This script creates a snapshot in a DellEMC Isilon system for the path of a defined SMB share. The snapshot is presented in the subfolder .snapshots of the share. Latest version 1.4
Example: .\Invoke-IsilonNASBackup.ps1 -IsilonName "" -IsilonCluster "isilon01" -IsilonShare "VeeamShare" -IsilonCredentialFile 'C:\Scripts\isilon-system-credentials.xml' -IsilonSnapExpireDays "2"
This Script removes a snapshot in a DellEMC Isilon system. Latest version: 1.0
Example: .\Remove-IsilonNASSnapshot.ps1 -IsilonName '' -IsilonCluster 'isiloncl01' -SnapshotName 'Veeam-system-hidden$' -IsilonCredentialFile 'C:\Scripts\isilon-system-credentials.xml'
Hugh kodos go to Christopher Banck who created the PowerShell Module for Isilon which is used by this script: Based on by Marco Horstmann ([email protected]) Important: IsilonPlatform and SSLValidation are required to run this here successfully and can be found here:
.\Invoke-IsilonNASBackup_v1.4.ps1 -IsilonName "" -IsilonCluster "isiloncl01" -IsilonAccessZone "demo01" -IsilonShare "az01share01" -IsilonCredentialFile 'C:\Scripts\isilon-system-credentials.xml' -IsilonSnapExpireDays "2"