- Fixed a bug in
that was preventing the deconstruction of alignments prior to kmer counting. Thanks to Prof. Gianluigi Cardinali for the bug report
- Specified previous version of set.seed sampler with RNGversion() calls
- Added "central", "centroid" and "farthest" options for OTU clustering
- Increased sequence hashing speed
- Edits made to vignette to improve clarity
- Enforced a maximum kmer size of 12 for DNA to avoid overflow
Resolved bug in kcount where sequence disambiguation was prevented by sapply failing to simplify NULL values.
Enabled users to manually control compression of amino acid sequences in kcount via new 'compress' argument. Thanks to Thomas Shafee for suggestion.
- Fixed bug in otu that prevented additional arguments being passed to nested functions via "dots".
- Sumbitted to CRAN 2018-03-05.