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File metadata and controls

433 lines (305 loc) · 20.7 KB

Easy Web Forms


Easy Web Forms is a PHP library that simplifies building modern, web-based forms. The library creates the form's HTML and processes user submissions. On success, the results are displayed as HTML and stored in a MySQL database. Both client- and server-side validation are built-in and straightforward to configure.



PHP and MySQL are required on the web server that hosts your form.

Getting Started

If you just want to use this library to create a web-based form, all the necessary files are located in the 'dist' folder. See below for instructions on building/compiling from source if you want to make modifications to the library.

  1. Include the PHP, CSS and JavaScript dependencies in a new PHP document in dist/htdocs:

    include_once '../lib/';

    Include this line first before any other content on the web page. Be certain to set configuration parameters for your environment in conf/

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/index.css" />
    <script src="js/index.js"></script>
  2. Create the form controls. For example:

    $name = new Input([
        'label' => 'Full Name'
        'name' => 'name',
        'required' => true // sets up validation for this control
    $male = new Input([
        'name' => 'gender',
        'id' => 'male',
        'required' => true,
        'type' => 'radio',
        'value' => 'male'
    $female = new Input([
        'name' => 'gender',
        'id' => 'female',
        'required' => true,
        'type' => 'radio',
        'value' => 'female'
  3. Add the form controls:

    $form = new Form(); // instantiate Form instance
        'controls' => [
        'label' => 'Gender'
  4. Render the form:


See example.php for additional details.


Create a MySQL table on the server with field names that correspond to the name attribute of each form control/group that you add. Additional fields are needed to store optional metadata for each record if enabled:

  • browser (Type VARCHAR)
  • datetime (Type DATETIME)
  • ip (Type VARCHAR)

No metadata fields are included by default. Adding an auto-incrementing 'id' field is recommended.

It is recommended to set the MySQL encoding to 'utf8mb4' for the database, table and fields to accommodate all characters and symbols.


Both client- and server-side validation are performed automatically, based on standard HTML5 attributes that you set when creating form controls. The attributes that trigger validation are:

  • maxwidth - <input> types that support this attribute, <textarea>
  • minwidth - <input> types that support this attribute, <textarea>
  • pattern - <input> types that have string values
  • required - <input>, <textarea>, <select>

In addition, the following <input> types have automatic pattern matching built-in, using a simple RegExp to validate user input:

To override built-in pattern matching, set a custom 'pattern' attribute when you create an <input>.

If the list of required controls changes dynamically (i.e. after initialization), it is necessary to call the global method window.updateValidator() whenever they change.

Inline Content

To render additional HTML content associated with a form control next to the control (e.g. an image preview for a 'file' type <input>), include the ancillary content inside a <div> with the class 'form-meta' and set the ancillary content's 'class' to the 'name' value of the form control. For example:

<div class="form-meta">
  <img class="nameValue" src="image.jpg" />

This also works for adding inline content to the results summary following form submission. Ancillary content is moved into place in the DOM (via javascript) when the form/summary is rendered.

Note: Form's isPosting() and isValid() methods might be useful for controlling when ancillary content is displayed.


All user-supplied input is sanitized using PHP Data Filtering and prepared statements are used to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities.


If you want to make modifications to the library, you will need to build/compile your changes.

  1. Install dependencies and start the build process and development web server:

    npm install

    php composer.phar install


    Preview files in src/htdocs at http://localhost:9200/. While grunt is running, live reload automatically runs the build process and refreshes your browser when you save changes.

  2. Compile the CSS and JavaScript and copy the PHP files:

    grunt dist

    This updates files in the 'dist' folder with your changes. Preview files in dist/htdocs at http://localhost:9201/.


  1. Grunt
  2. Node.js, NPM
  3. Composer
  4. PHP with CGI

API Documentation


Used to create an HTML <form>. Back-end routines process and post the form data into the MySQL table you provided in conf/ or during Form instantiation.

Usage example

$form = new Form([
    'successMsg' => 'Thanks for your order.',
    'table' => 'tableName'


Factory Description
Form(<Array> options?) Instantiates a new Form given an optional options Array.


