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CGRateS Module

   Table of Contents

   1. Admin Guide

        1.1. Overview
        1.2. Authorization
        1.3. Accounting
        1.4. Other Commands
        1.5. CGRateS Failover
        1.6. CGRateS Compatibility
        1.7. Dependencies

              1.7.1. OpenSIPS Modules
              1.7.2. External Libraries or Applications

        1.8. Exported Parameters

              1.8.1. cgrates_engine (string)
              1.8.2. bind_ip (string)
              1.8.3. max_async_connections (integer)
              1.8.4. retry_timeout (integer)
              1.8.5. compat_mode (integer)

        1.9. Exported Functions

              1.9.1. cgrates_acc([flags[, account[, destination[,

              1.9.2. cgrates_auth([account[, destination[,

              1.9.3. cgrates_cmd(command[, session])

        1.10. Exported Pseudo-Variables

              1.10.1. $cgr(name) / $(cgr(name)[session])
              1.10.2. $cgr_opt(name) / $(cgr_opt(name)[session])
              1.10.3. $cgr_ret(name)

        1.11. Exported Asynchronous Functions

              1.11.1. cgrates_auth([account[, destination[,

              1.11.2. cgrates_cmd(command[, session])

   2. Contributors

        2.1. By Commit Statistics
        2.2. By Commit Activity

   3. Documentation

        3.1. Contributors

   List of Tables

   2.1. Top contributors by DevScore^(1), authored commits^(2) and
          lines added/removed^(3)

   2.2. Most recently active contributors^(1) to this module

   List of Examples

   1.1. Set cgrates_engine parameter
   1.2. Set bind_ip parameter
   1.3. Set max_async_connections parameter
   1.4. Set retry_timeout parameter
   1.5. Set compat_mode parameter
   1.6. cgrates_acc() usage
   1.7. cgrates_auth() usage
   1.8. cgrates_auth() usage with attributes parsing
   1.9. cgrates_cmd() usage
   1.10. $cgr(name) simple usage
   1.11. $cgr(name) multiple sessions usage
   1.12. $cgr_opt(name) usage
   1.13. $cgr_ret(name) usage
   1.14. async cgrates_auth usage
   1.15. async cgrates_cmd compat_mode usage
   1.16. async cgrates_cmd new usage

Chapter 1. Admin Guide

1.1. Overview

   CGRateS is an open-source rating engine used for carrier-grade,
   multi-tenant, real-time billing. It is able to do both postpaid
   and prepaid rating for multiple concurrent sessions
   with different balance units (eg: Monetary, SMS, Internet
   Traffic). CGRateS can also export accurate CDRs in various

   This module can be used to communicate with the CGRates engine
   in order to do call authorization and accounting for billing
   purposes. The OpenSIPS module does not do any billing by
   itself, but provides an interface to communicate with the
   CGRateS engine using efficient JSON-RPC APIs in both
   synchronous and asynchronous ways. For each command the user
   can provide a set of parameters that will be forwarded to the
   CGRateS engine, using the $cgr() variable. You can find usage
   examples in the following sections.

   The module also has support for multiple parallel billing
   sessions to CGRateS. This can be useful in scenarios that
   involve complex billing logic, such as double billing (both
   customer and carrier billing), or multi-leg calls
   (serial/parallel forking). Each billing session is independent
   and has a specific tag that can be use throughout the call

   The module can be used to implement the following features:

1.2. Authorization

   The authorization is used to check if an account is allowed to
   start a new call and it has enough credit to call to that
   destination. This is done using the cgrates_auth() command,
   which returns the number of seconds a call is allowed to run in
   the $cgr_ret pseudo-variable.

   Usage example:
                if (cgrates_auth("$fU", "$rU"))
                        xlog("Call is allowed to run $cgr_ret seconds\n"

1.3. Accounting

   The accounting mode is used to start and stop a CGRateS
   session. This can be used for both prepaid and postpaid
   billing. The cgrates_acc() function starts the CGRateS session
   when the call is answered (the 200 OK message is received) and
   ends it when the call is ended (a BYE message is received).
   This is done automatically using the dialog module.

