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This image chooses OpenEBS LocalPV as its persistence storage engine.

Components included in this image:

  • 1 TiDB operator deployment resource.
  • 3 TiDB pd replicas which requests "20Gi" storage.
  • 3 TiDB tikv replicas which requests "50Gi" storage.
  • 2 tidb server using ClusterIP to expose service.
  • deploy TiDB monitor using grafana and prometheus which requests "50Gi" storage.

How to use it

Access the database

By default, we use Cluster IP to expose the console service outside the k8s cluster.

Get the tidb Cluster IP:

kubectl get svc -n tidb-system | grep basic-tidb-cluster-tidb
basic-tidb-cluster-tidb        ClusterIP   <none>        4000/TCP,10080/TCP    15h

Access tidb database:

mysql -h ${tidb_lb_ip} -p 4000 -u root

tidb_lb_ip is the cluster IP of the TiDB service.


Access the Grafana monitoring dashboard,you can run the kubectl port-forward command to access the Grafana monitoring dashboard,then open http://localhost:3000 in your browser and log on with the default username and password admin.

kubectl port-forward -n tidb-system svc/basic-tidb-cluster-grafana 3000:3000 &>/tmp/portforward-grafana.log &

Or access grafana dashboard with node port.

kubectl get svc -n tidb-system basic-tidb-cluster-grafana

NAME                         TYPE       CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
basic-tidb-cluster-grafana   NodePort   <none>        3000:31180/TCP   18m

Access the prometheus monitoring data, run the kubectl port-forward command to access it. Open http://localhost:9090 in your browser or access this address via a client tool.

kubectl port-forward -n tidb-system svc/basic-tidb-cluster-prometheus 9090:9090 &>/tmp/portforward-prometheus.log &

Or access prometheus server with node port.

kubectl get svc -n tidb-system basic-tidb-cluster-prometheus

NAME                            TYPE       CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
basic-tidb-cluster-prometheus   NodePort   <none>        9090:31772/TCP   18m

How to rebuild it

Modify manifest yaml file according to your needs, then run below command to rebuild it.

sealer build -t {Your Image Name} -f Kubefile -m cloud .

More parameters see official document here.