Option Type Default Description
adminEmail String '' If supplied, the email address(es) where the results summary is sent upon successful form submission. Comma separate multiple addresses.
emailSubject String 'Form submitted' Subject of the form submission email notification. Use mustache templates to include form field data entered by user. Example: Form submitted by {{fname}} {{lname}}, where 'fname' and 'lname' are the 'name' attribute values of the form fields.
emailTemplate String '' Full path to a file containing an email template with a {{content}} placeholder where the results summary will be inserted.
meta Array ['browser' => false, 'datetime' => false, 'ip' => false] Associative array of metadata fields to include in each database record. None are included by default.
mode String 'insert' SQL mode: 'insert' or 'update'.
record Array [] Associative array containing details of the MySQL record to update. The array key is the SQL field's name, typically an 'id'; the array value is the corresponding field's unique value. The 'mode' option must be set to 'update'.
submitButtonText String 'Submit' Submit button's text value.
successMsg String 'Thank you for your input.' Message shown to user upon successful form submission.
table String '' Name of MySQL table to insert records into. Overrides the table name supplied in conf/


Method Returns Description
addControl(<Control> control) null Adds the given control to the form. Form controls are rendered/processed in the order added.
addGroup(<addGroup options> options) null Adds the given radio/checkbox group of controls to the form. Form controls are rendered/processed in the order added.
getResults() String Gets a summary of the results (as an HTML definition list) after successful form submission.
isPosting() Boolean Checks if the form is being submitted.
isValid() Boolean Checks if the form passed server-side validation after submission.
render() null Displays either the form or the results upon successful form submission.

addGroup Options

Option Type Default Description
arrangement String 'inline' Form control (radio/checkbox) layout: 'inline' or 'stacked'.
class String '' CSS class(es) attached to group.
controls Array [] Indexed array of controls or a single checkbox control.
description String '' Text content that is displayed below the form control group.
explanation String '' Text content that is displayed above the form control group.
label String 'name' attribute value of controls in group. <legend> for the <fieldset> group.
message String '' Text content that is displayed when one or more form controls in a group are invalid.
separator String ', ' String used to separate user-selected options from a checkbox group in the summary results.
validate String 'all' Validation scope for a required checkbox group: 'some' or 'all'.

Options in bold are required.


Used to create an HTML <input>.

Usage example

$name = new Input([
    'label' => 'Full Name'
    'name' => 'name'


Factory Description
Input(<Array> options) Instantiates a new HTML <input> control given an options Array.


Option Type Default Description
accept String 'image/png, image/jpeg' <input> accept attribute.
checked Boolean false <input> checked attribute.
class String '' CSS class(es) attached to the form control's parent <div>.
description String '' Text content that is displayed below the form control; typically used to describe the expected input from the user. Automatically set to the number of chars. required if 'minlength'/'maxlength' are set and this option has not been set.
Note: Set this option in addGroup options for a radio/checkbox group. Not applicable for datetime <input> types.
disabled Boolean false <input> disabled attribute.
explanation String '' Text content that is displayed above the form control.
Note: Set this option in addGroup options for a radio/checkbox group.
fpOpts Array [] flatpickr options. Key/value pairs to configure datepicker widget for 'datetime' type <input> controls.
id String value of 'name' option <input> id attribute.
inputmode String '' <input> inputmode attribute.
label String '' <label> for <input>. If provided, text header that is displayed above the form control (or next to it for radio/checkbox controls). Otherwise, the value of the 'name' option is displayed.
max Integer null <input> max attribute.
maxlength Integer null <input> maxlength attribute.
message String 'Please provide a valid {{label}}' Text content that is displayed when the form control is invalid. Use mustache templates to insert the control's 'label' or 'name' into the message. If you set 'minlength'/'maxlength' values and you haven't set a custom message, a note will be automatically appended to the default message explaining this requirement.
Note: Set this option in addGroup options for a radio/checkbox group.
min Integer null <input> min attribute.
minlength Integer null <input> minlength attribute.
name String '' <input> name attribute.
path String '' Full (absolute) path to the file upload directory on the server for 'file' type <input> controls (a trailing slash is optional). If this option is omitted, the uploaded file will not be saved.
pattern RegExp '' <input> pattern attribute.
Note: Do not include delimiters around the pattern text.
placeholder String '' <input> placeholder attribute.
readonly Boolean false <input> readonly attribute.
required Boolean false <input> required attribute.
type String 'text' <input> type attribute.
value String '' <input> value attribute.

Options in bold are required; options in italics are required for all radio/checkbox controls.

Special Types

All standard <input> types are supported (except image).

Some types have added functionality:

  • checkbox

    The default 'message' option is set to 'Please select one or more options'.

    Note: add control(s) using the addGroup method (not addControl), even for a single control.

  • email

    User input is automatically validated using simple pattern matching. You can override this by setting the 'pattern' option to a custom value.

  • file

    If the 'path' option is set, the file will be uploaded to the given path and renamed using a timestamp and the original file extension (to ensure all uploaded files have a unique name). This new filename is stored in the database. If the user selects an image, a preview will be rendered inline next to the form control. The default 'description' option is set to '.jpg or .png'. The default 'message' option is set to 'Please choose a file'. Set the 'accept' option to allow file types other than .jpg and .png.

