Style guide for Sequin's docs and web console.
Use lowercase for general terms like "sink" when discussing them generally:
- ✅ "Configure your sink settings"
- ✅ "Sequin supports multiple sinks"
- ❌ "Configure your Sink settings"
When referring to specific sink types, keep "sink" lowercase but maintain capitalization of proper nouns:
- ✅ "SQS sink"
- ✅ "Kafka sink"
- ✅ "Redis sink"
- ✅ "webhook sink"
- ❌ "SQS Sink"
- ❌ "Kafka Sink"
Capitalize in navigation, buttons, and headers:
- ✅ "Create Sink" (in buttons)
- ✅ "Manage Sinks" (in navigation)
- ✅ "Sink Settings" (as a header)
- ✅ "Edit SQS Sink" (in buttons/headers)
- ✅ "Configure Kafka Sink" (in navigation)
- ❌ "Edit SQS sink" (in buttons/headers)
But use lowercase in descriptive text and instructions within the UI:
- ✅ "Your SQS sink is now configured"
- ✅ "Select a sink type to continue"
Always capitalize proper product names:
- ✅ "Sequin"
- ✅ "Sequin Cloud"
- ✅ "Sequin Stream"