   Note that it is important to first authorize the call (using
   the cgrates_auth() command) before starting accounting. If you
   do not do this and the user is not authorized to call, the
   dialog will be immediately closed, resulting in a 0-duration
   call. If the call is allowed to go on, the dialog lifetime will
   be set to the duration indicated by the CGRateS engine.
   Therefore, the dialog will be automatically ended if the call
   would have been longer.

   After the call is ended (by a BYE message), the CGRateS session
   is also ended. At this point, you can generate a CDR. To do
   this, you have to set the cdr flag to the cgrates_acc()
   command. CDRs can also be generated for missed calls by using
   the missed flag.

   Usage example:
                if (!cgrates_auth("$fU", "$rU")) {
                        sl_send_reply(403, "Forbidden");
                xlog("Call is allowed to run $cgr_ret seconds\n");
                # do accounting for this call
                cgrates_acc("cdr", "$fU", "$rU");

   Note that when using the cdr flag, CDRs are exported by the
   CGRateS engine in various formats, not by OpenSIPS. Check the
   CGRateS documentation for more information.

1.4. Other Commands

   You can use the cgrates_cmd() to send arbitrary commands to the
   CGRateS engine, and use the $cgr_ret pseudo-variable to
   retrieve the response.

   The following example simulates the cgrates_auth() CGRateS
                $cgr_opt(Tenant) = $fd; # or $cgr(Tenant) = $fd; /* in c
ompat mode */
                $cgr(Account) = $fU;
                $cgr(OriginID) = $ci;
                $cgr(SetupTime) = "" + $Ts;
                $cgr(RequestType) = "*prepaid";
                $cgr(Destination) = $rU;
                xlog("Call is allowed to run $cgr_ret(MaxUsage) seconds\

1.5. CGRateS Failover

   Multiple CGRateS engines can be provisioned to use in a
   failover manner: in case one engine is down, the next one is
   used. Currently there is no load balancing logic between the
   servers, but this is a feature one of the CGRateS component
   does starting with newer versions.

   Each CGRateS engine has assigned up to max_async_connections
   connections, plus one used for synchronous commands. If a
   connection fails (due to network issues, or server issues), it
   is marked as closed and a new one is tried. If all connections
   to that engine are down, then the entire engine is marked as
   disabled, and a new engine is queried. After an engine is down
   for more than retry_timeout seconds, OpenSIPS tries to connect
   once again to that server. If it succeeds, that server is
   enabled. Otherwise, the other engines are used, until none is
   available and the command fails.

1.6. CGRateS Compatibility

   The module supports two different versions of CGRateS: the
   compat_mode one, which works with pre-rc8 releases, and a new
   one which works with the post-rc8 releases. The difference
   between the two versions consist in the way the requests and
   responses to and from CGRateS are built. In the
   non-compat_mode/new version, a new variable, $cgr_opt(), is
   available, and can be used to tune the request options. This
   variable should not be used in compat_mode mode to avoid
   abiguities, but if it is used, it behaves exactly as $cgr(). By
   default compat_mode is disabled.

1.7. Dependencies

1.7.1. OpenSIPS Modules

   The following modules must be loaded before this module:
     * dialog -- in case CGRateS accounting is used.

1.7.2. External Libraries or Applications

   The following libraries or applications must be installed
   before running OpenSIPS with this module loaded:
     * libjson

1.8. Exported Parameters

1.8.1. cgrates_engine (string)

   This parameter is used to specify a CGRateS engine connection.
   The format is IP[:port]. The port is optional, and if missing,
   2014 is used.

   This parameter can have multiple values, for each server used
   for failover. At least one server should be provisioned.

   Default value is “None”.