    If necessary, you can further process uploaded files in the calling PHP script after rendering the form:

    if ($form->isPosting() && $form->isValid()) {
      // Handle uploaded file(s) here
  • number

    User input is automatically validated using simple pattern matching. You can override this by setting the 'pattern' option to a custom value.

  • radio

    The default 'message' option is set to 'Please select an option'.

  • url

    User input is automatically validated using simple pattern matching. You can override this by setting the 'pattern' option to a custom value. The default 'description' option is set to 'Include “http://” or “https://”'.

In addition, the following non-standard custom types are also supported:

  • address

    Creates a single field for entering a street address with autocomplete suggestions as you type. You will need to create the following extra fields in the database table to store the constituent values, which are stored in hidden <input> fields: 'city', 'countryCode', 'latlng', 'postalCode', 'state', 'street'. This functionality utilizes a 3rd-party library called PlaceSearch.js, and it requires a MapQuest API key, which you set in conf/

  • datetime

    Creates a datetime (or date/time only) field with a datepicker calendar widget for simplifying/ensuring valid user input. This functionality utilizes a 3rd-party library called flatpickr. See the flatpickr documentation for details on setting configuration options for the datepicker. All flatpickr options are supported, and you configure them by setting 'fpOpts'. Javascript expressions such as function()s and new Date()s need to be passed as strings, and they will be parsed into javascript expressions when the page is rendered.

    User input is automatically validated using formats that conform to MySQL Types DATE, DATETIME, or TIME, depending on how you configure the datepicker. If you override the default format, you will need to set a custom 'pattern' attribute for validating.

Special Attributes

The following <input> attributes will trigger validation when set:

  • maxwidth
  • minwidth
  • pattern
  • required


Used to create an HTML <select>.

Usage example

$name = new Select([
    'name' => 'city',
    'options' => [
        '' => 'Select a city'
        'sf' => 'San Francisco',
        'la' => 'Los Angeles'


Factory Description
Select(<Array> options) Instantiates a new HTML <select> control given an options Array.


Option Type Default Description
class String '' CSS class(es) attached to the form control's parent <div>.
description String '' Text content that is displayed below the form control; typically used to describe the expected input from the user.
disabled Boolean false <select> disabled attribute.
explanation String '' Text content that is displayed above the form control.
id String value of 'name' option <select> id attribute.
label String '' <label> for <select>. If provided, text header that is displayed above the form control. Otherwise, the value of the 'name' option is displayed.
message String 'Please select an option from the menu' Text content that is displayed when the form control is invalid.
name String '' <select> name attribute.
options Array [] Associative array of choices in the <select> menu. The array key is the data value sent to the server when that option is selected; the array value is the text that is shown in each of the menu choices. To display a nested grouping of options (<optgroup>), use an associative array for the array value.
required Boolean false <select> required attribute.
selected String '' <option> selected attribute. Set the value to the array key of the option to be selected by default when page loads.

Options in bold are required.

Special Attributes

The following <select> attribute will trigger validation when set:

  • required


Used to create an HTML <textarea>.

Usage example

$name = new Textarea([
    'name' => 'comments'


Factory Description
Textarea(<Array> options) Instantiates a new HTML <textarea> control given an options Array.


Option Type Default Description
class String '' CSS class(es) attached to the form control's parent <div>.
cols Integer null <textarea> cols attribute.
description String '' Text content that is displayed below the form control; typically used to describe the expected input from the user. Automatically set to number of chars. required if 'minlength'/'maxlength' is set and this option has not been set.
disabled Boolean false <textarea> disabled attribute.
explanation String '' Text content that is displayed above the form control.
id String value of 'name' option <textarea> id attribute.
label String '' <label> for <textarea>. If provided, text header that is displayed above the form control. Otherwise, the value of the 'name' option is displayed.
maxlength Integer null <textarea> maxlength attribute.
message String 'Please provide a valid response' Text content that is displayed when the form control is invalid. If you set 'minlength'/'maxlength' values, and you haven't set a custom message, a note will be automatically appended to the default message explaining this requirement.
minlength Integer null <textarea> minlength attribute.
name String '' <textarea> name attribute.
placeholder String '' <textarea> placeholder attribute.
required Boolean false <textarea> required attribute.
rows Integer 4 <textarea> rows attribute.
value String '' Initial <textarea> value.

Options in bold are required.

Special Attributes

The following <textarea> attributes will trigger validation when set:

  • maxwidth
  • minwidth
  • required


pretty-checkbox.css and code inspired by Bootstrap are used to enhance the user interface of form elements. autop preserves formatting of line breaks for <textarea> fields in the results summary. This library also uses cloud-hosted versions of 1) MapQuest PlaceSearch.js for single field 'address' type <input> controls and 2) flatpickr for 'datetime' type <input> controls.