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craffel / nntools
Forked from Lasagne/LasagneFork of
jaberg / hyperopt
Forked from hyperopt/hyperoptDistributed Asynchronous Hyperparameter Optimization in Python
nzjrs / profilehooks
Forked from mgedmin/profilehooksPython decorators for profiling/tracing/timing a single function
pytoolz / cytoolz
Forked from eriknw/cytoolzCython implementation of Toolz: High performance functional utilities
flypy / pykit
Forked from ContinuumIO/pykitBackend compiler for high-level typed code with first-class support for multi-dimensional arrays, objects and complex numbers.
neurospin / pylearn-epac
Forked from duchesnay/pylearn-epacEmbarrassingly Parallel Array Computing: EPAC is a machine learning workflow builder.
abergeron / compyte
Forked from inducer/compyteA common set of compute primitives for PyCUDA and PyOpenCL