Render a Rack app (Rails/Sinatra/etc) to a static build so it can be served by Netlify, Now, GitHub Pages, S3, or any other web server.
A simple github action that dynamically deploys an app to heroku
A Ruby Gem that adds annotations to your Rails models and route files.
Acceptance test framework for web applications
A Ruby APNs HTTP/2 gem able to provide instant feedback.
Fit4Ruby is a Ruby library to read and write FIT files.
Open-source UI component library and front-end development framework based on Tailwind CSS
A simple & up to date Ruby class for easily generating Gravatar URL's
A readonly ActiveRecord-esque base class that lets you use a hash, a Yaml file or a custom file as the datasource
A collection of extension and developer tools for ViewComponent
A shareable configuration of rules we use at Give Lively to lint our Javascript code.
packs are a specification for an extensible packaging system to help modularize Ruby applications.
Thor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces.
Live Reload for your Rails app. The easiest way to increase your productivity.
A rewriting web proxy for testing interactions between your browser and external sites. Works with ruby + rspec.
Ruby production code coverage collection and reporting (line of code usage)
Convert notion pages, block and list of blocks to markdown (supports nesting and custom parsing)
Provides a framework for saving incoming blank values as nil in the database in instances where you'd rather use DB NULL than simply a blank string.
Modify Rails autoloading rules to treat all files in a package directory as belonging to a given namespace
A pure Rust implementation of packwerk, a gradual modularization tool for Ruby
packs-rails establishes and implements a set of conventions for splitting up large monoliths.