These examples show how to synchronize incoming messages. You can soft-synchronize messages either by sequence number or timestamp. All devices continuously sync their timestamps with the host (under the hood), so to sync frames across multiple devices you would use timestamp.
For Hardware syncing (STROBE/FSIN), see docs here.
When to use sequence number for syncing:
- You have only one OAK camera, and want to sync frames and/or NN results
- Easier for comparing than timestamp
When to use timestamp for syncing:
- When you have multiple OAK cameras connected to the same host
- When you also want to sync IMU data. IMU data only has timestamp assigned.
Sync frames with NN inference results on the host. In this example we have used sequence number to sync messages. Frames always arrive to the host sooner than NN results (as inference time takes ~100ms), so we just save all frames in an array, and when a new NN result arrives, we find the correct frame from sequence number and use that to draw detections on.
This approach is very similar to the host sync-nn-sync, but we sync frames with NN results on the device, more specifically in the Script node. Once we have a synced NN result-Frame pair, we send both of these messages to the host where they are shown to the user.
This example demonstrates how to frames using their sequence numbers, from all 3 on-device cameras. This allows displaying frames taken in exact same moment. For a better visualization, all 3 streams are horizontally stacked: left + rgb + right.
Image captured running with python3 -d demo is a version of RGB-Depth alignment example.
It uses sequence number to sync rgb-aligned depth and rgb frames on the host, and displays depth overlay on rgb frame.
Very similar to the above Host rgb-depth sync, the demo uses timestamps to sync IMU results with rgb and depth frames. It also displays depth overlay on rgb frame.
In case of multiple streams having different FPS, there are 2 options on how to sync them:
- Removing some messages from faster streams to get the synced FPS of the slower stream
- Duplicating some messages from slower streams to get the synced FPS of the fastest stream
This demo uses the 1st approach. Time difference between synced messages is below 22ms, MS_THRESHOLD
* 2. We achieve 30FPS, which is the FPS of the slowest stream (rgb frames).
For VIO/SLAM solutions, you would want to sync IMU messages with the middle of the exposure. For exposure timings and timestamps, see Frame capture graphs. Some more advance algorithms weight multiple IMU messages (before/after exposure) and interpolate the final value.
FPS 29.850746268518403
[Seq 46] Mid of RGB exposure ts: 1400ms, RGB ts: 1415ms, RGB exposure time: 29ms
[Seq 65] Mid of Stereo exposure ts: 1391ms, Disparity ts: 1396ms, Stereo exposure time: 9ms
[Seq 189] IMU ts: 1390ms
FPS 29.271613342173193
[Seq 47] Mid of RGB exposure ts: 1433ms, RGB ts: 1448ms, RGB exposure time: 29ms
[Seq 67] Mid of Stereo exposure ts: 1435ms, Disparity ts: 1440ms, Stereo exposure time: 9ms
[Seq 212] IMU ts: 1435ms
FPS 29.629629629327667
[Seq 48] Mid of RGB exposure ts: 1466ms, RGB ts: 1481ms, RGB exposure time: 29ms
[Seq 68] Mid of Stereo exposure ts: 1457ms, Disparity ts: 1462ms, Stereo exposure time: 9ms
[Seq 223] IMU ts: 1457ms
usage: python3 [-h] [-f FPS] [-d] [-v] [-t]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FPS, --fps FPS Camera sensor FPS, applied to all cams
-d, --draw Draw on frames the sequence number and timestamp
-v, --verbose Verbose, -vv for more verbosity
-t, --dev_timestamp Get device timestamps, not synced to host. For debug
Press C to capture a set of frames.
python3 -d -f 30 -vv
Seq Left_tstamp RGB-Left Right-Left Dropped
num [seconds] diff[ms] diff[ms] delta
0 0.055592 -0.785 0.017
1 0.088907 -0.771 0.011
2 0.122222 -0.758 0.009
3 0.155537 -0.745 0.010
4 0.188852 -0.340 0.011
5 0.222167 -0.326 0.011
6 0.255482 0.063 0.010
7 0.288796 0.078 0.010
8 0.322111 0.257 0.010
9 0.355426 0.270 0.009
10 0.388741 0.246 0.010
11 0.422056 0.260 0.011
12 0.455371 0.146 0.009
13 0.488686 0.160 0.009
14 0.522000 0.046 0.010
15 0.555315 0.061 0.010
16 0.588644 -0.015 0.010
17 0.621945 0.020 0.011
18 0.655267 -0.011 0.008
19 0.688575 0.019 0.010
20 0.721890 0.018 0.009
21 0.755205 0.033 0.009
22 0.788520 0.037 0.012
23 0.821834 0.050 0.010
24 0.855149 0.048 0.009
25 0.888463 0.063 0.010
26 0.921778 0.055 0.012
If you would like to sync multiple streams (color/left/right) across multiple devices, you should
script. It uses timestamps to sync frames.
Since timestamp is synced with the host, all OAK cameras get the same timestamp thus timestamps are in the script to sync across multiple devices.
As you can see, bottom color image is 16ms behind other frames. Since we were using 30FPS, time difference below 16.6 are considered in sync
(1/FPS => 33.3ms/2 => 16.6
If you would like to do a more complex syncing of frames and (multiple) NN results, like 2-stage inference, see example here. There's a file
, which will sync frames with object detections and object recognition NN results.
Install requirements
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt