This code is highly experimental, all suggestions by the app must be reviewed
Native Android implementation of the algorithm with additional functionality.
Most recent apk:
App Summary:
Project blog:
(Phone and Android Wear Notifications)
Current features:
- Open Loop system (requires user to review and enter data into pump)
- Capture your Bolus and Carb Treatments
- Bolus Wizard
- Suggested Temp Basal based on algorithm
- Notifications for Android and Android Wear when a new Temp Basal is suggested
- Visuals showing Carb and IOB over time and Basal vs Temp Basal adjustments
As of now the App can be used to inform the user at a user set time interval suggested Temp Basal as calculated by the algorithm, this can then be manually set on the users pump. This allows a Diabetic with any pump to experiment with the OpenAPS algorithm.
- xDrip device and App for capturing blood sugar values
- Android 5.0
To integrate with the Roche Accu-Chek Combo pump. Any experience hacking Bluetooth? Please contact me.
As you can now play with the OpenAPS algorithm with any pump :)
- Q: Why have you not focused on the current Round Trip Android app?
- A: Round Trip was ported from the native Java implementation of OpenAPS to Android by a hired developer along with all Medtronic integration. I wanted a ground up native port of the OpenAPS system, by doing it myself I can learn as much as possible and be sure I am porting over only the items I require.
- Q: Why are you not reading Treatment Data from the pump
- A: I am building the system to support Roche pumps where Treatment data is captured on the Bluetooth enabled Blood Meter not on the Pump. This App is a complete replacement of this meter that will I hope one day link to the pump via Bluetooth.
- Q: Why do you not use the native OpenAPS Java files?
- A: I hear this is possible on Android, but believe this would be difficult to debug. One aim of this project is to provide an easy to debug version of determine_basal to help me understand the OpenAPS algorithm
- Q: Why have you done X and not Y in Android
- A: I am not a developer and have been only working on Android development for the last 2 months, if there is a better way to do something please do let me know
###To do
- Fix UI bug in line charts where lines appear to loop back on themselves
- Write up the core functions of the App
- Improve code comments
- Lots and lots of debugging
- Find a Bluetooth developer to help me hack the Roche Accu-Chek Combo pump
###Repos used I am utilising code from the following repos and porting them over to this app.
- OpenAPS -
- NightWatch -
- Nightscout -
###Thanks to The community for all their code and advice to make this possible. Special thanks to StephenBlackWasAlreadyTaken, jasoncalabrese and scottleibrand.