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CWF Kubernetes Operator

The CWF Operator is a Kubernetes Operator used to deploy the CWF Helm chart (located at magma/cwf/gateway/helm) in a highly available configuration. The only configuration currently supported is 2 CWAGs running in active/standby mode.

Note: The cwf-virtlet helm chart is deprecated. If deploying a new gateway, use the chart located at magma/cwf/gateway/helm/cwf-kubevirt.


Before installing the CWF Operator, the redis-ha helm chart must be deployed:

Deploying HA Redis

We can do this by deploying the redis-ha helm chart. Below are the recommended value overrides to deploy with:

  port: 6380

  enabled: false
  path: "/data/{{ .Release.Name }}"

## Enables a HA Proxy for better LoadBalancing / Sentinel Master support.
## Automatically proxies to Redis master.
## Recommend for externally exposed Redis clusters.
## ref:
  enabled: true
  replicas: 3

Given these values, the helm chart can be deployed with:

helm upgrade --install redis-ha stable/redis-ha --namespace magma --values=vals-redis-ha.yml

CWAG Helm Configuration

For each CWF helm release, there is a section of values that need to be updated. In the vals.yml override for each cwf release, set gateway_ha to enabled.

Then set the redis section to the port and bind address to match the redis-ha deployment. port should be changed to the port in vals-redis-ha.yml an d bind should be changed to the haproxy svc name that was created.

    enabled: false
    port: 6380
    bind: redis-ha-haproxy

Once these values are set, deploy the CWF helm chart with these values overrides specified.

Gateway Configuration and Registration

Once the gateway pods have fully spun up, check to ensure that the installation succeeded for both gateways. To do this:

[~/] kubectl -n magma get VirtualMachineInstances
[~/] sudo virtctl -n magma console <cwfKubeVirtInstance>
[user@cwf01:~/] cd /var/opt/magma/docker
[user@cwf01:/var/opt/magma/docker] sudo docker ps

You should see all of the containers running:

2bff32bb9787    "/usr/local/bin/sess…"   1 hour ago        Up 1 hour (healthy)                       sessiond
912626ef88fa      "python3.5 -m magma.…"   1 hour ago        Up 1 hour                                 state
fc577508d4c4   "python3.5 -m magma.…"   1 hour ago        Up 1 hour (healthy)                       policydb
441b92fec477      "python3.5 -m magma.…"   1 hour ago        Up 1 hour (healthy)                       directoryd
1c017b67b50f      "python3.5 -m magma.…"   1 hour ago        Up 1 hour                                 magmad
9d118131385e          "envdir /var/opt/mag…"   1 hour ago        Up 1 hour (healthy)                       eap_aka
0926c3c6613a      "/bin/bash -c '/usr/…"   1 hour ago        Up 1 hour                                 td-agent-bit
6f2c3c82b723          "envdir /var/opt/mag…"   1 hour ago        Up 1 hour (healthy)                       aaa_server
cd704bed6e75             "envdir /var/opt/mag…"   1 hour ago        Up 1 hour                                 health
f12eb89a7cbd      "sh -c '/usr/local/b…"   1 hour ago        Up 1 hour                                 control_proxy
3e806aa645ec      "python3.5 -m magma.…"   1 hour ago        Up 1 hour                                 eventd
f786fd8f9d6c          "envdir /var/opt/mag…"   1 hour ago        Up 1 hour                                 radiusd
beed2e197c13   "sh -c 'set bridge c…"   1 hour ago        Up 1 hour (healthy)                       pipelined
e6f78db3d8ad          "/bin/bash -c 'envsu…"   1 hour ago        Up 1 hour (healthy)                       radius
9a097700e3a8      "/bin/bash -c '/usr/…"   1 hour ago        Up 1 hour                                 redis

Then register each gateway:

[user@cwf01:~/] docker compose exec magmad /usr/local/bin/

You should see output similar to:

Hardware ID:

Challenge Key:

Register the gateway by adding this information to the intended CWF network in your NMS.

Creating the HA Pair

Lastly, we need to configure an HAPair network entity to associate these two gateways into an HA cluster. NMS support for this is not yet completed, so this will have to be done through the Orchestrator API.

Navigate to the API, and find endpoint /cwf/{network_id}/ha_pairs. Use the POST method to create the pair. An important part of this configuration is the transport_virtual_ip field. This is the IP address that will be used by WLC/APs to connect to the CWAG cluster. The IP should be an unused IP in the SAME subnet as eth1 of the gateways.

As an example, below is the pair we would create if our two gateways had gateway ID's gw1 and gw2:

  "config": {
    "transport_virtual_ip": ""
  "gateway_id_1": "gw1",
  "gateway_id_2": "gw2",
  "ha_pair_id": "cwf_pair1"

Deploying CWF Operator

Lastly, we need to deploy the operator to manage this cluster. To do so, copy the deploy directory at magma/cwf/k8s/cwf_operator/deploy to a controller node.

Then run the following on the node:

kubectl -n magma create -f deploy/crds/magma.cwf.k8s_haclusters_crd.yaml
kubectl -n magma create -f deploy/service_account.yaml
kubectl -n magma create -f deploy/role.yaml
kubectl -n magma create -f deploy/role_binding.yaml

Before creating the operator pod, the operator.yaml file will need to be modified. The following fields should be updated:

  • imagePullSecrets - update to the correct secrets to pull the operator image
  • image - update to the correct image (e.g.
  • REDIS_ADDR - update to the deployed redis addr for the redis-ha helm chart (e.g. redis-ha-haproxy:6380)

Now, create the operator pod:

kubectl -n magma create -f deploy/operator.yaml

After this, kubectl -n magma get pods should display the operator running:

cwf-operator-6b568c447d-hvgg8                 1/1     Running            0          2m45s
cwf01-8597b79ff8-h4csd                        1/1     Running            0          19d
cwf02-747b5bf75b-4njp9                        1/1     Running            0          19d

Lastly, we need to modify deploy/crds/magma.cwf.k8s_v1alpha1_hacluster_cr.yaml to track our intended CWAGs. To do this, modify gatewayResources to the name of 2 CWAG resources that will be configured in the active/standby cluster. For each resource, define:

  • gatewayID - the gateway ID created in the NMS
  • helmReleaseName - the release name of the gateway helm deployment

If you are unsure what the helm release name should be, run helm ls -n magma to check the list of releases.

