Detector to the Luxonis OAK tutorial for training a custom detector using the Roboflow platform.
Install requirements:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: [-h] [-nd] [-cam] [-vid VIDEO]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-nd, --no-debug Prevent debug output
-cam, --camera Use DepthAI 4K RGB camera for inference (conflicts with -vid)
-vid VIDEO, --video VIDEO
Path to video file to be used for inference (conflicts with -cam)
To use with a video file, run the script with the following arguments
python3 -vid ./chinese_traffic.mp4
To use with DepthAI 4K RGB camera, use instead
python3 -cam