Below are the steps involved in running a Sentinel dVPN Node.
- Docker Installation
- Pull the Sentinel dVPN docker image
- Node Configuration
Start running the node and make $SENT!
Below are the instructions on installing docker.
sudo apt install -y curl
curl -fsSL -o /tmp/
sudo sh /tmp/
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
You can setup and run VPN node in two ways
Using existing docker image
cd ~
mkdir -p $HOME/.sentinel
sudo docker run -it --privileged --mount type=bind,source=$HOME/.sentinel,target=/root/.sentinel -p 3000:3000 -p 4200:4200 -p 4201:4201 -p 4202:4202 -p 4203:4203 sentinelofficial/sentinel-socks5-node
Building your own docker image
cd ~
git clone
cd ~/sentinel/socks5-node-docker
sudo docker build --file --tag sentinel-socks-node --force-rm --no-cache .
mkdir -p $HOME/.sentinel
sudo docker run -it --privileged --mount type=bind,source=$HOME/.sentinel,target=/root/.sentinel -p 3000:3000 -p 4200:4200 -p 4201:4201 -p 4202:4202 -p 4203:4203 sentinel-socks-node
sudo docker pull sentinelofficial/sentinel-socks5-node
sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -a -q --filter="ancestor=sentinelofficial/sentinel-socks5-node")
sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -a -q --filter="ancestor=sentinelofficial/sentinel-socks5-node")
After running the above commands please follow the method #1 for running the node again