After making this change, the yaml file should something like:

apiVersion: magma.cwf.k8s/v1alpha1
kind: HACluster
  name: example-hacluster
    - gatewayID: "gw1"
      helmReleaseName: "cwf01"
    - gatewayID: "gw2"
      helmReleaseName: "cwf02"
  haPairID: "cwf_pair1"

Create this custom resource by running:

kubectl -n magma create -f deploy/crds/magma.cwf.k8s_v1alpha1_hacluster_cr.yaml

To verify that the operator is configured properly, kubectl -n magma logs -f <cwf_operator_pod> should show:

I0708 08:21:48.704915       1 main.go:65] cmd "level"=0 "msg"="Operator Version: 0.0.1"
I0708 08:21:48.705194       1 main.go:66] cmd "level"=0 "msg"="Go Version: go1.13.4"
I0708 08:21:48.705206       1 main.go:67] cmd "level"=0 "msg"="Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64"
I0708 08:21:48.705215       1 main.go:68] cmd "level"=0 "msg"="Version of operator-sdk: v0.16.0"
I0708 08:21:48.705418       1 leader.go:46] leader "level"=0 "msg"="Trying to become the leader."
I0708 08:21:51.852198       1 leader.go:88] leader "level"=0 "msg"="No pre-existing lock was found."
I0708 08:21:51.858843       1 leader.go:108] leader "level"=0 "msg"="Became the leader."
I0708 08:21:53.861893       1 listener.go:44] controller-runtime/metrics "level"=0 "msg"="metrics server is starting to listen"  "addr"=""
I0708 08:21:53.862047       1 main.go:114] cmd "level"=0 "msg"="Registering Components."
I0708 08:21:53.862233       1 controller.go:92] helm.controller "level"=0 "msg"="Watching resource"  "apiVersion"={"Group":"","Version":"v1alpha1"} "kind"="Cwf" "namespace"="" "reconcilePeriod"="10s"
I0708 08:22:01.090487       1 metrics.go:97] metrics "level"=0 "msg"="Metrics Service object created"  "Service.Name"="cwf-operator-metrics" "Service.Namespace"="magma"
I0708 08:22:07.190899       1 main.go:131] cmd "level"=0 "msg"="Starting the Cmd."
I0708 08:22:07.191324       1 controller.go:164] controller-runtime/controller "level"=0 "msg"="Starting EventSource"  "controller"="hacluster-controller" "source"={"Type":{"metadata":{"creationTimestamp":null},"spec":{"gatewayResourceNames":null},"status":{"active":"","activeInitState":"","standbyInitState":""}}}
I0708 08:22:07.191328       1 controller.go:164] controller-runtime/controller "level"=0 "msg"="Starting EventSource"  "controller"="cwf-controller" "source"={"Type":{"apiVersion":"","kind":"Cwf"}}
I0708 08:22:07.291680       1 controller.go:171] controller-runtime/controller "level"=0 "msg"="Starting Controller"  "controller"="hacluster-controller"
I0708 08:22:07.291717       1 controller.go:190] controller-runtime/controller "level"=0 "msg"="Starting workers"  "controller"="hacluster-controller" "worker count"=1
I0708 08:22:07.291684       1 controller.go:171] controller-runtime/controller "level"=0 "msg"="Starting Controller"  "controller"="cwf-controller"
I0708 08:22:07.291737       1 controller.go:190] controller-runtime/controller "level"=0 "msg"="Starting workers"  "controller"="cwf-controller" "worker count"=1
I0708 08:46:05.673708       1 hacluster_controller.go:112] controller_hacluster "level"=0 "msg"="Reconciling Cluster" "Request.Name"="cwf-hacluster" "Request.Namespace"="magma"
I0708 08:46:05.673747       1 hacluster_controller.go:131] controller_hacluster "level"=0 "msg"="No active is currently set. Setting active" "Request.Name"="cwf-hacluster" "Request.Namespace"="magma" "gateway"="cwf02"
I0708 08:46:05.699199       1 hacluster_controller.go:112] controller_hacluster "level"=0 "msg"="Reconciling Cluster" "Request.Name"="cwf-hacluster" "Request.Namespace"="magma"
I0708 08:46:05.902238       1 hacluster_controller.go:146] controller_hacluster "level"=0 "msg"="Fetched active health status" "Request.Name"="cwf-hacluster" "Request.Namespace"="magma" "health"="HEALTHY" "message"="gateway status appears healthy"
I0708 08:46:05.904689       1 hacluster_controller.go:152] controller_hacluster "level"=0 "msg"="Fetched standby health status" "Request.Name"="cwf-hacluster" "Request.Namespace"="magma" "health"="HEALTHY" "message"="gateway status appears healthy"

Note: If creating more than 1 HA cluster, the operator need only be deployed once. Just define a new HACluster resource (a new magma.cwf.k8s_v1alpha1_hacluster_cr.yaml file) set to the appropriate gateways and run kubectl -n magma create -f <new_cluster_cr.yaml>.