dirichlet-process Public
Forked from echen/dirichlet-processIntroduction to Nonparametric Bayes, Infinite Mixture Models, and the Dirichlet Process (+ McDonald's)
R UpdatedApr 15, 2015 -
caffe Public
Forked from BVLC/caffeCaffe: a fast framework for deep learning. For the most recent version checkout the dev branch. For the latest stable release checkout the master branch.
C++ Other UpdatedFeb 7, 2015 -
awesome-python Public
Forked from vinta/awesome-pythonA curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries and software
fbcunn Public
Forked from facebookarchive/fbcunnFacebook's extensions to torch/cunn.
C++ Other UpdatedJan 16, 2015 -
pylearn2 Public
Forked from lisa-lab/pylearn2A Machine Learning library based on Theano
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 5, 2014 -
python-recsys Public
Forked from ocelma/python-recsysA python library for implementing a recommender system
Python UpdatedNov 24, 2014 -
A global, black box optimization engine for real world metric optimization.
C++ Other UpdatedNov 23, 2014 -
libcmaes Public
Forked from CMA-ES/libcmaeslibcmaes is a multithreaded C++11 library with Python bindings for high performance blackbox stochastic optimization using the CMA-ES algorithm for Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy
C++ GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 21, 2014 -
DeepLearningTutorials Public
Forked from lisa-lab/DeepLearningTutorialsDeep Learning Tutorial notes and code. See the wiki for more info.
Python UpdatedNov 14, 2014 -
climin Public
Forked from BRML/climinOptimizers for machine learning
Python Other UpdatedSep 9, 2014 -
ml-ease Public
Forked from linkedin/ml-easeADMM based large scale logistic regression
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 20, 2014 -
deepmat Public
Forked from kyunghyuncho/deepmatMatlab Code for Restricted/Deep Boltzmann Machines and Autoencoders
MATLAB UpdatedJul 28, 2014 -
papery Public
Forked from ericzhang-cn/paperypapery - create your simple, fast & elegant blog with plain text
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 28, 2014 -
graphlab Public
Forked from jegonzal/PowerGraphA framework for large-scale machine learning and graph computation.
C++ UpdatedJun 23, 2014 -
restlet-framework-java Public
Forked from restlet/restlet-framework-javaRestlet Framework for Java
Java UpdatedJun 18, 2014 -
disruptor Public
Forked from LMAX-Exchange/disruptorHigh Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 16, 2014 -
TTree-source Public
Forked from 0asa/TTree-sourceExploiting SNP correlations within Random Forest for Genome-Wide Association Studies
C++ BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedJun 13, 2014 -
ufldl_tutorial Public
Forked from jatinshah/ufldl_tutorialStanford Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning Tutorial
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 7, 2014 -
DeepLearnToolbox Public
Forked from rasmusbergpalm/DeepLearnToolboxMatlab/Octave toolbox for deep learning. Includes Deep Belief Nets, Stacked Autoencoders, Convolutional Neural Nets, Convolutional Autoencoders and vanilla Neural Nets. Each method has examples to …
MATLAB BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedMay 11, 2014 -
scala_school Public
Forked from twitter/scala_schoolLessons in the Fundamentals of Scala
Scala UpdatedApr 7, 2014 -
canopyClusteringPython Public
Forked from bread-tan/canopyClusteringPythonCanopy Clustering using MapReduce [Hadoop]
Python UpdatedMar 25, 2014 -
spark Public
Forked from apache/sparkMirror of Apache Spark
Scala Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 9, 2014 -
Forked from vaswani/WORD_OBSERVATION_RBM_NCETrain word embeddings with an RBM and Noise Contrastive Estimation training
C++ UpdatedFeb 19, 2014 -
PG_DEEP Public
Forked from lipiji/PG_DEEPDeep Learning and Applications--Demo
C++ UpdatedJan 18, 2014 -