   Example 1.1. Set cgrates_engine parameter
modparam("cgrates", "cgrates_engine", "")
modparam("cgrates", "cgrates_engine", "")

1.8.2. bind_ip (string)

   IP used to bind the socket that communicates with the CGRateS
   engines. This is useful to set when the engine is runing in a
   local, secure LAN, and you want to use that network to
   communicate with your servers. The parameter is optional.

   Default value is “not set - any IP is used”.

   Example 1.2. Set bind_ip parameter
modparam("cgrates", "bind_ip", "")

1.8.3. max_async_connections (integer)

   The maximum number of simultaneous asynchronous connections to
   a CGRateS engine.

   Default value is “10”.

   Example 1.3. Set max_async_connections parameter
modparam("cgrates", "max_async_connections", 20)

1.8.4. retry_timeout (integer)

   The number of seconds after which a disabled connection/engine
   is retried.

   Default value is “60”.

   Example 1.4. Set retry_timeout parameter
modparam("cgrates", "retry_timeout", 120)

1.8.5. compat_mode (integer)

   Indicates whether OpenSIPS should use the old (compat_mode)
   CGRateS version API (pre-rc8).

   Default value is “false (0)”.

   Example 1.5. Set compat_mode parameter
modparam("cgrates", "compat_mode", 1)

1.9. Exported Functions

1.9.1.  cgrates_acc([flags[, account[, destination[, session]]]])

   cgrates_acc() starts an accounting session on the CGRateS
   engine for the current dialog. It also ends the session when
   the dialog is ended. This function requires a dialog, so in
   case create_dialog() was not previously used, it will
   internally call that function.

   Note that the cgrates_acc() function does not send any message
   to the CGRateS engine when it is called, but only when the call
   is answered and the CGRateS session should be started (a 200 OK
   message is received).

   When called in REQUEST_ROUTE or FAILURE_ROUTE, accounting for
   this session is done for all the branches created. When called
   in BRANCH_ROUTE or ONREPLY_ROUTE, acccounting is done only if
   that branch is successful (terminates with a 2xx reply code).

   The cgrates_acc() function should only be called on initial
   INVITEs. For more infirmation check Section 1.3, “Accounting”.

   Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
     * flags (string, optional) - indicates whether OpenSIPS
       should generate a CDR at the end of the call. If the
       parameter is missing, no CDR is generated - the session is
       only passed through CGRateS. The following values can be
       used, separated by '|':
          + cdr - also generate a CDR;
          + missed - generate a CDR even for missed calls; this
            flag only makes sense if the cdr flag is used;
     * account (string, optional) - the account that will be
       charged in CGrateS. If not specified, the user in the From
       header is used.
     * destination (string, optional) - the dialled number. If not
       present the request URI user is used.
     * session (string, optional) - the tag of the session that
       will be started if the branch/call completes with success.
       This parameter indicates what set of data from the $cgr()
       variable should be considered. If missing, the default set
       is used.

   The function can return the following values:
     * 1 - successful call - the CGRateS accouting was
       successfully setup for the call.
     * -1 - OpenSIPS returned an internal error (i.e. the dialog
       cannot be created, or the server is out of memory).
     * -2 - the SIP message is invalid: either it has missing
       headers, or it is not an initial INVITE.

   This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE, FAILURE_ROUTE,

   Example 1.6. cgrates_acc() usage
                if (!has_totag()) {
                        if (cgrates_auth($fU, $rU))
                                cgrates_acc("cdr|missed", $fU, $rU);

1.9.2.  cgrates_auth([account[, destination[, session]]])

   cgrates_auth() does call authorization through using the
   CGRateS engine.

   Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
     * account (string, optional) - the account that will be
       checked in CGrateS. If not specified, the user in the From
       header is used.
     * destination (string, optional) - the dialled number. If not
       present the request URI user is used.
     * session (string, optional) - the tag of the session that
       will be started if the branch/call completes with success.
       This parameter indicates what set of data from the $cgr()
       variable should be considered. If missing, the default set
       is used.

