To connect to raspberry us
ssh pi@raspberrypisdextremeplus
Run the docker image on the raspberry:
docker run -e SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=<db_uri> -e ACTIVATE_SPIDERS=ALL real-aesthete
docker run -e SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=postgresql://postgres:postgres@raspberrypisdextremeplus:5432/postgres -e IMMOWELT_SPIDER_RANDOM_DECLINE_RATE=0.5 -e ACTIVATE_SPIDERS=EbayFlatRentSpider -e POSTGRES_POOL_SIZE=200 -e POSTGRES_MAX_OVERFLOW=20 -it real-aesthete
docker build -t real-aesthete-base -f Dockerfile-base .
docker buildx build --platform=linux/arm/v7 -t real-aesthete-base-arm -f Dockerfile-base .
docker build -t real-aesthete .
docker buildx build --platform=linux/arm/v7 -t real-aesthete-arm .
docker save -o <path for generated tar file> <image name>
scp real-aesthete-image pi@raspberrypisdextremeplus:real-aesthete-image.tar
docker load -i <path to image tar file>