Have you built a Snark Barker but it doesn't work right? Having trouble figuring out exactly what is wrong? SBDIAG may be able to help!
- Download the executable along with TADA.WAV and copy it to your vintage system.
- Hit the number keys to pick a menu option
- Hit escape to go up one menu level or to quit.
Unlike games and other software SBDIAG makes no assumptions about what is or is not working on the hardware. The following few sections provide some basic troubleshooting advice, primarily geared towards the Snark Barker, although SBDIAG can be used with any Sound Blaster compatible sound card. It helps to have the schematic in front of you so you can follow along.
The DSP is actually an 8051 microcontroller. It communicates with the host PC using two latches that form a simple mailbox.
The first test on the menu, DSP Address Test, allows you to check the address decode circuitry on the sound card. Run the test, and put a logic probe or oscilloscope on pin 10 of U8 to confirm that the DSPRD_CS# signal is pulsing. You can also check pin 3 of U16 for the CARD_SELECTED# signal. Furthermore, check pin 3 of U27 to make sure ISA_RD# is pulsing.
The DSP Write Test just writes the "disable speaker" command in a loop. You can check pin 11 uf U18 (ISA_WRITE#) to make sure the control logic is sending the signal to the mailbox latch. If the DSP is alive, then pin 1 of U18 (DSP_READ#) will assert when the DSP tries to read the command. Check pin 28 of U13 for the DAV_DSP signal, which lets the DSP know that a byte is waiting for it in the mailbox.
DSP Reset does what it says, pulsing the reset line on the DSP (pin 9 of U13). If you don't see such a signal, backtrack through the reset logic of U29, U30, U26, and W24.
DSP Version retrieves the two-byte version number of the DSP firmware. If this returns a number that makes sense (like 2.02) then you know that the DSP mailbox is working and the DSP is programmed correctly.
DSP Interrupt tests the interrupt logic by commanding the DSP to assert the IREQUEST line (pin 12 of U13). You should see this line pulsing during the test. You can also check pin 9 of U26 which is the actual interrupt line. The RD_DAV# line, is pulsed when the host PC tries to read 2xEh (the data available flag) which clears the interrupt flag. This is pin 9 of U28.
Generate Sine Wave (no DMA) uses a DSP diagnostic command to generate a sine wave. This test does not require working a working interrupt or DMA. You should hear a tone coming out of the speakers. If not, work your way through the audio chain starting from U4, R4/R3, U5 (pin 1), and U5 (pin 8). The DAC (U12) is current based so you will not see audio voltages on the output pin. You can check for pulses on the incoming data lines (pins 5-12 of U12).
Generate Sine Wave (DMA) streams a digitally-generated sine wave to the DSP using DMA and the interrupt. If you can hear this, then the digital section of the card is working. If you hear it for 1 second and then silence, the interrupt is not working.
Play Digital Audio this plays a familiar sound through the speaker. :-)
The Ad Lib section of the card uses the YM3812 and Y3014 chips to play back FM-synthesized audio. The Try to Detect Ad Lib menu option runs the traditional detection algorithm that uses the YM3812's internal timer to set a status bit. This is a good way to check U9's CS# (pin 7), READ# (pin 6), WRITE# (pin 5), and A0 (pin 4) signals on the YM3812. While you are there, make sure there is a 3.58MHz square wave on pin 24. If you don't see a signal on one of those pins, work your way back through the logic that drives those pins.
Play Sine Wave uses the YM3812 to generate a basic 1KHz sine wave. If you don't hear anything but the Ad Lib was detected OK, check the audio path starting from the digital CLOCK (U10 pin 5), LOAD (U10 pin 3) and SD (U10 pin 4) signals, moving to the audio output (U10 pin 2), buffer (U11 pin 14), and mixer (U11 pins 8 and 7). The YM3812 registers are written only once, so this test is not very useful for checking the YM3812's host interface.
Play Percussion Loop is meant for checking digital writes to the YM3812 registers. There are no read operations during this test.
The CMS chips (optional) provide Game Blaster compatibility. If you have installed them, this part of SBDIAG can help you test it. Since the chips are write-only, SBDIAG has no way to confirm any tests; you will have to check pins using a logic probe or oscilloscope, or listen for the audio output.
Write Loop tests simply write to a CMS register over and over again. You will not hear any sound but you can probe for activity on the following pins:
- CS# (pin 2)
- WR# (pin 1)
- A0 (pin 3)
- DTACK# (pin 7)
Sine Wave tests generate a 1KHz sine wave through the left channel, right channel, or both channels at once. These tests write to the registers only twice, once before the test and once afterwards to shut off the sound, so this test is not very useful for use with a logic probe.
The Snark Barker, just like older Sound Blaster cards, has a very basic SB-MIDI mode (not MPU-401 compatible). Not a whole lot of software uses it and the wiring is incredibly simple (basically just 8051 UART lines wired to the joystick port). The tests are very simple and just test the port output and input capabilities. Note that the loopback test will occasionally return bad values even when it is working OK.
The PC joystick port is very basic and uses a quad timer chip along with a simple resistor-capacitor circuit to measure the resistance of the joystick potentiometers.
Get raw port status just returns the raw bits that it reads from the joystick port. If you have a socketed NE558, you can remove it from the socket and manually jumper the U3 inputs (pins 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, and 17) to ground in order to verify that the U3 buffer is working and that the address hardware also works. You can check U3 pin 1 to verify that the address decoder is working. Also, joystick buttons can be tested in this state.
Measure joystick potentiometers performs the standard PC joystick algorithm and returns the raw counter values for each axis. You can check that the trigger signal is correctly appearing at the NE558 by checking pin 3 of U1.
If you want to build SBDIAG, use Borland Turbo C++ version 3.1 under DOS. Be sure to set the memory model to "large" or it will not be able to play back digital audio. This program will run in DOSBOX or on a real vintage computer.
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