   The function can return the following values:
     * 1 - successful call - the CGRateS account is allowed to
       make the call.
     * -1 - OpenSIPS returned an internal error (i.e. server is
       out of memory).
     * -2 - the CGRateS engine returned error.
     * -3 - No suitable CGRateS server found. message type (not an
       initial INVITE).
     * -4 - the SIP message is invalid: either it has missing
       headers, or it is not an initial INVITE.
     * -5 - CGRateS returned an invalid message.

   This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE, FAILURE_ROUTE,

   Example 1.7. cgrates_auth() usage
                if (!has_totag()) {
                        if (!cgrates_auth($fU, $rU)) {
                                sl_send_reply(403, "Forbidden");

   Example 1.8. cgrates_auth() usage with attributes parsing
                if (!has_totag()) {
                        $cgr_opt(GetAttributes) = 1;
                        if (!cgrates_auth($fU, $rU)) {
                                sl_send_reply(403, "Forbidden");
                        # move attributes from AttributesDigest variable
 to plain AVPs
                        $var(idx) = 0;
                        while ($(cgr_ret(AttributesDigest){,$var
(idx),,}) != NULL) {
                                        = $(cgr_ret(AttributesDigest){s.
                                $var(idx) = $var(idx) + 1;

1.9.3.  cgrates_cmd(command[, session])

   cgrates_cmd() can send arbitrary commands to the CGRateS

   Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
     * command (string) - the command sent to the CGRateS engine.
     * session (string, optional) - the tag of the session that
       will be started if the branch/call completes with success.
       This parameter indicates what set of data from the $cgr()
       variable should be considered. If missing, the default set
       is used.

   The function can return the following values:
     * 1 - successful call - the CGRateS account is allowed to
       make the call.
     * -1 - OpenSIPS returned an internal error (i.e. server is
       out of memory).
     * -2 - the CGRateS engine returned error.
     * -3 - No suitable CGRateS server found. message type (not an
       initial INVITE).

   This function can be used from any route.

   Example 1.9. cgrates_cmd() usage
                # cgrates_auth($fU, $rU); simulation
                $cgr_opt(Tenant) = $fd;
                $cgr(Account) = $fU;
                $cgr(OriginID) = $ci;
                $cgr(SetupTime) = "" + $Ts;
                $cgr(RequestType) = "*prepaid";
                $cgr(Destination) = $rU;
                xlog("Call is allowed to run $cgr_ret seconds\n");

1.10. Exported Pseudo-Variables

1.10.1. $cgr(name) / $(cgr(name)[session])

   Pseudo-variable used to set different parameters for the
   CGRateS command. Each name-value pair will be encoded as a
   string - value attribute in the JSON message sent to CGRateS.

   The name-values pairs are stored in the transaction (if tm
   module is loaded). Therefore the values are accessible in the

   When the cgrates_acc() function is called, all the name-value
   pairs are moved in the dialog. Therefore the values will be
   accessible along the dialog's lifetime.

   This variable consists of serveral sets of name-value pairs.
   Each set corresponds to a session. The variable can be indexed
   by a session tag. The sets are completely indepdendent from one
   another. if the session tag does not exist, the default (no
   name) one is used.

   When assigned with the := operator, the value is treated as a
   JSON, rather than a string/integer. However, the evaluation of
   the JSON is late, therefore when the CGRateS request is built,
   if the module is unable to parse the JSON, the value is sent as
   a string.

   Example 1.10. $cgr(name) simple usage
                if (!has_totag()) {
                        $cgr_opt(Tenant) = $fd; # set the From domain as
 a tenant
                        $cgr(RequestType) = "*prepaid"; # do prepaid acc
                        $cgr(AttributeIDs) := '["+5551234"]'; # treat as
                        if (!cgrates_auth("$fU", "$rU")) {
                                sl_send_reply(403, "Forbidden");

   Example 1.11. $cgr(name) multiple sessions usage
                if (!has_totag()) {
                        # first session - authorize the user
                        $cgr_opt(Tenant) = $fd; # set the From domain as
 a tenant
                        $cgr(RequestType) = "*prepaid"; # do prepaid acc
                        if (!cgrates_auth("$fU", "$rU")) {
                                sl_send_reply(403, "Forbidden");

