1.1.5 ( Mar 28 2013 )
- change: Added Mustache.resolve to evaluate truthyness in a common way #333
- change: Fixed incorrect passing of context stacks with partials in Mustache #288
- change: Mustache {{#if}} does not correctly evaluate boolean value
- change: deparam: parse params with remaining ampersand
- change: Null objects within observes weren't working properly with Mustache sections #307
- change: Mustache: Pass raw array data as the context instead of trying to resolve it #281
- change: Allow to pass an array index to removeAttr in Observe and Observe.List
- change: fixing no arg helpers
- change: Mustache interpolation issues using Observes inside of an attribute tag
- change: isObject is undefined
- change: Allow dots in Observe keys
- change: data-view-id being rendered in tag closing
- change: Execute startBatch callbacks
- change: HTML comments with either an element callback (EJS) or a helper (Mustache) rendered incorrectly
- change: Prevent leak from computes that have no bindings.
- change: Treat "--" as delimiter of empty element
- change: Fixing can.ajax with mootools
- change: CanJS tries to parse JSON-map which contains a dot in the key
- change: can.compute evaluations for the default Mustache handlers
- change: can.Mustache: Array of objects passed as context to partials, breaks data helper and rendering.
- change: adding greedy space to model url splitter
- change: Fix for numeric inputs not living binding
- change: Empty strings not handled properly
- change: can.Control event delegation problem
- change: fixing computes from converting type
- change: can.view with Deferreds doesn't pass failures
- change: HTML comments trip EJS rendering
- change: can.Observe.prototype.each overrides {{#each}} Mustache helper.
- change: Any model with a "." in the key name will cause observe.js _set() to throw and error
- change: Item.List splice method does not convert inserted elements to Item type
- change: Mustache: DOM exception when applying certain block patterns
- change: Mustache: Interpolated values when iterating through an Observe.List fail if not surrounded by a DOM node
1.1.4 ( February 5, 2013 )
- fix: Haschange binding and route ready for all libraries
- fix: Get converters and .attr working the right way with nested objects
- fix: CanJS/ejs table+tbody rendering of a list gives nested tbody items
- fix: Mustache: Inconsistent treatment of function attributes
- fix: EJS renders "@@!!@@" instead of Model data when a Deferred is passed into can.view that takes a long time to resolve
- fix: Mustache: registered helpers do not create the context stack correctly
- fix: Mustache: only the current context is passed to partials, instead of the full stack
- fix: IE8 error when setting up observe list
- fix: Resetting a live-bound <textarea> changes its value to !!
- fix: hashchange binding still broken in mootools
- fix: can.Mustache - with context lost in nested sections
- fix: Enabled passing in helpers and partials to Mustache views, (1)
- fix: Make the resolved data available when using can.view
- fix: .attr method doesn't merge nested objects
- fix: Live binding on observe.lists nested in an observe doesn't work
- fix: Attributes/Converters Issue
- fix: Observe.List push/unshift doesn't fire when sort comparator is set
- fix: Observe.List sort doesn't use custom method passed
- fix: test&fix: null values crashing validations
- fix: EJS rendering null value
- fix: can.Observe sort plugin doesn't trigger add events
- fix: Observe.List sort plugin erroring on item removal
- fix: Live binding on observe.lists nested in an observe doesn't work
- fix: Observe.List sort doesn't use custom method passed
- add: removeAttr can.Model attribute
- add: Calling destroy on non persisted model
- add: jQuery 1.9.x support
- add: Mustache Helpers that accept computes and return an element should work
1.1.3 ( December 11, 2012 )
- fix: Empty model displays !! as input values
- fix: Rendering models in tables produces different results than an equivalent observe
- fix:
Mustache helper doesn't parse attribute properly - fix: Partial Mustache views assume the right parent tag for live-binding
- fix: Mustache partials don't parse properly
- fix: can.Control will fail to find $.event.special in a $.noConflict(true) scenario
- fix: Nameless view renderers should return document fragment
- fix: compute only updates once when a list's contents are replaced
- add: Updated jQuery hashchange plugin
- add: Generate computes from an observe property
- add: Add can.Observe.List.prototype.replace
- add: [Return resolved data models in view callback](https://github.com/bitovi/canjs/issues/1log
1.1.2 ( November 28, 2012 )
- fix: Solve issue when stealing mustache templates -
object now - fix: Controls shouldn't bind to templated events that contain undefined values
- fix: Resetting a form changes input values to !!
- fix: Further AMD build improvements
- fix: Strange conversion of nested arrays to Observe.List
1.1.1 ( November 19, 2012 )
- fix: @@!!@@ Appears on Page With EJS and Table in non-IE Browsers
- fix: can.deparam leaks to global scope
- fix: nested attr() call on a model with List attributes blows away existing List
- add: canjs#162
- Improved AMD support, see #155
1.1.0 ( November 13, 2012 )
add: AMD module support for each dependency (#46)
- Updated jQuery to 1.8.2
- Updated Zepto to 1.0rc1
- Updated YUI to 3.7.3
- Added Mustache/Handlebars support with Live Binding
- add: List binding on .length of an object
- fix: validation error that incorrectly labels an attribute with a value of 0 as empty
- add: you can now pluralise event names to listen to matching events of that type (rather than firing a single event)
- add: compound sets now behave correctly
- fix: can.Observe.delegate sets wrong event.currentTarget
- add: ability to assign object as attribute type in can.Observe
- fix: can.Model with attributes that are models gets corrupted when you call attr()
- add: missing dependency to can/model
- Moved can/model/elements to can/observe/elements and renamed
- fix: can.Model.List doesn't fire the change event on the expando properties
1.0.7 (June 25nd 2012)
- Fixed a global collision with
- Fixed a global collision with
Removed globals
- Thanks Daniel Franz!
1.0.6 (June 22nd 2012)
- Added a computed value type object that can be used to represent several observe properties or a single static value.
- Fixed problem with trailing text not being added to template.
1.0.5 (June 2nd 2012)
- Added ability to overwrite model crud operations by defining a
prefixed static function, such asmakeFindAll
- Added ability to overwrite model crud operations by defining a
- Fixed problem with nested block statements.
- Added optional third argument that defines the context for the iterator function.
- Added
method as an alias forsetTimeout(function(){}, 0)
- Added
- Fixed
so it will work with both older and newersteal
- Fixed
1.0.4 (May 22nd 2012)
- Fixed plugin build process
1.0.2 (May 20th 2012)
- Fixed breaking namespace issue.
1.0.1 (May 18th 2012)
- fix:
now makes sure the collection being iterated is notundefined
- fix:
- add: Redirect to another controller method using a string
- fix: Model instances in model store will be updated when
retrieves updated instances fixes - fix: Static methods such as
can now be rejected. Thanks roelmonnens!
- fix: Model instances in model store will be updated when
- add: Deliminating tokens now configurable
- fix: Current route wins if all else equal
1.0 (May 14st 2012)
Registers itself as an AMD module if
is in thewindow
- add: a fixture plugin
1.0 Beta 2 (April 21st 2012)
- change: reverse argument order of can.each
- change/fix: buildFragment returns non cached frag
- fix: zepto's isEmptyObject was broke
- fix: a host of bugs in libaries other than jQuery because can.route was not properly tested in other libraries.
- fix: can.param fixed in dojo,
1.0 Beta 1 (April 1st 2012)