                        # second session - authorize the carrier
                        $(cgr_opt(Tenant)[carrier]) = $td;
                        $(cgr(RequestType)[carrier]) = "*postpaid";
                        if (!cgrates_auth("$tU", "$fU", "carrier")) {
                                # use a different carrier

                        # if everything is successful start accounting o
n both
                        cgrates_acc("cdr", "$fU", "rU");
                        cgrates_acc("cdr", "$tU", "$fU", "carrier");

1.10.2. $cgr_opt(name) / $(cgr_opt(name)[session])

   Used to tune the request parameter of a CGRateS request when
   used in non-compat_mode.

   Note: for all request options integer values act as boolean
   values: 0 disables the feature and 1(or different than 0 value)
   enables it. String variables are passed just as they are set.

   Possible values at the time the documentation was written:
     * Tenant - tune CGRateS Tenant.
     * GetAttributes - requests the account attributes from the
       CGRateS DB.
     * GetMaxUsage - request the maximum time the call is allowed
       to run.
     * GetSuppliers - request an array with all the suppliers for
       that can terminate that call.

   Example 1.12. $cgr_opt(name) usage
                $cgr_opt(Tenant) = "";
                $cgr_opt(GetMaxUsage) = 1; # also retrieve the max usage
                if (!cgrates_auth("$fU", "$rU")) {
                        # call rejected

1.10.3. $cgr_ret(name)

   Returns the reply message of a CGRateS command in script, or
   when used in the non-compat mode, one of the objects within the

   Example 1.13. $cgr_ret(name) usage
                cgrates_auth("$fU", "$rU");

                # in compat mode
                xlog("Call is allowed to run $cgr_ret seconds\n");

                # in non-compat mode
                xlog("Call is allowed to run $cgr_ret(MaxUsage) seconds\

1.11. Exported Asynchronous Functions

1.11.1.  cgrates_auth([account[, destination[, session]]])

   Does the CGRateS authorization call in an asynchronous way.
   Script execution is suspended until the CGRateS engine sends
   the reply back.

   Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
     * account - the account that will be checked in CGRateS. This
       parameter is optional, and if not specified, the user in
       the From header is used.
     * destination - the dialled number. Optional parameter, if
       not present the request URI user is used.
     * session - the tag of the session that will be started if
       the branch/call completes with success. This parameter
       indicates what set of data from the $cgr() variable should
       be considered. If missing, the default set is used.

   The function can return the following values:
     * 1 - successful call - the CGRateS account is allowed to
       make the call.
     * -1 - OpenSIPS returned an internal error (i.e. server is
       out of memory).
     * -2 - the CGRateS engine returned error.
     * -3 - No suitable CGRateS server found. message type (not an
       initial INVITE).
     * -4 - the SIP message is invalid: either it has missing
       headers, or it is not an initial INVITE.
     * -5 - CGRateS returned an invalid message.

   Example 1.14. async cgrates_auth usage
route {
        async(cgrates_auth("$fU", "$rU"), auth_reply);

route [auth_reply]
        if ($rc < 0) {
                xlog("Call not authorized: code=$cgr_ret!\n");
                send_reply(403, "Forbidden");

1.11.2.  cgrates_cmd(command[, session])

   Can run an arbitrary CGRateS command in an asynchronous way.
   The execution is suspended until the CGRateS engine sends the
   reply back.

   Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
     * command - the command sent to the CGRateS engine. This is a
       mandatory parameter.
     * session - the tag of the session that will be started if
       the branch/call completes with success. This parameter
       indicates what set of data from the $cgr() variable should
       be considered. If missing, the default set is used.

   The function can return the following values:
     * 1 - successful call - the CGRateS account is allowed to
       make the call.
     * -1 - OpenSIPS returned an internal error (i.e. server is
       out of memory).
     * -2 - the CGRateS engine returned error.
     * -3 - No suitable CGRateS server found. message type (not an
       initial INVITE).

   Example 1.15. async cgrates_cmd compat_mode usage
route {
        $cgr(Tenant) = $fd;
        $cgr(Account) = $fU;
        $cgr(OriginID) = $ci;
        $cgr(SetupTime) = "" + $Ts;
        $cgr(RequestType) = "*prepaid";
        $cgr(Destination) = $rU;
        async(cgrates_cmd("SMGenericV1.GetMaxUsage"), auth_reply);

route [auth_reply]
        if ($rc < 0) {
                xlog("Call not authorized: code=$cgr_ret!\n");
                send_reply(403, "Forbidden");

   Example 1.16. async cgrates_cmd new usage
route {
        $cgr_opt(Tenant) = $fd;
        $cgr(Account) = $fU;
        $cgr(OriginID) = $ci;
        $cgr(SetupTime) = "" + $Ts;
        $cgr(RequestType) = "*prepaid";
        $cgr(Destination) = $rU;
        async(cgrates_cmd("SessionSv1.AuthorizeEventWithDigest"), auth_r

route [auth_reply]
        if ($rc < 0) {
                xlog("Call not authorized: MaxUsage=$cgr_ret(MaxUsage)!\
                send_reply(403, "Forbidden");

Chapter 2. Contributors

2.1. By Commit Statistics

   Table 2.1. Top contributors by DevScore^(1), authored
   commits^(2) and lines added/removed^(3)
     Name DevScore Commits Lines ++ Lines --
   1. Razvan Crainea (@razvancrainea) 189 97 7241 1854
   2. Vlad Patrascu (@rvlad-patrascu) 16 10 138 190
   3. Liviu Chircu (@liviuchircu) 14 11 56 65
   4. Maksym Sobolyev (@sobomax) 7 5 18 18
   5. Bogdan-Andrei Iancu (@bogdan-iancu) 6 4 20 21
   6. wuhanck 3 1 3 3
   7. James Stanley 3 1 1 1
   8. Bradley Jokinen 2 1 6 0
   9. Razvan 2 1 4 0

   (1) DevScore = author_commits + author_lines_added /
   (project_lines_added / project_commits) + author_lines_deleted
   / (project_lines_deleted / project_commits)

   (2) including any documentation-related commits, excluding
   merge commits. Regarding imported patches/code, we do our best
   to count the work on behalf of the proper owner, as per the
   "fix_authors" and "mod_renames" arrays in
   opensips/doc/ If you identify any
   patches/commits which do not get properly attributed to you,
   please submit a pull request which extends "fix_authors" and/or

   (3) ignoring whitespace edits, renamed files and auto-generated

2.2. By Commit Activity

   Table 2.2. Most recently active contributors^(1) to this module
                     Name                   Commit Activity
   1. Liviu Chircu (@liviuchircu)         Nov 2017 - Apr 2024
   2. Maksym Sobolyev (@sobomax)          Jul 2017 - Nov 2023
   3. Razvan Crainea (@razvancrainea)     Dec 2016 - Nov 2023
   4. James Stanley                       Mar 2023 - Mar 2023
   5. Vlad Patrascu (@rvlad-patrascu)     May 2017 - Mar 2023
   6. Bogdan-Andrei Iancu (@bogdan-iancu) Mar 2017 - Mar 2020
   7. Razvan                              Dec 2018 - Dec 2018
   8. wuhanck                             Apr 2018 - Apr 2018
   9. Bradley Jokinen                     Jul 2017 - Jul 2017

   (1) including any documentation-related commits, excluding
   merge commits

Chapter 3. Documentation

3.1. Contributors

   Last edited by: Liviu Chircu (@liviuchircu), Razvan Crainea
   (@razvancrainea), Vlad Patrascu (@rvlad-patrascu).

   Documentation Copyrights:

   Copyright © 2017 Răzvan Crainea